So, it's been like 11 days since my last run. That's awful. I've got too many races coming up to be a slacker. I got in a nice weekend of skiing last weekend, but it's not great for running training. I'm taking the kids back skiing this weekend to lock down the lessons they took last week. So, this is it for skiing this year -- three times in 8 days. I'll get in a longer run Sunday and it's time to get down to brass tacks.
I was a beast before my run, and even today's lousy run (hey, it was 11 days off) was still good. It was pouring rain and windy, but it wasn't the weather that made it bad, it was the runner. Back on it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Welcome Back, Me
Posted by
8:40 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
It's official
Received today via email:
"Thank you for registering for the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon which takes place Sunday, May 30th 2010."
I guess I just can't stay away. Game on.
Posted by
VT Runner
6:20 PM
Labels: Marathon training, VTRunner
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Long weekend
We took a road trip to Skaneateles, NY to visit with Mrs. VTR's cousins and pick up our new dog. Yup, we now have a little pup named Maggy. She's a black lab and comes from the same kennel as Mako, Mrs. VTR's sister's dog. She's a cute one, this Maggy, and has a loving personality.
On the running front, I managed to run longer than I've run in about six months. I did 6 on Friday and 11 today. Both runs felt great -- like getting reacquainted with an old friend -- though today got long at about 1:20 minutes into it. No injuries or tightness to report. More satisfaction that I'm back at it.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:25 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Run with Spouse
January was a tough month. Work and the weather were obstacles for me. I even dragged my gear around Germany for week, hoping to run in Hamburg and Berlin, but the same forces of work and weather kept me mostly at my desk. (Weather was the bigger problem in Germany, actually. There's been a lot of snow and ice there...apparently this is unusual, and the Germans don't clear sidewalks. Both cities were COVERED in ice. In fact, I slipped and smacked my head pretty good on my way to a dinner. Bad business.) So altogether I had only four runs in January, a far cry fro the 40 miles I'd announced as my goal for the month, on this blog.
So that's my update, as I've been an infrequent visitor. With a 15k galloping toward me (March 28) I am feeling some positive pressure to get back on the stick. (Funny how the Olympics are inspring. I love the Olympics, but watched my first few hours of coverage last night...snowboard cross and some luge, men's skating.)
So Mrs. FA and I got out together this morning for about 3.5 miles in the Park. It's a beautiful morning in NYC. The sky is a slate blue, and the Park is covered in crusty snow from last night's storm. The footing was tough but kind of fun, shifting from some slick blacktop to the snow-covered Res loop to crushed ice and salt.
More later, fellas. Peace.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:01 AM
Labels: 15k, central park reservoir, Mrs. FA
Monday, February 15, 2010
I got out for a quick 4+ on Friday evening while at my parents' house. I hadn't run the route in a long time, so it was fun to run it. While the run didn't feel as awesome as Thursday's it was still pretty nice. I covered the ground quickly and was back fast enough that my father said, that was a short run. That felt goo.
We'd intended to go out on Saturday but ended up vegetating.
Sunday I ran with BR on his Birthday -- the families got together and I dragged him out for a 4.5. I'd been planning on doing a tenner, but wasn't in the mood. It was windy and cold and gray and blah: classic February. We had a great run and it was really great to run with a friend.
Posted by
7:59 AM
Labels: Agricola, cold weather running, Running, running buddy, winter
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Six in the snow
I got out for six today in a beautiful light snow. It was post-card material weather. No wind, just light, fluffy flakes falling steadily. There was about a half inch on the ground, which was perfect for providing traction and muting any extra noise -- not that there was much on this route.
The run felt great. My body and mind seems to have appreciated the break from running. I'm really enjoying it on all levels right now.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:43 AM
Labels: VTRunner
Runners Must Read
Read this book:
"Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen"
Posted by
VT Runner
10:07 AM
Labels: VTRunner
I've been meaning to recommend some great winter running gear that I'm into this year. Patagonia's integral jacket and pant are awesome. Warm, windproof (I think) and good looking. Nice for hiking, skating, snowshoeing, and of course running. Not cheap, but worth it so far.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:02 AM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I got in a five miler with Mrs. VTR today. We didn't actually run together, but we were out at the same time, and it felt good to share the accomplishment. Bluebird day in the 20's. Perfect for a run.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:20 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Finding the Flow
As we all know sometimes ballplayers get in a slump. They lose their stroke. The only thing to do is to keep on swinging, keep on taking your cuts. Well, today I came out of my slump.
I found my stroke again. I also achieved a really nice level of flow that I've not reached in months -- surprisingly so. I headed out today in a poor mood -- angry, mainly. Sometimes anger is good for a run, sometimes it blows it up. You go out too hard to burn off the aggression and whatever hormones, and amino acids and residue of your fit are coursing through your veins amps you up early and leaves you flat later and it ends up being a lousy run. Today, I went out just to burn off the substances and see what would happen.I settled into a comfortable rhythm early and just ran -- it was a lope, really. Everything came together, and nothing bothered me. Stop for a light, or to wait for traffic while crossing a street? No worries. Run along some icy stuff -- why not slide it, it's fun. Shoe untied -- tie it. I'd pick right up where I left off. Right into my lope, right into my zone. It was fluid. I found my stroke and reached that state of comfort and exertion that is very rare. It felt great. I came back in a good mood, with my anger dissipated. With sadness (which I think is the flip-side of anger) abated. I fed off the energy of my emotion and burned it steadily along the course. Ah yes, running as therapy. I found my stroke. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Posted by
9:36 PM
Lunch run
Three or so at lunch today. Blue sky. 30's. Nice.
Posted by
VT Runner
7:31 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Have I mentioned that I hate treadmills?
I made it to the gym again this evening and got in 3 miles. It was drudgery. I struggled through, noting how uneven my stride seemed, getting shocked randomly from a slight current that seemed to be running through the machine, and generally feeling miserable. My headphones didn't even work right. For some reason there was a slight current running through one of the earbuds that kept nipping my ear. It wasn't until I had five minutes left that I got into some kind of mini-zone.
I felt good for sticking it out. Sometimes that's the victory I guess.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:17 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Up & Down
Not sure what it is, but my training runs have been very up and down these past few weeks. I think I need the adrenaline of races to help me -- but no adrenaline is to be found as I grind it out solos through the streets of suburban Boston. Oh well. Spring is on the way -- today was mid-30s, bluebird and lovely. Tomorrow forecasts to be a bear. Winter returns. Pitchers and catchers report soon, this weekend maybe. Almost there. I think I can I think I can I think I can.
This post pretty much appears verbatim on my posterous running site -- I don't have it in me to be creative there and here and here and there today. Hope you guys are good. Can't wiat for winter to end.
Posted by
10:52 PM
Labels: beautiful weather, Running, winter
Late Three
I hit the gym late night tonight and got in a great workout. Mrs. VTR was very supportive of me breezing in at home at 6:30, spending an hour with the kids, and then heading out to the gym at 7:30. Without spousal support, workouts wouldn't even be a glimmer to me, and based on the blog you guys are in the same boat. Yes! to the ladies.
Anyway, I got in a good three on the treadmill, followed by about 25 minutes of weight work on the shoulders, back and chest. It felt good to work hard, and even better to have done it after work, which is when I am usually pretty much worthless. (Could it have something to do with the fact that I taste-tested a bunch of new coffees between 3:00 and 4:00 today? Hmmm....)
Now the goal is to get on a schedule with Mrs. VTR, so we can both get our workouts in. You'll see how that goes right here.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:22 PM
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Race Report: Super Sunday 10K
I headed out on a beautiful bluebird of a day to run the Marathon Sports Super Sunday 5k/10K race. Held along the Boston waterfront this race is only it's third year and it is well attended, and, like Marathon Sports other races very well run. This years course was very similar to last years except that we started at 390 Congress St which was much more roomy and comfortable for the large field. Last year we started from in front of the Harpoon Brewery and it was a little crowded -- so that was a good move. This year's race also went off on time which was appreciated because it was only about 20F with a stiff breeze.
The course wound its way through the rapidly changing Boston waterfront, down Congress St and back, around the new courthouse, by ICA etc. The course was pancake flat as is to be expected on harbor roads and quite fast. The filed was quick -- lots of Boston trainers I think -- and trending young. One of my favorite sites on the course is the tiny Our Lady of Safe Passage Chapel -- located between two huge parking lots and across from some very new, sleek glass office buildings (the thought of the value of that property is astounding -- it's diagonally across the street from 56).
View Larger Map
I ran a nice first half, 23:43 or something and felt pretty good coming into the second half (the race was a couple of loops of the same course). Out to mile four was a nice tail wind, but mile 4-5 was right back into a stilff headwind, and I sort of flagged on this leg and recorded what was probably my slowest mile ~7:55 (39:35). The buildings broke the wind around this point and I dug down and worked a bit harder. I crossed 6 miles at just about 46 even and finished around 46:43, I think, it was definitely below 47 which was cool but the official results will be posted and I'll know for sure tonight. I had a nice kick through the last .2 and was working hard down the home stretch and trying to catch a guy who was in front of me. He picked it up too and held me off by a step. After we crossed the finish line he turned to me with a huge grin and said "thanks for pushing me!" and shook my hand -- that was cool. I had a huge rush at the end of this and totally felt that ever elusive runner's high, It was fun. I remembered why I love to run. Bennu did a nice 5 K as well,it was good to see him.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: 10k, Agricola, race report, super bowl sunday
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lift and swim
Hi all,
Got a lift and swim in yesterday. Probably worked out for 45 minutes. Felt good.
Hope all is well out there.
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Posted by
11:09 AM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Treading for three
I got in a quick three miler today on a treadmill. It actually wasn't bad, considering that I generally don't like and avoid treadmills. Check it off.
Posted by
VT Runner
6:46 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
100 on 100
The yearly call. Who's interested?
100 on 100 -- August 28, 2010.
Posted by
12:56 PM
Monday, February 1, 2010
February Begins
February is here. I got out today after a meeting north of Boston. I headed out for 4 miles at 3:30 this afternoon. It was brisk, in the low-30s but that's hot compared to what we've been experiencing. There was a stiff head wind on the way out, and a nice tail wind on the way back. It wasn't a great run, but it will do: a solid 4 miles, covered briskly. On the way back my hands actually got too warm in my warmer gloves and I removed them. The days are getting longer -- the sun wasn't plummeting at 3:30, it was still bright out when I got home, I'm noticing some buds appearing on trees. I'm feeling positive, feeling good. Today's run left me energized and focused. I'll get out tomorrow too.
Posted by
8:21 PM