This will be a quick post for me. I made it out for a hot 11 mile run on Sunday in which hydration was an issue. I made it fine and drank a bunch after the run, but just thinking about my lack of fluids was distracting during the event. Why is it so hard to drink water these days?
I pulled an impromptu 6 miler with a colleague yesterday, and it was a grind for both of us. He had to stop a couple of times, and I appreciated the rest. My legs were tired from the long run the day before. I'm going to get out of work a bit early to get a quick three in today just to stay on track. I'm 6 weeks into my 18 week training program, and I've only run half of the required miles. I'm determined to get back on track. I feel good, but the training is a wicked (yes, wicked) time suck.
Over and out.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hot 11 and a Slow 6
Posted by
VT Runner
4:08 PM
Last of July
Time: 31:15
Avg HR: 152
Peak HR: 173
Calories: 474
Distance: 3.7
Start Time: 6:24 AM
Training Effect: 4.0
Temp: foggy and humid
Date: 7/31/07
Got a moderate run in this AM. It felt pretty good though I was feeling the Sunday-10K. The first 90 seconds of this run felt like an eternity to me for some reason and I wasn't sure how I was going to run for 30 minutes. I passed a woman on an uphill and that gave me a little boost and on I went. It was really foggy this AM and though my alarm went off at 5:30 AM I rolled over for a bit until it burned off a bit by 6 -- the 'hood was completely blanketed by fog and I couldn't see a thing outside my window when I first awoke.
It was so humid today that at the end of the run, sweat or atmospheric moisture was condensing on the hair on my arms and legs. I don't know which it was -- though I think it was atmospheric moisture because the droplets were tiny, perfect spheres. It seems counter intuitive that while hot and sweaty one would have condensation on his arms and legs. The only explanation I can figure is that the hair on my arms, soaked in sweat was cooler than the air and therefore things were condensing. That's it for Mr. Science. Five more runs before Falmouth.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Time: 51:18
Avg HR: 162
Peak HR: 180
Calories: 835
Distance: 6.21
Start Time: 8:01 AM
Training Effect: 5.0
Temp: hot and humid
Date: 7/29/07
SO I got one my needed +50 minute runs in on Sunday. I lounged for a bit in the AM and it was really too hot to do so. I just need to get up and go early. I sweated for probably 40 minutes after finishing -- and not just droplets on the brow, i mean soaking through my shorts so it was like I'd been swimming, running down my back and dripping off of finhertips. I must admit that I walked for about 1 minute to get everything all aligned again at around the 5 mile mark. Also . . . the front of my shirt was blood stained at the end -- the dreaded chafed nipples. I'll do the route again this Sunday in my final long tune up Falmouth which goes off on 12 August. All in all though, I think I'm in a good place for my goal of sub-60 if all goes well. I also feel pretty good today, not much soreness in the legs though I am enjoying my off day but looking forward to tomorrow's trot which I'll probably keep on the shorter side.
Friday, July 27, 2007
LDT Validation?
The Wall Street Journal (hard-copy)had an interesting article in yesterday's Personal Journal Section about the effects of social networks on peoples' weight gain. The study found that weight gain in one individual within a socially linked network can lead to weight gain for other members of the same network. They found this to be true even among people who live one thousand miles apart and see each other but once a year. The researchers described this networked weight gain as a "social contagion."
The research team is considering exploring whether or not networks function in the same way for weight loss and healthy habits. They believe that there is a positive correlation as well, and cite Weight Watchers and an experiment in a county in North Carolina where 63% of the population is obese and 150 folks in one town lost weight, together -- 1,450 pounds in ten weeks (10lbs/person/week).
The article ended by stating that some of the people whom they interviewed who had become overweight together also lost weight together when one of the network members decided to do so. There is a powerful sociological impulse to look at connections and both model and then validate your behavior through them.
See, Long Distance Training is onto something and we didn't need to spend millions of dollars to prove a point. Keep running/riding, and keep blogging.
Posted by
2:25 PM
Labels: Agricola, info share, networks, social connections
Ahh, if running were just easier...
then I might actually get out every day. I agree with Agricola's assessment that it is better to just get out of bed and get your butt moving. i did it yesterday and hit the road by 6 AM. I am a slug though and I think a snail passed me on my morning run, but it was nice to get the muscles stretched out. This summer I have already encountered some old age creeping in and have had several aches and pains that have previously remained hidden.
I hope everyone is having a great summer and I will keep hitting the road when I have the chance.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Mental Game
Time: 35:26
Avg HR: 154
Peak HR: 178
Calories: 591
Distance: TBD
Start Time: 6:03 AM
Training Effect: 4.5
Temp: 62 F (90% Rel. Humidity)
Date: 7/27/07
This is such a mental thing, running. Yesterday was my day, but I couldn't do it. Like last week, this week has been a grind at work that's leaving me mentally (& physically) tired. Child One lost her stuffed kitty, Meowser, on Wednesday (we found her the next day, it's a good story). We were so bummed out about the possibility of losing Meowser that we were both just wiped. It sounds crazy but that added bit of baggage just kept me in the rack -- i was up at 5:30, I couldn't roll out though.
So, I went today. I took it easy in the first third or so, ran a decent hill and then just sort of fell into a good pace with a strong last mile. It was humid again but this Friday it didn't destroy me. I'm just focusing on heeding temp/humidity and the signs from my body about how to proceed. I need to map this course to get a sense of distance. I'm enjoying the running-for-time thing but without any exact understanding of distance I'm not sure where I stand in relation to my goals for the Falmouth RR which happens in two weeks. That's created a bit of anxiety for me. I'm looking to get a 50-53 minute run in this weekend -- maybe tomorrow to up my weekly run count, or maybe Sunday to start next week strongly. I'll let you know either way.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Catching up
Since my last post, I've managed to get in runs of 6, 11, 3, and 3 miles over 8 days. The crazy thing is that I'm still behind according to my training schedule. I've enjoyed all of the runs for different reasons, so I'm not yet feeling the grind. What I am feeling is the challenge of fitting it all in. Work is picking up pace for all sorts of reasons (most of them good), socializing with family and friends is in high gear, and running literally gets squeezed. It's not due to lack of motivation, ability or desire, rather it's all about the clock that won't stop speeding by. Have I put off the inevitable for too long? Are 6am Agricola-esque runs in my future?! Say it isn't soooo!!! I'll fight the dawn patrol until the end. Until then...
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
5:35 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Time: 35:46
Avg HR: 151
Peak HR: 174
Calories: 539
Distance: ~4 miles
Start Time: 5:50 AM
Training Effect: 4.2
Temp: 62 F (94% Rel. Humidity)
Date: 7/24/07
Today was another really humid day so I adapted my pace and took it slower. It worked and I was able to run where I wanted to, and finish the whole, planned route. It was a bit tough on the breathing front but going out for first mile at 8:52 was wiser than 8:15 -- which is what I did last Friday. I had capacity to pick up the tempo in the later portion of the run and finish strong. I haven't done the pedometer for this course so I don't have an actual per-mile-pace, but the tempo picked up over the last half. All in all, it was a good run.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I took a lovely 35 minute run up VT-127 this Saturday. I had to redeem myself after my horrid run on Friday AM and it was perfect weather to do so. The scenery was nice with frequent glimpses of Lake Champlain along the way. I love running in new place and this was a road that I've never run down before -- I've only ever driven to one spot and then turned down another road -- so it was all new to me. It was great and so refreshing to run someplace new. It was also interesting to see the eclectic mix of suburban-style split levels, mobile homes and old 19 century brick houses that makes up the architecture in that neck of the woods. The road had a pretty wide shoulder in both directions and it wasn't as hairy as running on country roads often is. One of the more interesting things that I saw along the route was a large wild-grape patch -- it looks as if the wild grape harvest will be pretty good.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Time: 30:06
Avg HR: 160
Peak HR: 180
Calories: 526
Distance: 3ish miles
Start Time: 6:15 AM
Training Effect: 4.5
Temp: 62 F (92% Rel. Humidity)
Date: 7/20/07
Well there have a been a string of very positive, I love running/working out posts up here so let me interrupt the love fest with a tale of woe.
I ran for 30 minutes today and it was pretty much utter misery from the get go. I bailed near the end but am glad that I ran for 30 minutes which is what I told myself to reach from about 18 minutes on . . . I'd say the breakdown was 80% mental and 20% physical. On the mental side it's been a tough week at work prepping for a client pres yesterday; I left with a migraine on Wednesday; Child Two took a header off the bed yesterday morning and that was scary and stressful.
The weather was super humid and it felt like I was trying to breathe underwater the whole run. I went out too hard for the conditions and just didn't have the mental capacity to finish. I've said it before on this blog sometimes you eat the mile, sometimes they eat you -- today I was devoured.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I hit the trail for 3 or so miles at lunch today. I linked up with a colleague/friend, which made the run much more enjoyable.
A couple of funny items from the run. First, we got lost on the trails. We weren't lost in a we'll-never-make-it-out-alive kind of way because the entire park consists of three intersecting loops (think clover) that take a total of 35 minutes to run at a slow pace. It was more of a crap-we-have-to-run-longer-to-get-out-of-here situation. There's nothing worse to me than not knowing where or how long you have left to go on a run. The uncertainty of distance combined with the certainty of running wrecks my concentration, reiterating yet again the mental aspect of the sport.
The other funny item was my conversation with the colleague at the end of the run. He noted that at the beginning of the run, he thought the pace was going to be a little too fast for him to keep up. I was surprised by this admission because I felt like he was leading the pace at the start. To me, that exchange was a solid indication of a good running partnership and a good run. Both of us, spurred on by the other, pushed harder than we might have and ended up with a great workout.
Posted by
VT Runner
2:29 PM
Bachelor Run
Time: 37:52
Avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 177
Calories: 611
Distance: TBD miles
Start Time: 5:50 AM
Training Effect: 4.6
Temp: 58 F
Date: 7/17/07
Three fourths of the Agricolas were on Cape Cod yesterday, so I was bachelor guy last night. I missed my family but it was pretty relaxing last night, lounging on my porch, reading. I got to bed fairly early and out of the house with no distractions and no dirty diapers.
I need to run more, but I also need to stop partying. Last week was a party week, awash in cake and beer . . . not exactly optimal training diet. Anyway, I went out on one of my newer routes and it went pretty well, pretty quick. It's in the 4-5 mile range, probably middle-4s. There were tons of bikers out today, 3 pelotons of about 70 riders total went zipping by me today. No offense FA, but bikers are unfriendly. They look at me and I at them like alien creatures. Maybe our unfriendliness is just a mirror back at our ourselves -- maybe I'm an unfriendly runner. I was influenced by VTR's post about eye contact and testing a hypothesis on my trot.
The bikers are pretty superior and unfriendly -- I think it comes from the complexity and cost of their machines. They at least stare at you, but give no sign of recognition
The runners 'round here typically give a wave or some sort of nod, smile etc.
Some The friendliest and un-friendliest folks are the lady fitness walkers in their cotton tee-shirts and shorts. They can go either way: big happy smile, or utter disregard/lack of acknowledgment.
Posted by
6:54 AM
Labels: Agricola, Family, Friendliness Factor, July, Running
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday Six
I got in a six miler on Sunday afternoon, which was a feat considering the day consisted of the following:
2 donuts and 2 coffees for breakfast
post-donut waterskiing
2 hotdogs with chips for lunch
sailing with requisite beer
I felt surprisingly good on the run, but mainly just felt good that I made it out after a busy day.
My observations during the run were all about the other folks I saw along the way. I encountered about 4 cyclists, 3 runners and 2 sets of people just out for a walk, and only 1 runner and 1 cyclist even made eye contact with me, never mind waving. I was pretty shocked at that. I always feel some level of kinship with others on the road, whether they're running, riding, walking, whatever. Yesterday, no one shared this idea.
It got to the point where I thought the lack of friendliness had something to do with what I was wearing. Due to the heat, I ran without a shirt and added a wristband to take care of the sweat. It just so happens that my only wristband is a pink number that was a freebie from my Gravis days. I also wore new shades for the first time, realized I didn't like them, and had them perched on top of my head. I pictured myself shirtless, with the pink wristband and shades as a fashion-accessory and got the idea that these Vermonters might be turned off by that particular look, so I ditched the wristband for the second half of the run. Well, it didn't make a difference, which was actually reassuring to me. I'd rather think that people were just plain unfriendly than think they were unfriendly specifically because they thought I was treading too lightly.
Of course, all of these folks were probably simply typical, keep-to-yourself New Englanders with absolutely no ill-will and no agendas. I, on the other hand, needed and enjoyed the shadey sub-plot (as ridiculous as it was) to keep my mind off the run. Isn't it crazy where your mind will take you when you're out there on the roads?
Posted by
VT Runner
10:34 AM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Big Weekend
So Mrs. FreeArtist bought a roadie this past spring, and we got out together for the first time today.
We had a big downtown wedding last night and celebrate our anniversary tonight, so Gammy and Poppy FreeArtist have the little artists for the whole weekend. I say, the sense of liberation is palpable. Went out hard last night, got in late, slept in, rose hungover, went for brunch, worked out together, and it ain't over yet. Oh me, oh my.
So anyway we turned three laps together and then I put on a fourth with more verve. It was a big slow ride but I haven't been so relaxed and happy on the bike in a long time. It is a beautiful day here, hot, dry and clear, and the beatiful people are running and sunning all over the Park. I had U2's "40" on the brain, which closed last night's party. All is well. Cheers, gents.
The Numbers:
Time: 1.57.47 hrs
Distance: 24.90 miles
Mx Speed: 25 mph
Av Speed: 12.7 mph
No heart data today.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
5:18 PM
Labels: central park, Children, cycling
Friday, July 13, 2007
Beat the rain
Posted by
VT Runner
2:12 PM
Labels: vt runner
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Training Weather
Happy Birthday, Child One.
No stories to tell. Short ride tonight, even shorter ride earlier this week. I'm struggling with motivation to push for distance in the evenings, and the heat in NYC has been oppressive. I am thinking about switching to early mornings, and may try it next week. Tonight was a beauty, though. Clear, low humidity, 8o degrees.
The ho-hum numbers:
Time: 55.14 minutes
Mx Speed: 24.9 mph
Av Speed: 15.1 mph
Distance: 13.90 miles
Heart Rate: Don't know. I got all suited up but forgot to strap on the monitor.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:42 PM
Labels: ho-hum
Keeping it going
It is a beautiful day up here today. Blue sky, 75 degrees, no humidity. I got out for 3.2 miles this afternoon, so I could experience part of the day outside the office and keep to my schedule.
Nothing more to report here. More rain coming tomorrow.
Posted by
VT Runner
2:56 PM
Happy Birthday
Time: 26:12
Avg HR: 154
Peak HR: 176
Calories: 380
Distance: 3.3 miles
Start Time: 5:51 AM
Training Effect: 3.7
Temp: 60
Date: 7/12/07
I kept it short today because it's Child One's birthday and I didn't want to make her wait to open gifts etc. while I pounded the pavement. It was pretty humid today. I always feel like it's harder to breathe in this type of weather. Not much to report, rally though it was a pretty day, with the sun coming up, into a clearing sky.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Went out for what I thought was a 5 miler, until my post race gmap measurement proved me wrong. 4.6 miles! Damn you GMaps Pedometer!!
Today was a tough run. I ran a good first half, but crashed a bit on the way back and was reminded that feul is an important part of the running equation. A gin and tonic and a couple of glasses of wine last night plus 2 coffees and a big-ass scone this morning is not exactly food of champions. I felt the lack of energy big time. Throw in high humidity and it all added up to a tough jaunt. It was one of those days where I was just glad to get the miles under my belt.
Posted by
VT Runner
4:27 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Pacing: A Follow-up
Addendum to my 7/10/07 AM post:
I know I commented about not worrying about mileage right now, but I got to thinking about pace etc. and so did up my route which is visible above. With a distance of 5.2339 miles (I love ten-thousandths of a mile!) in 41:57 I averaged about 8:01/mile. I'm pretty psyched about that!
Posted by
10:02 PM
Foggy Run
Time: 32:57
Avg HR: 164
Peak HR: 178
Calories: 589
Distance: ~5?
Start Time: 6:03 AM
Training Effect: 4.7
Temp: 60
Date: 7/10/07
It was a foggy day today and therefore somewhat more interesting than the normal morning trot. I actually went out for 41 minutes but neglected to start the watch until 9 minutes in. So the data is for the recorded run. My quads were pretty tight, but I kept on trucking. My goal is to consistently run in the neighborhood of 40 - 45 minutes 2 times each week, with one or two shorter 3 milers thrown in for good measure. I figure 15 - 18 more runs before Falmouth, so I think I'm in a good position for that race.
Vacation Recap
On my 1 July post I mentioned that I wanted to do two 5 milers on the Cape. I did them. The first I did pushing Child Two, the second I did alone. The latter was a bit painful because it was after a nasty lunch that consisted of a fish sandwich (yes, fried, I was on Cape Cod for vacation!)and a cone with the kiddies. These are not optimal training foods (new running rule!), and I had to stop a couple of times because I felt like I was going to hurl. Data is below.
With Child Two
Time: 43:55
Avg HR: 154
Peak HR: 170
Calories: 690
Distance: 5
Start Time: 7:38 AM
Training Effect: 4.7
Temp: n/a
Date: 7/3/07
Time: 41:42
Avg HR: 164
Peak HR: 176
Calories: 676
Distance: 5
Start Time: 4:59 PM
Training Effect: 5.0
Temp: n/a
Date: 7/5/07
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: Agricola, Cape Cod, Children, Falmouth, Fog, Running, Running Rules, training
Monday, July 9, 2007
Steamy Three
I got out for a quick 5K today after a torrential downpour. My first steps out the door felt great. The air was hot, somewhere around 80 degrees, and wet as the rain water visibly evaporated off the pavement. Unlike normal humidity, which can be oppressive, the moisture in the air felt warm and fuzzy, and it helped me ease into my first run in 4 days.
Other than the start, the run was fairly uneventful. Following on my 4th of July post, I continue to enjoy the residual effects of prior marathon training and post-race recuperation. I feel strong. It's as if the act of running has become an afterthought. The real hurdle is getting out the door -- which is another reminder that running is as much a mental exercise as a physical one.
Here are the numbers:
3.2 miles (5k)
24:30 minutes
7:39 pace
Posted by
VT Runner
3:51 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Fast Fourth
Mrs. VT Runner, a few old friends and I ran the Hingham 4th of July road race yesterday, and we all had a ball. The race is a 4.6 miler (6K) straight down Main Street in Hingham -- very picturesque and mostly downhill. It's my favorite race of the year and the one that I most often visualize when I hit the wall on other runs or during other races. Old friends cheer at various points along the route, the kids and their grandparents are always stationed at the halfway point, and almost every section brings back a childhood/adolescent memory. It's all very cool.
This year was even better for a couple of reasons. The weather was an absolutely perfect 70 degrees with no wind and a few clouds. Mrs. VT Runner pulled it together after spraining her ankle and had a great run -- a personal best time for her! And I ran what was perhaps my best race ever.
As I've reported here, I ran the Burlington Marathon about 4 weeks ago, so I'm in decent running shape (for me). I took the notion of post-race downtime seriously, running maybe 3 times in the last month and for no more than 4 miles each run. I had a hunch that the marathon training and month-long recovery would put me in good shape for the race, but I really didn't know what to expect. It turns out the timing was perfect. I started at the front of the pack, which I never do, and didn't get completely shot out the back. The course seemed to disappear under foot, mile by mile as well-known landmarks breezed by. I pushed, but never felt completely taxed or overextended. Most importantly, I had fun.
Here are the numbers:
4.6 miles
31:38 minutes
6:53 pace
Place overall: 98/1726
Place in age group (30-39): 25/493
Place in gender: 86/937 men
I was pleasantly surprised with the results (Ok, that's an understatement. I was stoked!). I knew my time was good for me, but it was cool to see that the time was fast relative to the other runners. I've never been in the top 10%, never mind the top 5%.
Went out for a 4-5 miler today with a colleague, and it felt effortless. I know that the running enthusiasm tide will turn soon (always does), so I'm enjoying this "up" in a training process that is by definition "up and down." I hope the good vibe helps you guys on your next run/ride. I know posts on this site have helped me get out the door on more than one occasion. And really, it's all about getting out there where anything can happen... and good stuff usually does.
Posted by
VT Runner
3:10 PM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Back on the Saddle, Reprise
Distance: 13.56 miles
Duration: 52.16 mins
Mx Speed: 24 mph
Av Speed: 15.6 mph
Mx HR: 177 bpm
Av HR: 150 bpm
796 calories burned
With camp and kids and work and flat tires it's been about a month since I've gone any kind of distance on the bike, not that last night's ride was any kind of distance. The bike felt strange, the front end more fidgety than I recall. And I had lost sight of how hard it is to forget about camp and kids and work and flat tires and think about nothing, something I strive for on every ride but rarely achieve.
It was a beautiful night for a spin in Central Park. Perfect weather but on the eve of July 4 many folks, I presume, had split town, so the loop was quiet.
Happy to see new people on the blog, Red and Torn Ligaments. It will be good to see some fresh posts from everyone.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
6:53 PM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
July Begins
Time: 30:59
Avg HR: 153
Peak HR: 171
Calories: 472
Distance: 3.7
Start Time: 7:36 AM
Training Effect: 4.0
Temp: low-60s
Date: 7/1/07
Took a quick little run. I went on one of my middle routes. I actually boogied pretty well and it felt good. Stretching it out like I am is paying dividends, I feel stronger. I'm going to the Cape this week for a five days -- my goal is to do two fivers. I'll let you know how it goes, and probably do one large post next weekend when I'm back online.
An addendum to my Friday, 6/29, run: Mrs. Agricola and I went to the Sox game on Friday night and walked from Fenway to Harvard Square afterwards -- so I got a little extra workout in in the form of a brisk 2.5 mile walk.
Posted by
11:17 PM