and windy! 12 degrees to start with 30+ mph wind makes for a cold run. Need to figure out better protection for the jewels. Otherwise, I was properly attired for the weather. Decent 4.5 mile run this morning. No lingering effects from the x-training. Need 1 more 3 mile run this month to reach goals. Going to be tight tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
So, it appears we've all been a bit hamstrung over the holidays. It's tough, very tough. I got out today. It was cold (ice in full sun is not melting) and I't'd been a while since I'd run. Not sure how far I went but felt OK through the first 3/4s then lousy the last 1/4. Wine, beer, cocktails (manhattans, egg nog, things on rocks), cookies, chocolate take their toll, that's for sure. I'll go again tomorrow. I'm contemplating the local New Year's Day 5K on Friday. I'm not anticipating any land speed records for that one -- I'm ending 2009 slower than I started it, that's for sure -- but it will be good to get out and run.
Posted by
12:21 PM
Labels: Agricola, cold weather running, Running
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
So much for X training
Holidays and weather (really more the lack of footing) have played havoc with my running schedule. Managed only one 2 mile run last week as it was too icy to run any longer. So on Xmas eve, I decided to jump in the pool for some cross training. I figure I need to work this into my regular routine if I hope to participate in any tri's this summer. Managed 10 laps of various strokes with a pause at the end of each length. Unfortunately, my left calf cramped badly on the 8th lap. Didn't see it coming as I've had no troubles with leg cramps while running and have never (ever!) done laps in a pool before (odd since I was a lifeguard for 5 years). The next few days I was very sore. Probably should have eased into it a bit more slowly. I finally made it out onto the road yesterday morning for a 10k run. The first two miles where great as I was fresh and it wasn't too cold. The last two miles where awful. Not only was I fighting the calf cramp returning, but my left quad felt like it was going to go any second. I also over dressed for the 38 degree temp. resulting in overheating for the second half of the run. The good news is that today, while a little sore, I feel like I could head out for another run. Plan to head out tomorrow and maybe Thursday. I'm very close to reaching both of my December goals (12 runs, 50 miles) despite the last week.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
2:33 PM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
So, I composed the skeleton of this post a few days ago when I FINALLY got out for a run....
Being the holiday season, I've had a ton of work-outs:
- Friday (week ago): 12 oz curls last thanks to a yankee swap with festive game night crew
- Saturday: More 12 oz curls, 2oz. shooters and 8oz. wine swigs thanks to holiday rager with friends
- Sunday: Day/night off. The body needs to recover, you know.
- Monday: Hockey (two goals); followed by more 12oz. curls.
- Tuesday: 12oz. curls with work crew
- Wednesday: Weekly dinner with friends -- 2 bottles of wine.
- Thursday: Christmas eve! More wine with in-laws.
Yikes! It was on Christmas eve that I finally went out for a run. Three good miles in the late afternoon. Felt good, and started me (finally, I hope) back on the exercise track.
I got in about 2.5 miles of skate skiing on Christmas day and a full day of skiing today. Good stuff, and it feels good to be somewhat active again. More skiing and maybe some ice skating on tap for tomorrow. It better happen, seeing as I'm finishing a lovely martini at the moment.
Happy holidays boys. Eat, drink, be merry...and maybe get in a workout or two.
Posted by
VT Runner
6:12 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Post-Christmas Slog
I got out for a 30 minute run this afternoon, in a driving rain. I felt every mouthful consumed over the last three days. Tough going. It's been one week since my baseline weigh-in, and I'm up to 230. Plenty of room to come down, certainly.
Looking forward to some renewed activity from everyone, maybe before New Year's?
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
3:48 PM
Labels: christmas running, Holiday weight
Monday, December 21, 2009
Catch up
I got in a quick one on Friday afternoon/evening.It was dark and cold. I felt pretty good until the end when my legs weren't quite working right due to the cold -- they were tight and not turning over all that easily. I should have worn one more layer on my legs I guess.
Yesterday I shoveled out our house and cleaned cars for a couple of hours. Hoping to get out today, but it's going to be hectic.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: Agricola, cold weather running, Running, winter
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Yah, so Mrs. FA and I had a slightly excessive Friday night at home, and I headed out to run this morning at 11:30a feeling fat and mildly hung-over. The Great Hill put me on my ass. I ran for six minutes, turned around and headed home, for 11 minutes altogether. To be fair, it was cold, and I was not dressed for the weather. Still, the fact that I bagged on the run put me in a crabby mood for much of the afternoon. So at 5:00 I bundled up for a do-over.
I ran down the West Side of the Park and cut over on the 65th Street Transverse and then around the bottom loop of the Park, stopping at Columbus Circle. It was a little over 3 miles in a little under 30 minutes. The big storm had begun and the snow was beautiful and I waved at every runner, mad cyclist and handsome cabbie out there with me. A few more than usual smiled and waved back. Must be the season. It was great to be out and running.
That's three runs for this past week, on-track with A's challenge. This coming week I aim to get out tomorrow (Sunday), Tuesday, and Christmas Eve. Re: Phat's challenge, my baseline weight is 225 pounds, recorded this afternoon. There will be no photos, but I'll aim to post weight again next Saturday. It'll be after much feasting and flagons of wine. I won't be the biggest loser.
The FAs went out for our Christmas tree today, decorated it and started wrapping presents. I hope you guys have a holy and festive week with your families.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
5:55 PM
Labels: central park, christmas running, do-over, running in snow
Friday, December 18, 2009
Couple to report
Got a nice 4.75 mile run last Sunday. I felt good and had fun and beat the rain. I didn't get out again until Wednesday and did my bread run to Trader Joe's. I felt better on the way back than on the way out -- total head-wind on the way out and a lovely tail-wind on the way home. It's cold today, but I hope to get out today for a quick one. Should be doable.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Several workouts later and a thirty day challenge
Hi all,
Hit the treadmill for a 4.1 miler last Friday and this past Monday. About an 8:20 pace. Also, hit the gym for a P90x workout for a little over an hour lifting weights. I am about to start another reiteration of this program and if anyone else is interested in ordering the DVDs and starting with me let me know.
VTR - I understand what it it like to play hockey as I played the JV-B boys team yesterday on defense and had a blast. Unfortunately, I know where my body needs to go on the ice, but it really can't take me there. Need a little more practice.
Just getting out and being active is 90% of the battle.
I am challenging each of us to workout for the next thirty days for a couple of reasons:
Keep the holiday weight off
Start the New Year off the right way by being in better shape
To keep us honest, I say we post weight and photos of the upper body. Any takers?
Keep on running.
Posted by
1:47 PM
Labels: 30 day challenge
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Cold, or, Harlem Doesn't Run
Got out for a brisk 27 minute run tonight. I had planned to go longer but I found myself underdressed and COLD. The Park was empty above 96 Street, that is, I found myself observing, hey, the Park is empty, it must be the cold, until I crossd 96th Street and suddenly I was among many runners again. My conclusion: Harlem doesn't run.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:08 PM
Labels: central park, cold, harlem, tights
Seems like I was always running into a headwind today. Ran the castle island 10K route. Not much else to report.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
3:12 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
Building the base
Still at it. I've been increasing the mileage ever so slowly at 10% per week for the last month. Based on Agricola's recommendation and that of several running rags I've read, this is a good rule to avoid (repeat) injury. 50 miles last month, shooting for 55 this month. Ran my 3 mile loop this morning as the bone spur in the ankle was a little sore after the added distance the past two weeks. Last week had two of my hardest runs due to weather (Wednesday's snow storm and Friday's torrential rain). There's something about running in bad weather that I'm addicted to. Felt good today. 6+ for Wednesday.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
10:05 PM
Best Run for Weeks
I got out for 34 minutes tonight. Best run for weeks. I ran the Reservoir Loop for the first time in a dog's age. I actually felt strong, and mid-way chose to run a slightly longer route than I had planned. Maybe some of the fitness I lost in the six weeks of post-ADK 1/2 inactivity is coming back. But then Wednesday's run will probably kick my *ss.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
7:46 PM
Labels: central park reservoir, come back
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Crappy Week
I didn't get out this past week until Friday, in Tampa, Florida, early, around 6:00a. I ran for about 28 minutes. I got a little freaked by the sign that said, "Beware of Alligators." No lie.
Mrs. FA and I got out yesterday (Saturday) for 30 minutes in Rochester, NY. It was 19 degrees and the terrain was mixed -- some snow, some ice, some blacktop -- in her sister's neighborhood.
I'm finally back home after six days, hoping to have a regular week, with runs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:43 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Of all of the things I like about being my own boss what I don't like is the never-off nature of starting our own thing. It interferes sometimes with my life which is really much more important than my work (and always has been). I tend to get short lately and have little patience. Running helps me deal with that -- a reality hammered home when I'm not running as much as I should. I got out yesterday afternoon in the dark. It was cold and windy. There were no other runners out. The Christmas lights were on in folks' houses. I went 3.3. It was beautiful and clarifying both physically and metaphysically. I was strong and quick (I can run!). I pondered some stuff and settled on a course of action. It was good. I then got home, showered, hydrated & drank a beer. I yelled at my kids about something stupid. I've still got a ways to go. Embrace the process. Find the center.
Posted by
11:17 AM
Labels: Agricola, Family, metaphysics, Running, winter
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I scored one last night for my team on hockey night (after two weeks of scoring against my team). Good workout, good fun, followed by beers. Not bad for a Monday night.
Posted by
VT Runner
7:32 PM
Labels: VTRunner; cross training; hockey
Monday, December 7, 2009
More Like It
I went out late today, around 4:15 PM. I didn't run over the weekend. I worked hard on Saturday to finish my yard work. Today was the first run of the 09-10 winter running season as far as I'm concerned: sub-40 F, dark, snow on the ground, badly shoveled sidewalks in places, hat gloves tights, shell & reflector. I had no real route in mind, I just went out and did my thing and ended up having a beaut of a run in the 4 mile neighborhood. I even threw in my end of 10K hills and did well. Last week may have been an anomaly, it may have been the week off, too much food at Thanksgiving, I don't know. My body reacted well and I enjoyed tonight. I felt quick, I liked my tempo, my CV felt good, my legs were solid. Mrs. A is happy to see us back on the blog.
Posted by
8:50 PM
Labels: Agricola, cold weather running, Mrs. Agricola, Running, Winter Program
Treadmill again
As I work into running once again, I have found it tough getting motivated to do it even though after I finish a run, I feel immensely better. Hit the treadmill last night for 4.1 miles and ran at an 8:30 pace. Slow, but at least I haven't lost too much ground to just lifting and other things. No tights yet!
I will get out into the real elements, but I am also considering switching shoes. One of my colleagues here just got new Nike "natural" running sneakers and he swears by them. You have to start out slower, but supposedly my buddy's aches in his lower shins have gone away. Check out this funny commercial I found while trying to seek out a link for all of you:
The link to the shoe:,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-224611/pgid-224609&CAWELAID=377772735
I will let everyone know if I get them.
Posted by
1:18 PM
I donned the tights for the first time yesterday to squeeze in a 33-minute run in 42 degree temps.
That makes three runs for last week. This week I'm traveling, Atlanta and St. Petersburg, Florida, for work, then Rochester, NY for the weekend. I am aiming to schedule time for runs in the South, Rochester may be tough. Trying to stay on track with the challenge. More soon.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:00 AM
Labels: tights
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Quick one
Checking it off -- I got in a solid 3.5 miler on Saturday. It was sandwiched between two nights of festive drinking, so a five miler was probably in order, but I was glad to get out nonetheless.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:07 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Friday, December 4, 2009
Short Friday Run
Went out for 3.3 today. Nothing major, but I felt better than yesterday so that's heartening.
IT was chilly but I got out in shorts, gloves, hat not pulled all the way down technical-t and poly pro undershirt (long sleeved). My shorts kept riding up in my crotch and as I ran by this little gas station and Dunkins these morons across the street in an SUV told me to pull down my shorts. If there hadn't been 4 guys with hockey sticks (Aluminum sticks were visible in the back seat, running along the top of the door on the driver's side) I would have stopped, flipped them the bird and asked why they were looking at my shorts and crotch any way... but I rose above and carried on. I've never been hassled around here before (but have in rural Michigan) and think that people in cars who hassle runners are compensating for something.
I entered my name in the lottery for the Cherry Blosson 10-miler on 4/11/10 in D.C.. If you're interested let me know and I'll give you some inside scoop -- there is some HC momentum and we're trying to get in as a group, one from NE one from the Mid-Atlantic.
I also just signed up for the Vermont City we go.
Posted by
8:26 PM
Treadmill run
Hi all,
Hit the treadmill for 3.1 miles and did some weights on Wednesday night. I don't know what it is about the treadmill, but I don't find them too bad. They are definitely easier on the joints and the legs. Might hit the Hyannis 5k this weekend if I can drum up some support around here.
Posted by
10:39 AM
Labels: Treadmill
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I'm not sure what it was, but for some reason I was convinced it was cold outside yesterday. It might have been FreeArtist's post from a few days back or the slightly gray morning. Whatever it was, I hit the streets at lunch in sweats, a long-sleeved tech shirt with zip up turtleneck, another zip turtleneck technical fleece, my light, running jacket (yup, I'm up to three layers) and gloves. I even reached for my hat, but thought better of it. I was overdressed to say the least.
Out on the course, I awkwardly reeled in a group of three runners. You know those times when you're running just fast enough to catch someone, but not fast enough to blow by them? That's the awkward pass I'm talking about. I said hello and picked up my pace until they were well behind me. Not a fan of the slow pass.
Besides my attire and pass, this was an uneventful run. I was glad to get out there. I figure it was 3.5 miles.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:07 PM
Labels: VTRunner
Wake Up Call
Beautiful day (sunny and 70 F), horrible run. This run was a wake up call for me. I need to be more conisstent in my runing, my diet, my hydration, my sleep habits. I need to structure my day better and remember to take time for myself and focus on running. I did about 4ish and it was one of the worst runs I've had in years. I raked and worked in my yard but haven't run since Thursday. The frustrating thing about consistency is that it's all in my control -- I just need to plan my days better.
OK, done venting. Thanks.
Posted by
1:22 PM
Run in the Rain
I got out last night in a cold, intermittant rain, for a 30-minute run. It wasn't a heavy, steady soaking rain, so I guess it was just enough to thin the running and cycling hordes and foster a sense of camaraderie among the runners who still got out, like we were tough guys. That's how I felt, anyway, and I acknowledged each of my comrades with a slight fist-pump. This being New York, this call for help went largely unanswered.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
6:53 AM
Labels: central park, rain
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hockey night
Monday night was hockey night again, and it felt good. 1.5 hours of wind sprints seem tough to beat for fitness. Good times.
Seeing the posts this week is helping with the motivation on the running front. I'm very sporatic. Hoping to get out at least twice this week. You'll hear about it if I do.
Posted by
VT Runner
7:32 PM
Labels: VTRunner; cross training; hockey
Solo Run in a City of 9 Million
I got out in an eerily empty Central Park last night. I started at 7:25p, ran along 110th St, up behind the Lasker Rink/Pool, across the 102 Street Tranverse, then down the West Side to Columbus Circle, where I caught the C Train home. The Park was EMPTY. Weird. I saw maybe four runners the whole way, and not a single cyclist. I t had been raining, so I can understand the cyclist staying in. I can only think the cold scared off the runners. I wore my stocking cap, and wished I had remembered gloves.
I'm staying with the intermitant recovery walks for the time being, though last night's running felt pretty good.
More soon.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
6:06 AM
Labels: central park, walk/run