Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crisp Spring Day

I got out for 4.7 today. It was a beautiful day -- clear and crisp, mid-40s. It's good running weather. I ran in shorts. My left quad was tight and funky the whole way, and I actually stopped around the three mile mark to stretch it out -- it felt lousy. I'm not sure why and am hoping that it's not related to the ankle injury . . . I wonder if I'm favoring that leg or running in some way that's altering the stride on that side and putting more stress on the quad . . . I don't know. Anyway, I got out.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Good for you for getting out.

I'm writing from Hong Kong, where I have access to see, read and post to the blog. On mainland China, I can't access the actual site, although I could post from the blogspot homepage somehow. Interesting example of censorship.

Anyway, I ran twice during my ten days away. Both were on the treadmill, 3 miles a piece at about an 8:00/mile pace. Not post-worthy, which is why the details are here.

Looking forward to picking things up when I get back. I leave here tomorrow (Friday) and get back Friday night. Can't wait.