I recently went hunting with my father-in-law, his buddy, and his dog Lucy. Like the Mt. Mansfield hike, this was some pure Vermont outdoors exercise. We trudged through fields, brush, and thick woods hunting the elusive, wily pheasant for just over two hours -- a solid workout. I actually got some running in, too, chasing a small hen through the underbrush (she got away). It was a great bonding experience and as I've mentioned in the past when talking about hunting, very primal.
Alright, maybe the birds weren't that elusive. (see photo)

Chasing a hen might have been a bit redneck . . . but by and large I think pheasants are a bit fancy to drop you into the Redneck Hunter League. Bow-hunting deer, redneck. Squirrel and 'coon hunting, redneck. Shooting pheasant with a 20 gauge, a bit rarefied, actually. I think you're safe.
I'd love to go shoot some pheasants, I'm just not sure how good I'd be. Maybe next year. Excellent post.
We'd have a blast shooting the birds. I'm sure you'd do great. I just need to get a dog (the #1 excuse to get out and hunt), and we'll be good to go. Oh, and I guess I'd need a gun, too.
Guns would be helpful, but Mrs. AGricola won't permit me to utilize my 2nd Ammendment rights . . .
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