Took a quick run today, did my short route. It was fine. This week is all about rhythm for me -- just get back to going, and then work on the mileage. I'm looking forward to each run a bit more each time -- I'm coming around! However, I stepped on a rock about two miles out and jammed my ankle -- yes the one I hurt in November. What are the odds, of stepping on a rock in the street, twice on the same ankle that you hurt already? In my case, it's at least the second time I've jammed it . . . I walked it off a bit, and it was OK. We're off to Florida tomorrow evening so it will be nice to run in some warm weather.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thursday Three Three
Posted by
10:35 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, ankle injuries, March
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Quick Post
I didn't get out Monday but did get out Tuesday for a brisk three. I wanted to do five today but didn't get it in. Things should open up for me so I'll do 5 tomorrow and 3 Friday. We're heading to Florida Friday night so I hope to get a few runs in in warm weather -- we'll see how my winter thickened blood does in 80 F temps. I'm actually bummed about missing today, but am glad -- I want to run again and that's a good thing. I'm looking forward to running and while I may not be ready for the VT 'thon, I should at least give it a good training whirl and finish at least half of it.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, March
Monday, March 24, 2008
So, despite my better judgement, I went snowboarding on Saturday and was rewarded with an unwelcome "pop" in my calf area. No real pain, but something definitely wasn't right. I've done some reading and it seems the best course of action is about a week of rest, stretching, ibuprofen, and some strengthening exercises. That will be my program. Figures that I'm finally mentally ready to run and I can't. The thing with a calf stain is that it doesn't feel that bad. Apparently that's the curse. You feel ok, go for a run and set yourself back.
I'm out for a week. I hope to rebound over the weekend.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:50 AM
Labels: calf strain, og running, VTRunner
Friday, March 21, 2008
I just ran 3.3 into a stiff headwind -- I was shooting for 4 but bailed and did my short loop. The first half of the run felt like running uphill even though it's fairly flat once you finish the first 1/2 mile. It's pretty wild how a headwind will slow you down -- I'm not the most aerodynamic person in the world, to be sure, but I can't believe how a stiff headwind makes me feel like the side of a house. It was a pretty evening with golden light and blue sky but quite chilly -- I bookended the week with pretty runs. I almost stepped on a little dead nuthatch -- that would have been gross.
Posted by
5:24 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, birds, March, wind
Lots of Thinking
So . . . I've been sitting around a lot and thinking. Not running much, not motivated to do so even though I've got 26.2 miles all at once, in my future. I get bursts of motivation but they fade. See, I'm in a weird spot: I'm between gigs; Mrs. A is busy as anything so I'm being Mr. Mom and there is no rhythm, for me anyway to the domestic day. I am definitely a creature of habit, and rhythm. I need badly to get back to work, to eat up some time and get me on a schedule again so that I use my time more wisely.
As far as motivation, I'm not sure what my issue is. I think it's tied into the out- of-work-thing. It's draining to be unemployed and even if I'm not spending all day job searching it's always in my head and it's exhausting. I've got a couple of really good leads and I'm hopeful that I can nail something down, soon. Also on the motivation front something hit me last evening after returning from a meeting: I'm tired of my current state of running mediocrity. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, I've been licking the lollipop of mediocrity a bit too much and I'm on the verge of sucking. I can't have that. I'm going out today when Mrs. A gets back from her meeting -- three or four, just to get out. It's cold and the wind is honking (to use an old sailing term), but I'll get something in.
I also just read a post on a blog that I discovered today (through another blog I follow) called the Art of Manliness. The article is the Warrior's Guide to True Manliness, and it's terrific -- read the article, but here are the paragraph heading from the four meat-of-the-article paragraphs:
- Master Your Body
- Use Death as your Guide
- Choose the Path with Heart
- Fight Every Battle as if it was Your Last
I'm looking for anything that I can right now, and this seems like a pretty good start. Thanks for hearing me out, I'm just trying to get my head on straight and get into this again.
Posted by
3:34 PM
Labels: Agricola, info share, motivation
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Rain, rain
Rain, rain go away
I want to run outside today
With the snow and sleet and rain
Will I ever run outside again?
-- Getting out of shape in VT.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:11 AM
Labels: VTRunner, weather challenges
Monday, March 17, 2008
Late Afternoon
I did 3.3 at about 5 PM today. It was cold. It was windy. The sky was cloudless and beautiful blue. The shadows were long. The light was golden. It was a nice run. I'll try and go again tomorrow morning, and do three more. The legs felt OK, today. The lungs were not where I'd like them, but I'll get my wind back.
Posted by
7:46 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, March
My calf is calling.
Went for a 3 miler today at lunch. Lungs and legs felt great, except for my right calf, which is super tight now post-run. I originally strained this calf about a year and a half ago during the Burton 5K race. Ever since then, I feel it when I'm even the slightest bit dehydrated. My calf is like the canary in the mine early warning system for dehydration. Unfortunately, this time I kept running and now it's tightened up pretty good. The plan is to drink up (including beers tonight -- it is St. Patty's day!) and possibly rest it tomorrow.
The good news is that everything else felt good during this run. After China, just being outside with a blue sky is a bonus. And after a very soft month running-wise, my head is finally ready to take on least for today. Let's hope my body comes around.
Posted by
VT Runner
2:09 PM
Labels: Marathon training, vt runner
Friday, March 14, 2008
So Much
So much for dropping the hammer on training . . . I got out for the first time in a week and did 5 misery racked miles. I'm about three days from bailing on this training thing. My goal, as limited as it is right now, is to do 5 tomorrow and something a bit longer on Sunday. We'll see, if I can do that then I'll take next week as it comes and work hard to get back on this horse. Miserable.
Posted by
10:06 AM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, March
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Crisp Spring Day
I got out for 4.7 today. It was a beautiful day -- clear and crisp, mid-40s. It's good running weather. I ran in shorts. My left quad was tight and funky the whole way, and I actually stopped around the three mile mark to stretch it out -- it felt lousy. I'm not sure why and am hoping that it's not related to the ankle injury . . . I wonder if I'm favoring that leg or running in some way that's altering the stride on that side and putting more stress on the quad . . . I don't know. Anyway, I got out.
Posted by
5:34 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, ankle injuries, March
China test run
I'm having trouble viewing the blog from China. I wonder if I can post?
(not that I've run here or anything)
Posted by
VT Runner
3:39 AM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Windy Four
I went out for a four miler today. It was windy but not too cold, low to mid-40s. I got a nice boost from a tailwind in a portion of the last mile, but turned the final corner and got a good blast of headwind in the final 200 yards. Nothing much to report. My legs were pretty sore after Sunday, and my ankle feels less than perfect -- Sunday night I walked up the stairs and something was grinding in the ankle -- like a tendon over bone, I don't know, I'm not an orthopedist -- it didn't really hurt, but it felt uncomfortable and sort of gross. It felt alright today, and OK right now. We'll see.
Posted by
9:58 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, ankle injuries, March
Monday, March 3, 2008
On The Road Again
I got out and did 6 miles yesterday. VTR called and left a message, and Mrs. A told me to get out there so I did. I was not inspired but I went out and ran pretty well. My legs are tired today, and I didn't feel great in the gut when it was over, but it was good to be out there because it was a beautiful day.
I was sick two weeks ago and totally in a running funk last week. The admission that I promised last week is this: I don't like training for marathons. Mrs. A says I'm over-thinking which I probably am -- it happens when between gigs. So, I'm back to it, more or less, we'll see how it goes and maybe I'll use VTRs two weeks overseas to really try and drop the hammer so that I can make some strides and get in better shape than he.
I stopped twice, briefly, on my run. My left quad was tightening up in one specific area, which is the sorest part of either leg today, so I stopped and stretched it out about 3/4-mile from home. The other stop occurred towards the middle of my run. Some folks have tapped the Sugar Maples on their property and I wanted to check out the setup. They are using these big blue bags that hang off of metal bars that hang off of a little spigot driven into the tree. The bags were quite full, slushy on top and liquid beneath and there was a good amount of sap dripping from the little spigots. There is a huge maple at the center of the property -- probably 10 feet in circumference -- and it had a bunch of very full bags on it. I know VTR has plenty of sugar stands around him, but they are a bit more rare in west-suburban-Boston. That was pretty cool.
Posted by
8:54 AM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, March, Sugar Maples
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I ran 10.5 miles today. It was a beautiful morning to be up and out in VT. The air was brisk to say the least, but by the end of the run we were glad that we stuck with it and got the outside time in.
I don't have a lot to report on this one. I ran with a friend of Mrs. VTR, and it was good to have a partner out there.
That's it. Check off a long run and a short post. Done and done.
Posted by
VT Runner
4:50 PM
Labels: Marathon training, VTRunner