Monday, March 17, 2008


My calf is calling.

Went for a 3 miler today at lunch. Lungs and legs felt great, except for my right calf, which is super tight now post-run. I originally strained this calf about a year and a half ago during the Burton 5K race. Ever since then, I feel it when I'm even the slightest bit dehydrated. My calf is like the canary in the mine early warning system for dehydration. Unfortunately, this time I kept running and now it's tightened up pretty good. The plan is to drink up (including beers tonight -- it is St. Patty's day!) and possibly rest it tomorrow.

The good news is that everything else felt good during this run. After China, just being outside with a blue sky is a bonus. And after a very soft month running-wise, my head is finally ready to take on least for today. Let's hope my body comes around.


Agricola said...

Good title and first line.

Beer is a diuretic -- it will not help your hydration, only your soul.

Today, we are both ready to tackle training. See me tomorrow, and I'll let you know how I feel then.

VT Runner said...

My soul feels good this morning. Coffee helps that out, too.

Time to fill the water jug and get real. Looking at putting in a 3 today to test the calf. I'd rather wait until tomorrow, but we have some weather coming in overnight.

Agricola said...

I love coffee . . .

This past weekend notwithstanding, my alcohol consumption has plummeted lately. It's easier to keep weight off, that's for sure.

I'm going to do another three today -- probably in a little bit, rather than later in the day -- I'm trying to move my training time up, back to the mornings.

Good luck, have fun. Im actually looking forward to my run . . . that's a good sign!