Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Morning Run

I went out for 40 minutes this morning. It was my first morning run in a long time, and it felt good. The best part is knowing that I already got my miles in as I go through my day.

One of the cool things about this run was that there was a bunch of fog low in the valleys. We live half way up a mountain, so I was literally running above the clouds. It was a great visual.

Temp was cool, but not cold. This was the first time I put on the sweats and a long sleeve shirt, but no gloves or numbing that Agricola mentioned.

Nothing more to report from here.


Agricola said...

You hearty Vermonter . . .

I was wearing shorts . . .

So there . . .

And my hands were frozen.

Steve DiMattia said...

Sounds like more than your hands were frozen.

PhatRunner said...

No long sleeves here yet...

What time to run this weekend?

PhatRunner said...

No long sleeves here yet...

What time to run this weekend?

Agricola said...

I don't know, what works for you VTR?

It's supposed to be in the mid-70s this weekend on the Cape. Should we shoot for 7:30 or 8? Let me put a post on the main page and open it up for discussion.