I have not run since the almost-back-to-back races last week, but am better for the time off and looking forward to getting back on the road. I'll be in SF next week and will hit my usual route along the Bay. I am thinking VERY carefully about making a run at the Adirondack 1/2 Marathon in September. So the strategy would be, start training after Scout Camp in late June, run a shorter race around mid-way, in August, and then focus hard on the 1/2. Maybe. I'll certainly run either the 5k or 10k option, so if anyone wants to make a weekend in the ADKs, let us know. The race is not far from our place.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Vermont City Marathon (aka Tour de Port-o-let)
I ran the Vermont City Marathon yesterday. Completed the race in about 4:05 (haven't checked the official results), but the time for this run was inconsequential. It was all about finishing, mainly because of my limited training. As I wrote of here, I pulled my calf on March 15, and I've been working my way back ever since. My recovery included a bunch of small relapses for a few weeks, no running for about 3 weeks, and then, finally, a conservative, rebuilding schedule that topped out at a two hour run two weeks ago. There was no risk of being overtrained on race day, that was for sure.
My goals for the marathon were 1. Don't re-injure myself, 2. Finish, 3. Experiment with pace by going out slowly and trying to finish strong. I'm glad to report that I didn't suffer any injuries, I finished and I went out relatively slowly and finished with a couple of 9:30-ish miles. I was happy with that... especially given my gastro-intestinal situation for the race. I'll skip the details and leave it at this: Over the course of 26.2 miles, I urinated in a field on the side of a road and visited three pot-o-potties and a gas station. My stomach was not right throughout.
My big story for this race, though, was the feeling I had afterwards. Unlike past marathons where I felt like I left something on the table and had to try again, I finished yesterday feeling that I was done with this distance for a while. It wasn't a negative feeling, like I was defeated or had a negative experience, I just don't have a reason to go back right now. I'm ready to move on to things like biking, maybe some tri's and definitely some half marathons. The marathon provides anyone who finishes with a huge sense of accomplishment. That is worthwhile. But it also hurts. It's a painful race, and without a real reason to run -- a reason that drives you to push through the pain -- it's not happening. After four marathons in two years, I don't have a compelling need or reason to do another.
I'm very excited by this new development. A new phase of long distance training begins for me today...ok, maybe tomorrow. Today, I rest.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:43 AM
Labels: Vermont City Marathon, VTRunner
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Two Races
I ran the NYRR Healthy Kidney 10k on Saturday. It was great. I went alone, and ran alone, ignored the crowds and the fanfare, talked to myself the whole way, controlled my pace through the hills, and ran a surprisingly consistent race. I hit the mile markers at precise 10 minute intervals. When I reached the five mile mark in exactly 50 minutes I thought, I've done it, the race is over. So I put the pedal down and ran my fastest split in the last mile. I did not run that much the four weeks leading to this race and didn't think I was in great shape for it, and I am now utterly convinced that the right mental approach to a race has a material impact on performance. My time was 1.01.29; the first half time was 31.14.
Last night was the American Heart Assoc Wall Street 5k run, and I ran with a colleague. Due to construction on a portion of the course the distance was actually 3 miles, even. The race started at the World Trade Center site and did a clockwise loop around lower Manhattan, finishing at the World Financial Center. The last mile was beautiful, 65 degrees, along the Hudson, The Statue of Liberty on my right. I ran it in 28.33. I felt that I could have run it faster, and blame the narrow streets downtown and SUPER crowded field. The first mile was wicked slow.
My colleague is a former big-time collegiate track and field athlete. She ran the three mile course in 21.08, and was disapointed.
So, lots of running this last few days. Planning to head out tomorrow and maybe this weekend, but hoping to get some cycling in soon, as a change of pace.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:06 PM
Labels: race report
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I deferred the marathon last week. I ran 16 miles last Wednesday and felt lousy near the end. If I'd had like 4 more weeks I'd have been OK but my training has suffered as a result of working so much. Here I am posting at 12:45 AM . . . this is the story of my life. I'm bummed, kind of, but I'm at peace with it -- it's one less source of stress for me. I'm targeting some shorter distances and will get out sometime tomorrow, hopefully. I might even run a fall one, I've got a decent base, I just lacked the emotional and mental room to start a company and train for a marathon. Keep up the good work, I'll be back soon. Good luck this week VTR, see you Saturday.
Posted by
12:43 AM
Labels: Agricola
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Run 28
I got in my planned run last Wednesday, May 13. The route was a variation on Run 27, cutting across the Park at 102nd Street and then taking the Great Hill in reverse instead of head-on. I don't know the distance traveled on Runs 27 and 28 but I ran for 30+ minutes each night.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
11:45 AM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir
Friday, May 15, 2009
One hour
Ran one hour this morning. No issues. Saw some fresh moose tracks, a pair, heading towards the beaver pond, but no moose. Beautiful day.
Off to the Outer Banks tomorrow for the week.
Posted by
VT Runner
6:41 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Run 27
Ran for 30 minutes tonight. It's a great evening for in NYC. Temps in the hig 60s, I think. Clear. Light breeze. LOTS of very fit women on bikes buzzing past. Interesting.
Took a slightly different loop, leaving the Reservoir path on the East Side at 95th Street, up the Park Road on the East Side, down the hill behind Lasker Pool and then partway up the Great Hill until my exit near home.
I'm working on having a positive outlook about the Healthy Kidney 10k, sponsored by the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates. (Weird.) So far, so good. I'll run Wednesday evening, then knock off until the race on Saturday.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:21 PM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir, girls on bikes
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Catching up
Ran for 40 minutes on Monday, 30 minutes on Thursday, and 2 hours today. No issues to report. The marathon is still in sights although I will pull the chute at any sign of issues with the calf. So far, no issues, so on I go.
Enjoy Mom's day.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:09 PM
Labels: calf recovery, VTRunner; VCM Training
Run 26
After a frustrating work day I headed out last night around 7:45p, ran down the hill from the house, and then up up up Route 9 towards Westport. I was surprised by my uphill stamina. There were no flats on this route, it was either up or down the whole way. I walked some of the ups, but overall I had the heart pumping hard for 45 minutes altogether. My calf muscles ached towards the end, and my shins are sore this morning.
Next week's 10k looks like kind of a big deal. Professional male runners will be participating. I'm sure I won't see them, but that's still sort of cool. The course is the entire park loop, starting at Columbus Circle and running clockwise, up the West side, down the East side. I'm going to use the water stations on this one.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
11:19 AM
Labels: 10k training, Adirondacks, hills
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Run 25
The 10k is around the corner, May 16. After a short chat with VTR I got out and ran my standard 5k route in about 28 minutes. No stops, no excuses. It was cool out but I came back sweating. Going to try to get on a full 10k this weekend up in the Champlain Valley.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
3:08 PM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir, wall street fun run
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Run 24
I snuck in 25 fast minutes on the treadmill on Friday night, before the long drive to PH. I'm not much for treamills, as I have said here before, but this was a pretty good run. Caught a rerun of "Friends" on the gym TV. It was only my second run last week (first was on Monday) and I didn't run this weekend, beyond 30 minutes sprinting around the yard, playing hide-and-seek with the little FAs. I'm now inside two weeks of my 10k, and even though I haven't hit the road like I did for other races I feel optimistic and am excited for it. I've had some good dreams, running well and feeling good. Aiming to run 10k this coming weekend in preparation but otherwise am just aiming to get through the week.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:05 PM
Labels: 10k training, Treadmill Running, wall street fun run
Good Long Run
Just mapped today's run -- 15.6 miles. I hit the road around 7 AM. I walked the first couple hundred yards -- I was not motivated but knew I needed to get out. I did last year's long route with the intention of going out about 8 and coming back. I went out about ten and change and came back 5 and change and then I started walking home and called for the ride. I really didn't feel like suffering into my neighborhood so opted for this plan, about part way out. I also chose the route once I got to a point where I could go one of two ways -- there really was no plan, just running. I ran for about 2:35 or so and am happy with that. A little more consistency during the week is one goal and then a three hour run next Saturday -- Sunday is Mother's day, and I can't leave for three hours then!
It was a good route, some good long hills, some tough short little ups. It goes through my town and two others through some lovely bucolic land, wooded marshes and horse pastures etc. It also passes over the Framingham line of the Commuter Rail, under Route 9 & I-90 and crosses Route 30.
I'm on a zen running kick -- no HR monitor, no watch (though I had my celly and that gave me the rough time) and no real plan when I leave the door. I really need to get some more Body Glide though, my nips got scorched and I bled through a polypro and a technical but didn't really feel it until afterwards. I think this run rocked and helped me realize that with some hard work this month, I can run this marathon. By the end of today I was covered in sweat, salt, spittle, snot, blood and Gatorade -- a good long run!
Posted by
9:17 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, long run, Vermont City Marathon
Saturday, May 2, 2009
One hour
It was a perfect day for a run weatherwise. Clear, mid to high-fifties, puffy clouds. Trees are just starting to pop up here, which makes for a nice contrast of green to brown as you look up the slopes.
I got in an hour run. I figure it's around 7.5 miles. No issues. We'll see how this week goes.
Posted by
VT Runner
4:15 PM
Labels: calf recovery, VCM Training, VTRunner