Monday, March 24, 2008


So, despite my better judgement, I went snowboarding on Saturday and was rewarded with an unwelcome "pop" in my calf area. No real pain, but something definitely wasn't right. I've done some reading and it seems the best course of action is about a week of rest, stretching, ibuprofen, and some strengthening exercises. That will be my program. Figures that I'm finally mentally ready to run and I can't. The thing with a calf stain is that it doesn't feel that bad. Apparently that's the curse. You feel ok, go for a run and set yourself back.

I'm out for a week. I hope to rebound over the weekend.


Agricola said...

We're doomed!

Easter kept me off the road and in the kitchen, cooking . . . it was fun, but not useful for training.

Hope you feel better -- I'm heading out this afternoon -- I just got done with jury duty, and got out of having to serve on a medical malpractice trial: SNOOOOOOOORRRRRRRE! Off to run the wine, lamb and courtroom out my system.

VT Runner said...

I hear you. I ate and ate and ate and ate some more over the weekend. It was fun, but now I really need the run. It's taking discipline not to get out there, which is a strange twist.

So now, I'm trying to arrange a night out for beers with some guys I played hockey with because one of them is a physical therapist. I want some free advice...or maybe I'm just rationalizing the desire to continue on the caloric cluster from the weekend.

Have a good run.