Alright boys, I took some time between calls today (I mean really, what do you do with 10 minutes of down time) and created this 20 miler through Metro Boston. It encompasses parts of current training runs for me, a section of the Boston Marathon from Wellesley to BC (including Heartbreak Hill) and then a jaunt through Brighton to the Charles River and ends at the Hatch Shell on the Esplanade -- if you want to push it to 21 you can head to Museum of Science. Here's the route, who's in? I'm targeting either 4/25 or 5/2. You can parts, all, or just say no. There are places to bail, and places to join. With a bit of coordination you could do the last 10, or only the first five... it could be a fun run.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Twenty in Metro Boston
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: 20-miler, Agricola Marathon Training, Boston, long run, running buddy
Monday, March 29, 2010
Race Report: Eastern States 20
I went out up to Kittery to run the Eastern States 20 this weekend. I went and stayed with David & Cheryl C. and their kids at their place, had dinner with them but had to run back to Winchester because N brought the kids there after her dad broke his hip Saturday afternoon. So, she headed to Cape Cod to see him Sunday prior to surgery, our kids hung out with my folks, and I headed back to Maine to run. Nothing like a bit of extra excitement before a big run. Luckily, N's dad is doing well, but it was a tense afternoon and Sunday morning.
The run was great in that painful way that long runs are. Temps were mid forties, but there was a relentless, biblically spiteful headwind for probably 12 of the 20 miles.
We ran hard along the Atlantic for much of the race and I was glad to have a companion in David. When the wind got really stiff I lowered my head a bit and repeated to myself "You are small and slight and the wind doesn't know you're here." We set out at a comfortable 9 minute/mile pace and I have to say, that through much of the run I was thinking that I could run forever at 9 minutes/mile.
Then, for some reason, between 10 & 13 I picked up my pace and went harder. I might have unconsciously been trying to expiate last week's bonk, I don't know, but I ratcheted it back a bit and ran with David. Around 14 it started to hurt a bit (paying for my quickened pace) and by about 15.5 I knew it was time to dig down deep. I kept repeating the following things: "Be open to the experience, take what the road gives you, listen to your body." I also kept repeating: "Smooth. Easy. Rhythm." I was misquoting a line from "Born to Run" which goes "Smooth, easy, light, fast." It worked pretty well until I came to the last water stop and as I'd done on others got my Gatorade and walked while I drank. I lost my rhythm and got in a bit of trouble.
My stride was breaking down, my legs weren't moving so well, and the headwind along the beach in Hampton Beach was vicious. The sea was lovely, and the fresh salt air was amazing, and I tried to focus on that and dissociate from the pain in my gams. I was working hard those last 2 miles, but David was hugely helpful to me -- and he helped me tough it out. I misjudged the finish line. I saw knot of people and didn't see runners proceeding up the sidewalk, in the distance so I thought that was the end, and started my final grind about a mile too early. When I had to make an unexpected right-hand turn and didn't see finish line, I stumbled a bit around 19+. However, when I saw the actual finish I picked it up and hit it. A kid in his 20s came in right behind me and he said "I was trying to catch you but you were too fast in that last stretch." I smiled and said "thanks, I didn't feel fast." There was a little post race thing and I got a cup of greasy beef barley, and it was delicious.
It was great to run with David, it was fun to have someone to talk to, especially near the end. When I was in a world of hurt at 18 he quoted Dean Karnaze to me and that helped a lot. So did his carbonara from the night before. What was also hugely helpful was that Cheryl and the kids were all over the race course cheering for us and it was awesome and fun to see them and gave a reason to put on a good show -- though I have to say, I wasn't acting. I was running with smile the whole way, pretty much, and it was genuine.
The race was well run, water stops were well spaced, and we went off on time. The scenery was great and the course was mainly flat -- a few rollers early, a small up around 12 and then a few rollers in 14-16 but nothing major. The Hoyts were there, again (love running with them and really admire them -- it was hellacious running into the headwind, just me, I can't imagine pushing the cart that Rick rides in). I had one more Gu left on me and should have eaten it, I think it would have helped, but I was well hydrated, and today feel less sore than I did last week (though I am sore, this is my longest run this year and I went from 13.1 to 20...). It was a fun run. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and learned that if you run with a smile, it's true.
Posted by
10:09 AM
Labels: 20-miler, Agricola Marathon Training, Maine, New Hampshire, race report
Sunday, March 28, 2010
No long run for me today, as I'm dialing things back, trying to build the base that I've been neglecting for the past month or so. I got in about 4.5 today and felt generally good. A couple of "reminders" (minor pains) from the small muscle behind my knee, but nothing that significant. My goal is to get in at least three mid-length runs this week, and then a longish run in over next weekend. Time to get serious about the training.
...adding to this post. Forgot to mention that I got in a 3.5 miler yesterday, so that's 8 for the weekend.
Posted by
VT Runner
4:45 PM
Labels: VTRunner
The 15k was today, the run I registered for when I didn't make the NYC 1/2 lottery. I intended to train for it alongside Mrs. FA, while she trained for the half. I didn't come close to that, but still had a good run.
Even with a minute, 20 seconds lost to an urgent potty break at mile one, I surprised myself with a consistant 9.30 pace for the first three miles, and was surprised again to hit mile six under one hour, at 59.23. My off-again, on-again right knee pain started around mile 4 but was managable until just past mile 6, when it started to make the hills VERY tough, and I walked up a few.
Around mile 7.5 an older guy I had been chatting with around 6.5 pulled up next to me. He caught me walking and said, very warmly, "Come on buddy, pick it up."
I responded, "It's not the lungs, it's the legs."
He said, "Use your arms! Your arms will carry up up that mountain!"
And, son of a b*tch, pumping my arms I took the rest of the hill and the next two, the knee less of a factor, and I practically flew (for me) the last two miles to the finish. It was a big, strong finish for me, probably my strongest to date. I was aiming for sub-90. My watch said 1.34.10 at the finish. But with the potty break and etc., I am pretty happy with the time and very pleased with my 3 and 6 mile splits. Mrs. FA and the little FAs came out to cheer at miles 2.5 and 6, which was a great boost, too.
It was a good event, typically well organized and not too many runners, so the start wasn't overly crowded. Temps were lower than I expected. I went out in shorts, a polypro long sleeve, the race T-shirt, polypro gloves and a baseball cap, and was so cold at the start that I thought it was going to be a big problem. After the first mile I was dressed perfectly.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
1:51 PM
Labels: 15k, central park, knee injuries, road runners
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday Five
Messed up week, lots of work, Nancy was sick all week and had tons of meetings, I had a ton of meetings. Didn't get as many runs in as I'd have liked, but that's life. I did get in a nice fiver Friday afternoon and felt really good. I'm reading Born to Run" and it's great. I was reading about a woman who was a dominant ultra-runner in the mid-90s, and her description of the sensuality and romance of running really made an impact. It's all about listening to your body every second and dialing it back when necessary, and turning it up when able. It's how you find your rhythm and I have to say that the run started great, it got a bit choppy, and then I found my flow and felt great for the last half. It was fun, and I'm looking to take this attitude into tomorrow's 20. Listen to my body, dial it back, ramp it up, find my flow. I've been espousing the semi-spiritual side of running for a while, and I know inherently to dial it back, but some sort of competitive beast gets going and I want to push it -- I didn't listen so well last week, and got burned. I dialed it up from 4-8 and when things got funky around 9 I didn't listen and blew up because I kept pushing it and didn't listen and ruined my flow. It's not that I dislike competition -- I'm competitive -- but I compete in some other areas of my life and don't necessarily feel the need right now to compete in running. Running is an outlet, a mode of expression, a way of life. I was projecting into the future on my run and thinking how cool it would be to some day run with my kids -- 5Ks, halfs, whatever. I hope I'm setting a good example, I hope I can run well and strong for a long time and imbue my kids with a love of running. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, and, as is mentioned often in "Born To Run," I'm going to approach it with an open heart, and run for the love of it, and see where it all goes. I think my goals tomorrow are to 1) have fun and run with an open heart, 2) run healthy, 3) finish strong.
Posted by
1:59 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, Born to Run, Zen
Friday, March 26, 2010
Too Early?
I was up and on the road at 5:45a yesterday, and had a terrible run. It felt as if I was running in a swimming pool, sluggish and slow. May have been too early, not enough sleep, something I ate, whatever, I'm was happy to check it off and move along.
Big movie date with the oldest little FA tonight. She's got mythology on the brain, so I grabbed Clash of the Titans (the original, from 1981) from Netflix. Aiming to squeeze in a few miles this afternoon between work and hitting the couch with a bowl of popcorn. Will post again after Sunday's race.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:08 AM
Labels: 15k, central park, little FAs, morning runs
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mid-week shorty
I am pleased to report that I finally got in a mid-week shorter run. I was out for 35 minutes, so I'm calling it 4 miles.
A muscle right behind my knee has been sore ever since my last long run, and a buddy of mine who is a physical therapist recommended shorter runs to loosen it up. The run felt good and by the end the sore muscle felt better than it did when I started, so I call that a win.
I had plans to get another in at lunch today, but forgot my towel. What a bummer because I actually had the time today. Mrs. VTR is under the weather today, so an after work jaunt is not likely. Tomorrow it is.
Posted by
VT Runner
1:36 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Duly Noted
One thing I really enjoy about running is that nearly every run teaches me something. It may as simple as teaching me that I'm feeling good, or maybe feeling a little out of sorts, or maybe that certain things are not great running fuel. Today taught me that running with both boys in the stroller, on a windy day, while still feeling the effects of my run in New Bedford was not a great decision. Tough run, pretty much unmitigated misery all the way through, with some brief respites as Child 2 chatted with me about this and that. Mark it in the books, but it was a grind, and my hammy is not feeling great right now.
I was up in time to go out in the AM, but just couldn't motivate, so it's sort of a bummer. Oh, well, got the run in at least.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, Child Three, Child Two, running buddy, Running With Children
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Another Morning Run, and Mrs. FA's 1/2
I got out this morning at 6:25a for 32 minutes in the Park. It was a pleasant morning to run, cool and damp from yesterday's rain. I stopped for a stretch at a favorite view and enjoyed the gradual lightening of the morning sky. Pretty good way to start the day.
So Mrs. FA ran the NYC 1/2 Marathon on Sunday and we're all proud of her achievement. She ran it in under 2.20, and would have finished earlier but for some weird GI issues that forced a few pit stops with long lines. She had a good time and emerged healthy, aside from some mild tendinitis in her right knee which we've learned can be avoided with some quad stretching. I think she'll run the distance again.
The race course was such that the little FAs and I were able to cheer for Mommy at mile 4, mile 9, and at the finish relatively easily, by jumping on and off the C train. We had a good time.
Separately, I called the Colchester Parks & Rec office tonight and left an inquiry about registration for the Colchester Tri, which I want to do with the canoe option. More on that soon.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:46 PM
Labels: central park, Colchester Tri, little FAs, Mrs. FA
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Race Report: New Bedford Half Marathon
Last year I wrote a ton about this race. This year I'm writing a bit less but this was an interesting race.
Place Time Pace Gun Time
991 1:48:10.4 8:16 1:49:17.6
I saw the Hoyts again, really cool to run with them, they are such legends, and Dick Hoyt is a majorly driven athlete. This year's race was well run, like last year's, but this year they had start and finish times which was really nice (see above). The race did go off a bit late, but that wasn't a big deal and the day was pleasant.
There are three good hills between miles 2 & 3 and they get progressively longer. I weathered those well, and carried some good speed into the long flat portion of the course -- from about mile 4-6 it's flat, on top of a plateau, then the course drops back to sea level for 7-12 and then climbs brutally from 12-13. I was feeling good through 8, came across ten about 2 minutes ahead of last year's pace started struggling after that as I began to think about time etc, and then the wheels fell of my wagon at 11.5. I bonked despite eating some Gu along the way and hydrating.
My legs felt like they filled with blood and I just couldn't make them move. I walked for about a minute or so, got my legs back and then ran up the last brutal hill -- I broke down at the crest, took ten paces to compose myself, saw the second to last turn up ahead and found my well of strength to finish with a kick. I'd like to tap into that well more often -- I need to find it when I hit trouble spots like I did at 11.5. I'm not sure what it is -- but why I could barely move my legs 1.5 miles earlier and then I'm sprinting I don't know. I really want to find that adrenaline trigger and not require the homestretch. I'm not sure if it's just a commitment to finish strong, put on a good show in front of a big crowd (because I broke down in front of a big crowd) I don't know what it is. If I reflect on it my mind is fairly blank in those final moments, there are no mantras, no exhortations -- just a focus on the finish line and desire to.... I don't know what, be strong, finish strong, be true to myself, honor the race....
I approached today as a total trainer. If I'd trained for this in particular and bonked I'd be irate, but it was a good lesson, a good workout and a decent time. I learned that I'm not ready to run 8 sub-8 miles for 13.1 miles (11.5, yes; 13.1, no). I had one mile on the big hills early that was 9:09, but I had a few between then and 10 that were 7:30-40s.... Looking forward to 20 next week -- paying the price now for good runs in the future. Oops, wrote a bunch.
Posted by
9:22 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, learning, New BEdford Half Marathon
Saturday Six
I ran the full Central Park loop yesterday, which is ~6 miles. I took a recovery walk about midway, for three or four minutes, and all in the loop took me 1 hour, 4 minutes. I'm a little sore today, but not much. Back in December I signed up for a 9 mile race which is next Sunday and was going to bail, as I can't say I've been 'training' for it at all, that is, running steadily for any length of time. Still, with yesterday's decent sixer I'm inclined to run the race and as Ag says, just run my race. I'll plod along at my 10 min/mile pace and aim for sub 90 mins, and if I don't make it, so be it. It'll be a long weekend run, just with lots of other people.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
6:15 PM
Labels: 15k, central park
Strategic adjustment
I ran for 15.6 miles (thanks, g-maps) yesterday. I felt the pain then, and I'm feeling it now. No injuries or anything, but the struggle over the last mile and a half was reminiscent of marathon pain, and I'm still feeling soreness today. So, I'm thinking that running only the long runs and maybe one other shorty each weekend is not smart. I'm hoping to turn the corner and get a few weekday, shorter runs in this week.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:09 AM
Labels: VTRunner
Friday, March 19, 2010
Third Morning Run
I started the day in Tampa/St. Pete, getting up at 6:15 to sneek in three miles before a 7:30 breakfast meeting. It was a helpful time, I was up earlier than anyone else at my hotel and the track where I run near this hotel (recall, beware of the alligators...) was empty. I was able to compose my thoughts for the breakfast meeting, which paid dividends. The run was a welcome respite from the road, and the work. That's three morning runs this week, all about the same distance. Trying for a long run ~6 miles, this weekend. Will post.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:42 PM
Labels: morning runs, tampa, travel
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Running With Turkey
I got out for one more run this work week. It was a gorgeous day, just begging for a trot through town. My legs were tired today after yesterday's run, so it was a bit of a grind and my CV was less than I'd hoped for -- though it may be connected to really working the breathing muscles yesterday, perhaps they needed some recovery too. Sometimes, when I run at noon, I find it harder because I'm hungry so my energy level is less. I don't know, I'm an advertising guy, not an exercise physiologist!
Anyway, I went double layer technical tees up top and shorts on the bottom -- the first shorts-run of the year. It's really a glorious day today, despite the fairly stiff breeze that seemed to be in my face at every turn. A very large red tail flashed it's tail and belly above me within the first mile, and that was cool -- there are some very large Red Tails that live at a pond not far from our house and it's always fun to see them. There is also a Goshawk that lives on the next street over from us -- it was in the town paper last week -- and I've seen him around, but I'm not sure that he's the other hawk that I see frequently (it's a wild kingdom out there!). About a mile-and-a-half from the finish of today's run I saw two large turkey running onto the grounds of the middle school -- in the midst of a bustling residential neighborhood. I, of course, gobbled at them and they bolted. Cool run on a great day.
Posted by
12:57 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, beautiful weather, birds
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday Ten
Well, when the alarm went off at 5:45 I hit snooze once. I turned it off when it went off 7 minutes later, composed my thoughts and hopped out of bed. I gathered gear which was easier this AM because it was laying around from yesterday. Made, and wolfed, a half a chicken sandwich and headed out the door at approximately I don't know what time. I trotted out through town, on my way to the bridge in the neighboring town. I passed the 2+ mile mark around 6:43 which means I probably left the casa at about 6:25 ( I really need to get my watch operational).
It was a clear chilly morning and everything was covered in frost. There were many runners out, so I was not alone and I just kept pounding out the miles. I had a couple of epiphanies on this run.
1) There is always someone faster, stronger and better than you unless you are the undisputed best at what you do -- and for those of us who populate the vast middle of Life's Bell Curve, there are plenty better.
The reason for this epiphany was that a totally fit, high-knee-lifting, high-heel-kicking dude powered by me at about the 3+ mile mark. He was fast, and his stride was effortless. It was impressive.
2) Derives from #1: we are all running our own race (and this is a mantra I repeat when running "run your race" "run your run"). What that guy does, what I do, what any of us do doesn't matter.
We run our race, run it as best we can and finish where we finish. The only one I compete with is me. I am, and can be, inspired by others -- the stud who blazed by this morning, David and his quest, Nancy and her enthusiasm, the woman we know who ran all through Chemo. We carry our life with us when we run -- past, present and future, and all of those things add up to what, and how, and who we are when we run.
I reached my destination, the little bridge feeling good. I stopped briefly to chug some Gatorade and eat a Vanilla Bean GU (if you're looking for something easy to handle, and not messy, GU is pretty good -- though they can be so sweet that they are oppressive, this was my first in 6 years!) which I liked, though Fruit Punch and Vanilla Bean aren't really a winning combo. I looked at a flood swollen stream, mesmerized by the swirling water and headed back. I felt better on this run than yesterday's -- it's all about the rhythm. When threes and fives are hard that's a good sign to me.
Keep running.
Posted by
1:03 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, long run, Vermont City Marathon
Morning Routine Update
Mrs. FA and I were planning to get in an early run this morning, together. We overslept our alarm (no kids at home today to get us up) so Mrs. FA had to jet off to work. I had a light morning work-wise so got out anyway for a decent 3.5 - 4 miles. The legs are feeling good. The lungs not quite so good. But it was a beautiful morning, good to be up and fully functional.
Next attempt at a morning run is Friday, during business travel. That will make three morning runs this week, and three makes a trend. Will post.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
12:07 PM
Labels: morning runs, Mrs. FA
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
After The Deluge
I got out for a decent five-plus today, the first in a while on account of the rain.
It was monsooning around here for three days straight but today is gorgeous and deserved a run. Not much to report, a fairly arrhythmic run -- I stopped to-look at rain-swollen streams, had to wait for mid-day traffic etc. It wasn't my planned for early morning jaunt, but I'm still sort of battling the stupid time change. I'm pondering 10 tomorrow -- we'll see how it goes. If I can get in bed early, then it will be easier to to get up earlier and do what needs doing. New Bedford Half on Sunday -- treating it as a trainer, and nothing more.
Posted by
1:08 PM
Monday, March 15, 2010
Trying a New Routine
Running after work has been a giant non-starter lately and the exercise just isn't happening. So this morning I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30a and got out in the Park for 30 minutes. It was dark and damp, and I only passed 5 other runners on my short loop. It was a tough start to the day but I feel good now and plan to try this again on Wednesday (Kids will be with my folks, so Mrs. FA and I will run together - easier to get out of bed when you have a partner, I think) and Friday (I'll wake up in Tampa on Friday, with no reason to lay around in bed, anyway).
So, I am trying to shake things up and see if I can find a new routine. I want to be the guy who gets up early and kicks *ss. I used to be that guy. When I taught school I was in my classroom by 5:45a every morning. I was also 24 - 28 years old. Things are getting harder.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:32 AM
Labels: aging sucks, central park, morning runs, Mrs. FA
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Flashback Five, Solid Seven, Tentative Ten
I had a good finish to the week, and am pretty much keeping to running the long runs on the marathon training schedule. I pulled a very last minute trip to Framingham for a focus group on Thursday night, and got a run in AG's neck of the woods Friday morning after staying the night at the Sheraton. AG, sorry we couldn't connect -- I tried a late night text and then ran out of time in the AM. Saturday I got in a strong 7.8 miler. Today, I had a 14 miler on the schedule, but scaled it back to 10.5. After running a few days in a row for the first time in a while, I thought I'd take it easy today. My legs agreed -- I felt random fluttering in the calves and hammies at various points during the run. These little reminders kept me in check. It was a slow, slow run, but I ended up much closer to the marathon goal than I would've been had I pushed and injured myself. I'll take the 10-er.
Also, today's run was in the rain. I almost bailed when I got out there and saw the downpour, but I'm glad I stuck it out. It really had no impact on the run...other than providing material to get me through the marathon. In past races, I've pulled these early season runs during tough stretches to remind myself of the work that I put in. It helps during those really bleak points that are part of every marathon I've run.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
6:28 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Huh? Huh!
Are we men enough?
Tough Mudder
This race benefits Wounded Warrior Project. Sounds fun a bizarre and painful way.
Posted by
8:52 PM
Labels: races
Morning Inglory
I've had another insane week but did manage to get out at 6:30 this morning. I got in a solid 5+ and it wasn't too bad in terms of the weather -- fairly mild, some sun. It wasn't a bad run but it wasn't a great run either. I'm just not that into the early morning runs. My mind is pretty much good to go but my body is not so willing, thus disproving the old 60s trope, "free your mind and your butt will follow..." Be that as it may, it's at least good to get out and get running and get it done since the days have been hectic and filled with craziness. My goal really is 4 days each week so, including today's run, I'm running Friday through Sunday with a big run planned on Sunday.
I slowed down along one section to listen to a couple of dueling woodpeckers. One would rat-a-tat-tat and the other would answer from another tree -- it was some sort of territorial thing, and it was very cool. I couldn't see them though which was disappointing.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Run in Shorts
I got out tonight for 42 minutes in the Park, some on the ring road, some on the reservoir path. The first 15 minuutes felt good, then not some much. I had some tightness and mild pain in my right knee, so did some waling and stretching mid-run. Very much a Spring run tonight. It's warm. I ran in shorts, a technical long-sleeve underlayer, a cotton T, and was very comfortable. Aiming to get out again on Thursday.
Mrs. FA has been running like a possessed woman. Her schedule is steady and she is getting in some solid longer runs, 8 miles, 10 miles, two 12-milers so far. She's going to rip the NYC 1/2 up.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:45 PM
Monday, March 8, 2010
A Good Run
I posted this on Posterous under the title "52,800, At Least." Hope you guys are well. I'm feeling very much back in the saddle. How's Mrs FA's training going? Two weeks to go.
I headed out this morning for my first official long run of this training session. I had in mind to do 10-11 miles, and had no real time in mind, except to keep it around 90 minutes.
It was a beautiful day under crystal clear bluebird skies and the temp was a very comfortable 38 F. I carried 20 ozs of G2, a cliff bar (peanut butter choco-chip), my mobile and wore a hat gloves, shell polypro shirt, tights and base layer briefs -- much stripped down from earlier in the week. I headed out through the center of town and into the next town over. The wind was a mellow breeze out of the S/SW. The streets of our town were quiet with only some dog walkers, a few runners and a few motorists (one of whom did manage to cut me off as she pulled into the lot of the YMCA....awesome).
I have a 5 mile out route to a distinct landmark -- a bridge -- in the next town. It's part of a longer continuum of out and backs that if I ever geared up for it (mentally and physically) would net a 22 mile long run through three towns and some very scenic neighborhoods. Today's out and back though was just to the bridge. As I neared the bridge I felt good. I decided to go closer to 11. So, rather than stopping at the bridge to eat the Cliff and drink some Gatorade I took a left and ran down a path. The town next to us has a great system of walking trails across the town. I sort of power walked, slow jogged while I wolfed the Cliff and chugged some fluid and then picked it up again. I ran next to a nice little brook, crossed some streets, and followed the path which eventually had me running on top of the Lake Cochichuate Aqueduct for a little trail running. I came back to the main drag that I followed out, and then headed for home. I felt good throughout though my quads were a bit sore -- I went from being "kind-of-running" to at least 28 miles this week, with a stroller run on Saturday.
At about the 40 minute mark I found my rhythm and just kept on rolling. I love it when that happens. I heard loads of Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Crows, saw several Mourning Doves, a huge Red Tail and, what I think, though can't be sure because I couldn't see its rump, which is always white, a Northern Harrier. I enjoyed today, but am glad that it's over, though. This was a good week of running accomplishment and I feel very much back in the saddle. I covered the ground in about 90 minutes, maybe a bit more, but I'm not sure how far I actually went, though it was 52,800 feet, at least.
Posted by
8:52 AM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, birds, long run, Vermont City Marathon
Saturday, March 6, 2010
RUnning Buddies
I took full advantage of the gorgeous day and headed out in the late morning with two of my favorite running buddies: Child 2 & Child 3. We headed out on our usual stroller run route and I felt pretty good at the usual turn around that I pushed it out to the turn around that makes it a 5.4 mile run (depends on the mapping tool I use). Rather than turn right around Child 2 inquired about where the turnaround road went. So, after a brief pause to drink some water we headed down the turnaround road on a little running adventure. We crossed a couple of small streams and paused to look at them -- Child 2 loves "bubbling brooks."
The loop eventually brought us back to the center of town and we headed home on the road we went out on. Total distance was just shy of 6 (5.88) which may be my longest stroller run. I felt good throughout, though I was sucking wind at the end -- i was coming back harder than I went out. WE sprinted downtown to see the train come through, and generally had a fine time. Child 2 chatted with me throughout and Child 3 was chattering and making noises and pointing at everything he saw. It was a fun run. Getting ready for 10 - 11 tomorrow.
Posted by
3:41 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, running buddy, Running With Children, Vermont City Marathon
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Dawn Patrol
I got out for a pair this week at about 6:10 AM. It's a major shift in my life and my body and mind are not appreciative. It's the only time I can get out there and do it and not get sucked in to the minutia of my life. I went nearly 6 miles both days, but today was lousy, i cut it off and bailed so that the run was closer to 5 -- I was not feeling it. Anyway, i was out there, and I'll go again Saturday and Sunday for 5, 10-11 respectively. I'm hoping that my crummy start to training this year ends strong whereas last year I started great and ended badly. I'll take a slower time in New Bedford for better finish in Burlington. I signed up for the Eastern States 20 from Maine to Mass on 3/28 so that should be "fun." It will be easier to do a long run if I pay for it than try and get out and do it by myself -- which always blows me up -- I need the adrenaline of a race to keep me going and I just don't generate that much on a solo Sunday jaunt through MetroWest. Surprisingly.
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9:32 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, New BEdford Half Marathon, Vermont City Marathon
Catching up
This is a catch up post from Alta, where we're on vacation with Mrs. VTR's family. It's blowing like crazy out today, and 10"-20" is expected over the next 24 hours. Doesn't bode well for running, but like AG, we'll get plenty of exercise in on the slopes.
Earlier in the week, I did manage to get in my two long runs for the week. I did 6 on Saturday and 12 miles on Monday. After having skipped my short mid-week runs two weeks in a row, I'm embracing the "don't miss the long runs" mentality...maybe to a fault. We'll see if I can turn that around next week.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:16 AM
Labels: VTRunner
Monday, March 1, 2010
Get It In Gear
I took the kids skiing this weekend, and did 3.6 with Mrs. A yesterday.
I need to get it in gear or I'll never be ready for my races. I've devised a new approach for next year -- no spring marathons. My typical yearly training trajectory brings me into best shape in the fall -- so, why stress to run a run spring marathon?
Train for Lowell or something in the fall and cap the year that way. Then from Christmas until now, just run to maintain, get in a couple of races, but not kill myself and take my kids skiing which is tons of fun and something that they are loving. I'm stoked I got them back to the mountain this weekend and they really enjoyed it. Their lessons reinforced what they've picked and whetted their appetite for next year. So, I'm putting it in gear, and am energized by revelation about running and the yearly trajectory.