Time: 39:03
Avg HR: 155
Peak HR: 178
Calories: 643
Distance: 4.7
Start Time: 6:36 AM
Training Effect: 4.2
Temp: warm & humid
Date: 9/28/07
It was a gorgeous morning for a run. The eastern horizon was golden as the sun approached the horizon, and the big white moon was setting in the west in a beautiful early morning sky. It was bright, but still not full day light -- the sky was a beautiful blue, somewhere between the navy of pre-dawn and darker than the sky blue of a sun filled day. It was terrific -- the only thing that could have made conditions better better would have been less humidity.
The major thing in my run was that my quads got really tight and I stopped for a bit to try and stretch them out, but it didn't really help. They are still tight, and I'm not sure why. Anyway, I'm going to try and run both days this weekend -- tomorrow to make up for my sloth on Wednesday, and Sunday to start next week right. We'll see how motivated and true to my word I am -- though beautiful weather is predicted and I've got it in my head to run a trail near my house on Sunday.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Sunrise, Moonset
Posted by
10:28 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Post work jaunt
I managed to squeeze in a quick 30 minute run after work and before Mrs. VTR went out for drinks with the girls last night. Nothing remarkable, except I was able to kick it in gear for the back portion of the out and back. 15 minutes for the out, 12 minutes for the back. Short, but fast. It felt good and cleared my head after a hectic day at work.
Posted by
VT Runner
5:24 PM
Labels: Marathon training, vt runner
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I got in a five miler with a colleague yesterday at lunch. Easy pace, good conversation, great weaather.
Missed the lunch run today, but I'm hoping to get one in at 5:00, although the weather is looking ominous.
Nothing more to report.
Posted by
VT Runner
3:43 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Big Weekend
So, we had to bail on the weekend with the Agricola family. Big little VT Runner got sick half way down, so we had to turn around and head back to VT late Friday night. A four hour drive that brought us right back home. Bummer, but we ended up salvaging the weekend with some plans-free family time which is truly a luxury. Of course the kids ended up having strep, but that's another story....
On the running front, I had my biggest weekend probably ever. I got in a 5 miler on Saturday and a whopping 21 miler on Sunday. The long run was great ("great" as in "painful but at least I did it" sense, not as in "fun") because Mrs. VT Runner piled the kids in the car and cheered me on at four different points between miles 11 and 21. I even ran with Big Little VT Runner riding his bike alongside me from miles 19 to 20. One of the biggest hurdles to doing this run was knowing that I'd be spending over 3 hours of prime weekend family time alone on the road. That the entire family rallied and joined in was huge. Without them, I couldn't have done it.
I also had an iPod on me for the second 10.5 mile loop. Mrs. VT Runner downloaded a bunch of NPR content (this american life, morning edition, etc.) because I thought I'd need a distraction. I couldn't bring myself to actually use the thing, though. My thought was that since I wouldn't be using an iPod for the marathon, I shouldn't use one now even though I wanted to listen to the segments. I'm glad I didn't, but I was intrigued by the little battle I was having with myself over giving in to the indulgence of the iPod.
One other point about the run. All last week, my back gradually tightened to the point that I was seriously worried that something was wrong. It wasn't a tweak, just a progression of pain. I thought it might impact my ability to run until Mrs. VTB suggested that I stretch. Novel idea, I know. I did the downward dog pose, and it got right at my tightness. After about a half hour of stretching the hammies, my lower back pain was gone. Now, two days after a 21 mile run I am less stiff and pained than I was all last week. It's amazing what stretching will do. I'm now doing the downward dog and a few other hammy stretches a couple of times a day, and the back pain is gone. Are we really at the age where stretching is becoming mandatory? Yikes.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:44 AM
Labels: long run, Marathon training, stretching, vt runner
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Week
Time: 38:28
Avg HR: 151
Peak HR: 173
Calories: 587
Distance: 4.7
Start Time: 6:36 AM
Training Effect: 4.0
Temp: high-40s
Date: 9/24/07
Well, I let two glorious days go by on CC without a run! VTR and his family had a change of plans at the last minute so we didn't do our long run, and then I did nothing but drink beer and eat badly. I'll let VTR fill in the details.
I got back on the train today and had a good run -- I went a bit mellow, with a nice kick in the last 800 yards or so. It was crisp and chilly and the sun was coming up and the whole experience made me happy to be outside. A Laurie Berkner line kept running through my head: "I woke up today and saw the sunrise . . . " It's a jaunty little kids song and it's a good running tune. I was almost tripped by a helium balloon . . . someone tied a pair of balloons to a soccer ball that was sitting at the corner of their driveway and as I ran by they blew down and started to wrap around my ankle. I stopped and pulled the thing off and avoided some true embarrassment. Tripped by a helium balloon . . .
Posted by
10:24 AM
Labels: Agricola, Running, September, soundtrack
Friday, September 21, 2007
Mindless run
I went for a lunchtime trail run with a buddy/colleague yesterday, and it was one of those times when I literally forgot I was running. We planned to talk shop during the run, which usually means blowing off the "important" stuff and talking about family, plans, etc. instead. This time we actually discussed work issues, and the time flew by. We got to the end of our loop and decided to tack on another 15 minutes. Very cool.
In all we ran for 45 minutes. The pace wasn't great, but it was good enough to sweat. I love it when the legs just kick into autopilot... and I hope we get plenty of that tomorrow morning!
Posted by
VT Runner
10:40 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Late Start
I got a late start this morning -- I didn't even get out the door until 7:02 AM. I slept until until 6:25, rolled out of bed at 6:33 and goofed around with Child Two for a bit -- we had a fun nose-rubbing session. I did my short loop given the time and it was neither my fastest nor my slowest trot. I felt really uncoordinated today for some reason. There was no smoothness to my stride, I felt like I couldn't hold a line and my right leg felt like it was performing differently from my left. It was really wierd, but I got out and some days that's all one can ask for. I want to go out longer on my daily runs which requires getting up and out earlier, but the darkness at 6 AM is thwarting me -- I need to stop sniveling and just get on it!
I'm looking forward to going long this weekend, let's shoot to be out between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM. Phat, you should bring your family along too and all the kids can hang. Afterwards, we can have lunch or whatever.
Time: 26:20
Avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 176
Calories: 441
Distance: 3.8
Start Time: 7:02 AM
Training Effect: 3.7
Temp: high-40s
Date: 9/20/07
Posted by
10:10 AM
40 at 4:00
I missed my morning window, but got in another 40 minutes at 4:00 yesterday. It was a beautiful day, perfect for running.
I felt ok, but got passed by a guy like I was standing still about 10 minutes into the run. By looking at him, the guy should not have passed me so easily, so I stuck with him and had no issues with the stepped up pace. It was yet another reminder of the mental aspect of running. I was basically in la-la land, daydreaming away until he passed me. At that point, I simply chose to run faster and focused on my pace. This worked well while he was leading, but my pace dropped off a bit when I was on my own again. The work wasn't necessarily in the running; it was in remembering to run, not coast.
Anyway, I'm glad I got out. Check it off. Later.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:44 AM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
CC Long Run
OK, so it's Wednesday, 9/19. Phat raises a good question:
What time on Saturday, 9/22?
I checked the weather and it's supposed to be in the mid-70s on Saturday. I say let's go at 7:30 or 8:00 AM. Thoughts?
Posted by
11:17 PM
Labels: Cape Cod, info share
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Morning Run
I went out for 40 minutes this morning. It was my first morning run in a long time, and it felt good. The best part is knowing that I already got my miles in as I go through my day.
One of the cool things about this run was that there was a bunch of fog low in the valleys. We live half way up a mountain, so I was literally running above the clouds. It was a great visual.
Temp was cool, but not cold. This was the first time I put on the sweats and a long sleeve shirt, but no gloves or numbing that Agricola mentioned.
Nothing more to report from here.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:57 AM
Labels: Fog, vt runner; marathon training
Numb Hands
Time: 30.57
Avg HR: 149
Peak HR: 175
Calories: 478
Distance: 3.8
Start Time: 6:49 AM
Training Effect: 3.7
Temp: 40 F
Date: 9/13/07
Today was the coldest morning in a long time -- I put on a long sleeve top and wished I'd had a bit more insulation . . . before I start saying things like "winter's coming . . . blah blah blah . . . " let me just say that it's supposed to warm up again at the end of the week and then get chilly again. My hands were pretty numb today at the end of my trot, and, actually, feeling and normal movement didn't return until after my shower -- my joints were stiff from the cold. I had a little forgetfulness today: I was running along, thinking that I'd do my 4 mile loop but I got the cut-through street wrong (how many times have I run that route?). As I made my turn I was surprised at how quickly I arrived at the street -- that's because it was the wrong street, two blocks short of where I wanted to turn. I guess I wasn't fully awake yet. Another thing about today's run was that pebbles kept getting stuck in my treads, right on the ball of my foot and I had to stop a couple of times to scuff my shoe bottoms on the curbs to free the pebble.
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: Agricola, Running, Running Shoes, September
Monday, September 17, 2007
Family Outing
Yesterday was a beautiful day, and the whole family went for a run. Mrs. Agricola has been running and building up her endurance. We've been going solo for reasons of differing running-fitness-levels and child care stuff, but yesterday we went out together, all four of us. Child One and Child Two rode in the stroller carrying various animal buddies, snack sacks and drinks. They didn't fight or complain until the immediate end and it was a great time with one exception.
For some reason, my kids love to take a spin around the block when either leaving or returning to the neighborhood. So there we were, geared up, loaded up, ready to run . . . and the kids wanted to go around the "blocky," as Child Two calls it. Rather than disgruntle the passengers before departure we humored them. The entire neighborhood was out yesterday and there we were, pushing a laden jogging stroller, wearing our running garb and feeling really self conscious . . . it was a funny in an uncomfortable way. We felt like total dorks.
We endured and hit the road. Mrs. Agricola set the pace -- though running with me she pushed it a bit more than she normally would have -- and recorded a PR! It was a good workout on the 3.3 route that I frequently run and post about up here. It was great fun to have a running buddy, three actually!
Cape Cod Long Run
VTR's family and mine are getting together on the Cape this weekend for some socializing. VTR needs a long run for the CCM and I thought it might be fun to get some people together to help him run it and take on a team approach to his long run. Let me know if you're interested.
Posted by
11:32 AM
Labels: Agricola, Children, Family, Mrs. Agricola, Running
Thanks VT
I got out for a 10.5 miler this Sunday morning. It was an absolutely beautiful day, perfect for running, hiking, any type of outdoor activity. Glorious. That's the word that kept coming to mind as I chugged along the mostly dirt roads of my new favorite loop. I felt lucky and thankful to be living (and running) up here in VT.
The run took a bit longer than I would have liked, thanks in part to a gastric emergency (I'll spare you the details), but I enjoyed the time element. Sometimes 30 minute runs can become a grind, something I have to get in and check off the list. Sure, they make me feel better, but they have a way of feeling like any other daily task or chore. The long run is different. When you're out on the road for 1.5 to 2 hours you have a chance to really observe your surroundings, your performance, and the various stages your body goes through during the run. My progression on Sunday went something like this:
- Miles 1 - 3: All downhill and feeling strong. Gorgeous views.
- Miles 3 - 6: Mostly uphill, tightening up. The views of the mountains and the smell of the crisp, fresh air inspire and push me ahead...slowly.
- Miles 6 - 7: Whoa. Stomach issues out of nowhere. Good thing I'm on a rural route.
- Miles 7 - 10: Feeling strong after the forced rest. Back on my local road. Thinking I might be able to hit my goal for the marathon after all. Ready to get back into the training.
It was a cool trip and an interesting progression to observe. I'd encourage you guys to break from the routine and go out for a long run sometime soon. Focus on the time (say a 1.5 hour run), not the distance and just let it happen. It's a great experience that will refresh your perspective on running. It did for me. And I'll bet you'll surprise yourself with your performance.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:29 AM
Labels: Vermont, vt runner; marathon training
A Hard Slog
I got out last night for an hour. It was a beautiful early fall evening, temps in the 70s and the Park was not overly crowded. But it was a hard ride. I had no gas for it. I blame the plain fact that I frittered away the summer, really riding hardly at all, and we were out late Saturday drinking flagons of wine. So I am doing my penance with poor performance and sore muscles.
The days are setting shorter, gents, which means the trainer comes out from under the bed. Look in this space for ruminations on how the mind wanders while stationary.
The numbers:
Time: 1.05.27
Distance: 17.59 miles
Mx Speed: 24.1 mph
Av Speed: 16.1 mph
Mx HR: 171 bpm
Av HR: 146 bpm
Burn: 926 cals
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:09 AM
Labels: central park, cycling, fall, penance
Friday, September 14, 2007
Night Run
Went out Wednesday night and hit the pavement for a solid 30 minutes. Total distance was a little over 3.5 miles. Good run on a cool night with the stars out in full force and a bit of Milky Way in view. If I didn't have to focus on the road so much at night, I would have drunk in the beautiful evening sky the entire way.
Posted by
10:16 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Chilly Morning
Time: 37.51
Avg HR: 159
Peak HR: 175
Calories: 653
Distance: 4.7
Start Time: 6:33 AM
Training Effect: 4.4
Temp: Chilly
Date: 9/13/07
Today was a beautiful day for a trot. Crystal clear skies, low humidity and a nice crispness in the air made for perfect conditions. I felt good today but I felt sort of disconnected from my legs. I was aware of them but they didn't really feel attached to me. It was very odd. I was somewhat outside the entire experience for some reason and felt as if I were plodding. However, based on distance and time I was setting a pretty good pace. It was an interesting, semi-out-of-body experience.
Thanks to VTR and FA for reaching out to me over the past week -- you guys helped me out more than you know by your calls and emails.
Happy Rosh Hashannah, and a happy & healthy 5768 to any Jewish visitors.
Posted by
10:22 AM
Labels: Agricola, out of body experience, Running, September
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Rain run
Appropriate that on Sept. 11, at least down here, we experienced a torrential downpour and I happened to be running in it with one of my buddies. Went out very hard for the first mile and and a quarter and felt it greatly in my lungs. The guy I usually run with really pushed me and it was a very rewarding half hour run. Covered a little over 3.2 miles.
Thoughts and prayers to a nation in rememberance.
Posted by
9:03 PM
Honor Run
Six years ago today Mrs. Agricola and I ran down the Brooklyn Promenade not 20 minutes prior to AA11 hitting the North Tower. The horror that was to come that day was already underway as we trotted through the streets of Brooklyn. By the time Mrs. A hit the showers reports were coming over the radio that a plane had hit the North Tower.
I've run each year since September 11, 2001 (with the exception of one year when I was sick). I do it to honor and remember the dead of that day and to let the powers that be know that we're still here, that life continues and that we don't forget.
I ran 4.02 miles today in 31:59. Mainly I ran to pay respects and mark the day. I hope to run on September 11 as long as I can.
Posted by
12:20 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Saturday 30
Ran a 30 minute out and back over the weekend. It was my first run in a while, and it took me a full 8 minutes just to warm up. Before hitting the 8 minute mark, every stride was tight and I had to work for every step. At 8 minutes, I took a few deliberate, long strides and things opened up. It actually felt good again for a while. At about 25 minutes, I tightened up again a bit, but finished strong.
I'm coming up on 4 days of off site meetings, so I'm hoping to get some early morning runs in. You'll see it here if I pull it off.
Posted by
VT Runner
1:37 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Sunday, September 9, 2007
2 runs and a comment about safety
Went for a 30:15 run yesterday and it felt very slow. I am pretty sure I am on a 10 minute pace as I am just getting back into the running and not a very good stride. But I am pretty motivated with the CCM coming up and I have to change my sedentary lifestyle. HR 168
Sunday - Went for a 31:00 minute run this evening, but I did something different today. Went out and turned around after 15:30 and went for a negative split on the return. I did the return in 15:00 minutes and while it is not speedy, it did make me work a little bit harder on the way home. I ran just over 3 miles. I can see myself being much faster once I work out the kinks.
My word on safety. If you do not own a reflective vest or one of those reflective anklets and you run at night or very early in the AM, you must purchase them. Tonight I was running against the flow of traffic and we do not have many street lights so the road is very dark. A car took a right hand turn on to my road and was speeding very quickly and he could have easily hit me if iwas further out on the road. It is great to see cars from behind and in front of me flash their high beams when they are a hundred yards away. Your life is not worth saving a few bucks.
Posted by
8:59 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
I ran four miles today. I have no data. My watch went missing. It made the run difficult because I had no gauge of pace -- I think I went out too hard because it it was painful. It was not a fun run. Not much is fun right now . . .
Posted by
9:43 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Went out for a 3 miler today with some friends. A little hot out there but not bad. I came in second place to the other two runners. I think I need to get out and run more consistently, particularly with the Cape Cod Relay coming up.
Posted by
10:27 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Weekend Labor
Not much to report on my weekend running -- there wasn't much of it. I went Saturday for 4.02 and today for 3.3. A real lethargy set in over the weekend and I found it hard to motivate. I'm also discovering that if I don't get out in the AM, I don't get out in the afternoon. I'm also finding my current working situation less than ideal, bordering on the toxic -- incredible levels of frustration every day that are infecting other aspects of my life, running included. I need to make a change, and am working hard on the search front.
Saturday Data
Time: 32.39
Avg HR: 153
Peak HR: 175
Calories: 523
Distance: 4.02
Start Time: 8:04 AM
Training Effect: 3.9
Temp: sunny & dry
Date: 9/1/07
Tuesday Data
Time: 26:03
Avg HR: 152
Peak HR: 177
Calories: 403
Distance: 3.3
Start Time: 6:44 AM
Training Effect: 3.5
Temp: sunny & dry
Date: 9/4/07
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day
I got out today with an old friend who took up cycling recently for better overall fitness, so she and I are pedaling in the same direction, so to speak. She led us up this bike path in Westchester that I recalled traveling by bike with friends way back in the eighth grade, in the days before we wore helmets, and the weather today, just as then, was so fine. After the ride we had a BBQ feast, three couples, eight kids, on a big back porch. God bless Labor Day.
The numbers:
Distance: 19.44 miles
Time: 1.32.53 hours
Mx Speed: 20.5 mph
Av Speed: 12.5 mph
Mx HR: 173 bpm
Av HR: 134 bpm
Burned: 1203 calories
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
5:54 PM
Labels: cycling, labor day, reminiscence