Friday, March 14, 2008

So Much

So much for dropping the hammer on training . . . I got out for the first time in a week and did 5 misery racked miles. I'm about three days from bailing on this training thing. My goal, as limited as it is right now, is to do 5 tomorrow and something a bit longer on Sunday. We'll see, if I can do that then I'll take next week as it comes and work hard to get back on this horse. Miserable.


Agricola said...

Got noting in this past weekend.
I helped my parents clean out their basement and then yesterday we had my folks over for my dad's b-day and entertained pretty much all day. IT was a blast -- Jameson's and my new smoker pumping out some smoked ribs and brisket and baked beans . . . but no running. I'm going today and tomorrow . . . my plan keeps changing all the time, but we'll see how it goes, i've got something in mind and will just take it day by day -- not worry about all the miles just tackle each run as it comes . . .

That said, a long run on Easter sunday is gonna be tough -- entertaining for ten . . . life happens, it's all good.

one mile at a time.

VT Runner said...

One mile at a time. That is so right. I just looked at the training schedule, and this is where it kicks in. None of the past runs matter. You've been through injuries, crappy weather, and now you're ready to get into it just as the weather will start to turn around. You're rested, and your results will get better fast. I'll send you my schedule so far, so you'll see you're not alone in the lack of running to date.

Come on, man. You can do it, and I need you to do it to help push me through. It starts tomorrow.

Agricola said...

Yeah . . . I know . . . the fact that we're in this together is the only thing that keeps me entertaining the thoughts of getting out there. you'll run faster than I will on race day, that's for sure . . . but we'll both train. As I said, I've got something in mind . . . I'll just execute it, one day and one mile at a time.