Elliptical again this morning. 4 miles. Weee.
Running is on tap for Wednesday after a day of rest and hydration tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Posted by
VT Runner
10:17 PM
Labels: calf strain, VCM Training, VTRunner
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Motivation is incredibly low right now. Not sure why. not sure what's up. I'm NOT into this right now. I havent run since Thursday. I have other things on my mind and running is not one of them.
Posted by
7:29 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, motivation
Gym 5
I hit the gym this morning for 5 miles on the eliptical. Not sure how they determine distance on a machine that turns your legs in circles, but it said, "5", and that was the goal. Calf is getting stronger every day. Targeting Wednesday for the first run.
Posted by
VT Runner
7:15 PM
Labels: calf strain, VCM Training, VTRunner
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Run 18, San Antonio
I got out for a short run in San Antonio along the famous riverwalk, which, by the way, if filing for bankruptcy! Anyway, I got run 18 squeezed in between meetings on Tuesday. It was hot in Texas and I had a good sweat, which I haven't had while running since probably October.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
11:35 AM
Labels: 10k training, San Antonio, travel
Friday, March 27, 2009
Much Better
I got out yesterday. It felt much better. My two runs this week really hammered home the importance of rhythm in running. Tuesday was a choppy run and I felt lousy. Thursday had more unbroken stretches and it felt better. There were a few choppy parts and I felt not great. Stopping and starting is hard. I did what I think is a five mile loop, it was a variation on my normal five mile loop. I added in a big climb that I haven't done in maybe two years. The hill was neither as steep nor as long as I remembered it -- a good sign, I think. I saw a group of HS girls out on a track team training run, dogging it. They saw me coming and got all nervous, like I was their coach or something. I was going to tell them to do the miles, but just grinned at them as I ran by. One girl grinned back, she knew I knew what they were up to. Pretty funny.
Posted by
12:08 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Where I've Been, Two
The week after the NB Half started nicely with a quick 4 mile errand run on St. Patrick's day, and ended in a total downer. I got caught up in starting this new venture and flaked on running. I was set to get out for 10 on Saturday and 15-16 on Sunday -- I was jut going to go for it. During a Saturday wrestling match with Child One I took a wicked (accidental) poke to the eye that scratched the cornea and had me in agony the rest of the day. I basically couldn't keep either eye open on Saturday so laid around with both closed until Sunday when the poked-eye was barely functioning. My whole weekend was shot and with it my week.
Well, water under the bridge, so I got out today and took Child Three for his first stroller run. He's been walking in the jogger with Mrs. A, but this was his first run, and it was less than stellar. It was challenging and I felt crummy. I made the mistake of heading out at 2:30 PM -- school pickup in town and tons of traffic. good times. The wind was howling and in my face all the way back, more good times. I got out for a slow 4.75 though and will go again tomorrow. Gotta get back on the horse. It's getting to crunch time and I need to buckle down and RUN.
VTR, I'm sorry, I missed something, somewhere, but you're injured again? Total drag, I'm sorry. Give a shout if you want to talk.
Posted by
10:45 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, Child Three, eye injuries, Running With Children, Vermont City Marathon
Monday, March 23, 2009
20 minutes on the eliptical today. Patience...patience.
Posted by
VT Runner
7:53 PM
Labels: calf injuries, recovery, VCM Training, VTRunner
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Run 17; iPod, Part 2
Mrs. FA is out with a close friend today to run a 4-mile NYRR race. Her friend recently beat breast cancer but is now staring down possibly more daunting health challenges and she started running only recently, I think partly as therapy. It's the friend's first race. So while Mrs. FA runs about 2 minutes/mile faster than her friend, today they're running the race together.
So with the little FAs playing at a neighbors I put my healthy, hardship free body out on the road again this morning, with the iPod. Still having trouble keeping the right ear bud in place, but the music was very supportive.
The playlist:
Eminence Front, The Who
Where the Streets Have No Name, U2
Don't Believe the Hype, Public Enemy
Here it Goes Again, Ok Go
Everywhere, Michelle Branch
Blinded by the Light, Manfred Mann
Favorite, Liz Phair
It's another beuatiful day in NYC, if temps are below 40 degrees. I ran my 5k Reservoir Loop in 29:44, during which I walked about 100 yards to try to shake off some piriformis pain.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:25 AM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir, iPod
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Run 16; iPod, Part 1
Mrs. FA has been after me to try running with the iPod for about 6 months. So I tried it this morning. (She bought me these ear buds that snuggle into the ear canal, b/c the standard ear buds fall out of my ears when I'm standing still.) Tell you what. I liked it. There was a time during the run when I struggled to keep the buds in my ears, and I gave up on the music for a while before a remedy presented itself. I definatlely felt more focused with my swerve on. I think that for where I'm at right now, the music might keep my head in the run. But I need more data. So I am going to try it again on the next run. I'll post the playlist.
Ran the Reservoir loop again. It's a BEAUTIFUL day in NYC, lots of people running, cycling, power walking, walking dogs, doing their thing, etc. Forgot the watch, so no time today.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:04 AM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir, iPod
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Run 15
Hello, Gents. I got out this morning at 7:00a and ran for just less than 30 minutes. I have a short version of the reservoir loop on which I turn right at the bottom of the reservoir and head back uptown on the west side bridle path. (Door to door this is about 5 to 7 minutes shorter than the full loop, and when I run in the morning I run this route to make sure I get to work on time.) The weather is temperate and there were lots of runners and lots of folks running with their dogs, which was cool to see. I don't often run the Park in the morning and at this time of year there are still so few evening runners, I enjoyed the busier Park vibe. Otherwise, nothing special about this one, just a workaday run, checked off my plan for the week.
I have some upcoming warm-climate travel, Tampa and San Antonio. I'm looking forward to a run around the Alamo, and a post with appropriately historical and literary color, ala Call Me Ishmael.
Congratulations to AG and VTR for solid performances at the Noo Beffud Half.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:32 AM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir
Monday, March 16, 2009
Noo Beffuhd Half
As AG mentioned, I too ran the New Bedford Half. He had a great lead in about the history and feel of the race. Great post there, so I'll stick to my performance.
(Interesting that I wore a watch and was all about my splits. AG didn't and kicked butt while soaking in the entire experience and surroundings. Accessory-driven perceptions?)
Anyway, my goal was to run this at marathon pace (around 7:30) for the first 5 or so miles then slowly drop down to half-marathon pace (7:04, derived somehow from my marathon goal time). Since we're still a ways out from the actual marathon, this was less about the goal than it was about seeing how things felt. I was told to think of this as a training run with friends, support, adrenaline, etc. For me, the goal was there to structure the event and give me an overall approach.
The day before the race, I did a relaxed three miler with about five "striders" built in to stretch things out. Striders are new to me. They are essentially 30 second intervals in which you built up to a sprint over 10 seconds, hold it for 10 - 15, then slow back down over the remaining time. It was a low-key run, but I noticed that my left calf was tight. Not a great sign. I awoke on race day with more tightness, but hydrated up and departed for the race.
Unfortunately, the tightness never really went away during the race. It did loosen a bit, but I was always thinking about it, which hampered me some. Still, I was happy with my results until mile 12 and change, when the leg tightened considerably. Despite plenty of fuel left in the tank and no other muscle issues, I couldn't complete a full stride and had to limp in to the finish. Disappointing, but only because of the injury. Overall, I still did well (10 seconds off my PR) and am happy with the result (minus the last mile). Now the challenge is to get healthy quickly and without relapse. It will happen.
Anyway, enough talk. Here are the splits, which tell it all:
mile 1: 6:43 (adrenaline)
mile 2: 7:24
mile 3: 7:16
mile 4: 7:27
mile 5: 7:13
mile 6: 7:11
mile 7: 7:13
mile 8: 7:04
mile 9: 7:35
mile 10: 7:12
mile 11: 7:09
mile 12: 7:24
mile 13: 8:43
Total: 1:35:39
Off to the races. Looking forward to the next one.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:29 PM
Labels: New BEdford Half Marathon, VCM Training, VTRunner
Call Me Ishmael
Once upon a time in America New Bedford was one of the wealthiest cities in the country owing its riches to the whale ships that set out and then the fishing industry. Whaling is no more in this country and the fishing industry in the North East is more than moribund (New Bedford once had that largest commercial fishing fleet in the US, into the 70s). This leaves New Bedford, or Noo Beffid, or Noo Bedfid depending on local accent in a rather precarious state. It's gritty and run down nowadays and was even in the days of Melville -- the opening chapter of Moby Dick contains a pretty memorable description of the NB waterfront that still fits today, though the major import into NB these days is heroin etc.
Anyway, in an effort to boost civic pride and bring visitors to NB they hold a big half marathon each year that draws a good field, one month prior to Boston. There were lots of fit runners and the field was quick. It was a fun race and I really enjoyed the distance (my first half) and seeing VTR and Mrs. VTR was great. It was nice to know there was a friend in the field. I felt good coming into this. VTR noticed I was in thee zone based on my expression, though I didn't even realize I had the game face on -- a good sign.
Prior to the start I was calm and collected and I felt a good energy inside of me. I really intended this to be a training run, knock off a bunch of 9s and see what I had in the last couple. Well, I covered the 10K in about 50, not blazing but not bad. Seven rolled around in 58 and change and 8 came up in 66-7. I crossed 10 in 83, the fastest 10 of my life and I knew the New Bedford Half was going to be a special run. I burned the final 5K in 24 minutes and change -- a nice 5K for me on any day. My time as I crossed the finish line was 1:47 and change. My goal had been 1:57, so I was pumped.
The bummer was there were no start line time mats so my time was gun time. I've not been timing my runs since December so I my splits are what I remember as I ran by the mile markers. I ran with Dick and Rick Hoyt from about miles 3-5. Dick and Rick are legends and as I passed them up the first big hill at mile 3 I told him "it's an honor to be on the course with you, sir." He smoked me on 4-5 and I passed him again around 6 -- Dick was laboring a bit. Miles 7-9 were sort of brutal behind the breakwater, but also exposed to a stiff onshore breeze from 8-9. I was trying to follow VTR's advice and run with a pack but I couldn't stay with a group. Cool thing from this part: giant storm surge doors behind the breakwater. Mile 12 was almost all uphill and it was a grind. I'd been running with this woman in her mid-late-twenties for most of the race. She made a move at the halfway, I caught her again passed her at 10 and then she smoked me up the 12 mile hill. I congratulated her on her kick and she seemed pleased.
I had a great time. I was strong and in the zone and I enjoyed that (the wheels never fell off the wagon, though I was wondering if they would). They need mats at the start. New Bedford is far from scenic, but I'll go back next year and do it again. I've also completed my race for March and I'm now a quarter of the way though my race/month goal in 2009.
Posted by
8:34 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, New BEdford Half Marathon, race report
Where I've Been
So, I've been gone for two weeks. All is well, just worked through a series of stomach bugs on the Quarter Acre that set me back about a week or so. So, Mrs. A went down hard on Sunday (3/1) and I went down fairly hard on Monday (3/2). I slept from 2 PM Monday until 7:30 AM Tuesday after shoveling all morning with a sour stomach and lots of aches. The rest of the week was not great, so there was no running.
Last week I went out on Sunday (3/8) for a lousy, wind sucking and weak-legged 5 with Child Two. I was sore on Monday and busy as heck Tuesday and Wednesday which left me concerned about the New Bedford Half. I headed out Thursday for another 5 or so and felt OK. Inexplicably, I decided that I needed to run 10 on Friday in order to remember what it felt like to go double-digits before Sunday. So, I went 10 and felt pretty good. Saturday I was a bit stiff but active with the kids and was feeling good for Sunday -- I was going to treat it as a training run, which it was. The New Bedford Half Marathon, however, gets its own post.
Posted by
8:24 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, New BEdford Half Marathon, Running With Children, Sickness, Vermont City Marathon
Friday, March 13, 2009
Run 14
Got out tonight at 8:15p on the 5k Reservoir loop and ripped it. Ran it in 29.12, which is good for me. The temperature is 34 degrees. There were only two other runners on my route. It felt good.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:45 PM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Late 8
While talking to AG yesterday around 6PM, I realized that I was not on an off-day after all. I had an 8 miler fartlek on the schedule. Thank goodness for the time change because I completely spaced it.
I hit the heavily rutted, potholed, muddy road from my house at about 6:40. The run consisted of a 2 mile warm up, 5 X 3 minute "sprints" (again, loosely defined sprints) with one minute warm down between each one, followed by an easy run in for the remaining miles.
This run was tough going mainly because of the light. The interesting thing was that I was less impaired by the poor visibility and footing than I was by worrying about the poor visibility and footing. I just couldn't concentrate or get any steam going because my head was not in the game. Yet another reminder of the power of the mind in training. In the end, I got my satisfaction from the fact that I went out and got the miles in, not from the act of running. Still, I'll take it.
New Bedford Half Marathon is on Sunday, and I'll be there along with AG. Apparently this is a great race where lots of records have been set. Looking forward to the rush of the start.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:32 PM
Labels: VCM Training, VTRunner
Runs 12 and 13 - Back to Basics
So here's where I'm at:
I tried to go about 3.5 miles this past Monday evening on a new route. It was tough going. No lungs. Walking. My big take-away was, my 2008 gains have been lost due to my recent erratic running habits, caused by the holidays/winter/my Q1 travel schedule but also by my lack of focus on working around those obstacles. So I decided that I need to go back to the beginning and get my legs, lungs, and most of all, mental toughness-on-the-road back.
So I got out last night on my trusty 5k reservoir loop, and I huffed my way through it in 35+ minutes. I am going to stay on this route and run it regularly until I start to see some progress, as I did when I started this last summer. My next run is Friday night.
Due to a family life scheduling snafu I will not be running the NYRR 8k this weekend. So my next race will be the 10k in May. This is not a bad thing. The 10k will be a stretch distance-goal for me, and I've got some time to ramp up for it.
On the upside, the added daylight in the evening hours is VERY welcome, even if it is still quite chilly.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
1:21 PM
Labels: 10k training, central park reservoir, starting over
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
3 Days, 3 Runs, 3 Continents
...and 60 degree difference in the temps! I'm sticking to running 2-3 miles a day until all injuries heal. Managed to run Sunday before flying out for this weeks business trip. Ran in London in Hyde Park, very cool. Makes me envious of FA running in the park. After a 12 hour redeye, I headed out for a quick 2 to start the metabolism again. Ran along the Singapore River at around 10 AM local time. Mistake. Very hot and humid (90+). Needless to say the body isn't acclimated for that kind of heat after the winter we've had. Headed out this morning for my 4th run at 7:30 AM and it was bearable. Hoping the warmer weather helps with the joints. I'm jonesing for some real training runs!
Posted by
Bennu Runner
11:45 PM
Labels: travel
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Back with five
I'm back in VT, and it feels good to be running on a familiar road again. I got in a five miler today after work -- nice to have a chance to take advantage of the longer days, though I don't want to make the post-work run a habit. It's too easy to blow off after a tough day.
Everyone ok out there? Quiet on the blog lately.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:36 PM
Labels: VCM Training, VTRunner
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Runs #10 to 13
Been crazy with work and family the past couple of weeks, but I haven't been idle. Staying with 3 easy miles as a max until all the injuries resolve themselves. None are getting worse, just not much better. Finally saw the doc on Wednesday. I have a spur in my left ankle that I was probably born with. Might be the cause of my pain. Not sure I'm buying it. At least its not a stress fracture. Hopefully the warmer weather will help all around. I'll have more options for cross training with the bike and swimming.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
7:42 PM
Labels: ankle injuries, Doctor
Friday, March 6, 2009
Six at altitude
I was happy to get a run in this morning after a hard day of skiing yesterday. I started at about 8700' above sea level, ran down to about 7700' and back up. I felt the burn, but I'm not sure if it was from the altitude, hills or skiing yesterday, which was hard work.
It's snowing again today in Alta, UT. We got 14" yesterday, which made for some fun skiing. As much as I'm ready for spring, fresh snow out here is a whole different story.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
5:47 PM
Labels: running at altitude, VCM Training, VTRunner
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Seven "Sprints"
I did my sprint workout today, and it went like this:
2 mile warm up
7 x 2 minute sprints followed by 60 second cool down after each one
Cool down for the remaining miles.
Seven miles in total.
I was glad to get this one in, even though I didn't set any speed records. I felt very slow and sluggish for all except maybe the last sprint and the cool down. Coincidentally, that's when the wind was at my back. Wind's a killer when it's in your face.
Check it off, punch it in, done for another day.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:40 PM
Labels: Fartleks, VCM Training, VTRunner
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Mrs Agricola got super ill in the middle of Saturday night. She was down for the count all day Sunday, so no 15 miler. I need to figure out if I can make it up sometime this week. Last week was a poor training week. I need to go in the AM but the infant (wh0 is now 5 moths old, and needs to stop this) is up 3 times each night and it is wreaking havoc on us. So mornings are hard right now. It's fine, I'll find a way and rebound. Twelve inches of snow on tap for tonight. This winter needs to end.
Posted by
8:54 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, Sickness, Vermont City Marathon
Not dead yet
I haven't been able to carve out time to post, but I have been running this week. I felt under the weather Tuesday - Wednesday, so I took a breather. I got back on track with a five miler on Thursday, a seven mile hill workout on Friday, three on Saturday, and the biggy, a 16 miler today.
Here are some random thoughts about the runs and the week...
- Running is good for sinus issues. Gets things flowing and to FA's point on lungies, you can just expectorate them out as they show themselves
- If you feel like crap on the run, keep at it for a bit and give your body a chance to rebound. I thought I was going to hurl on my hill workout (and not due to exceptional efforts). I was really slow and felt weird through the first three reps. Reps four through six were a different story altogether, with number six being the best of the day. I'm glad I gave my body the chance to work itself out, so I could feel the satisfaction of the workout.
- Running with people is more than a good thing, it's necessary if you're going to run a lot. It mixes things up and reminds us of the connections to be made through being active. I've run on my own for the past two weeks, but had a friend join me for nine of the 16 this morning. It made a big difference both in terms of adding variety and the camaraderie.
- Gear! I went out and bought two (yes, two) new pairs of shoes this week. I realized that my training pair usually expires about a week before the marathon, which stresses me out. Coach recommended getting the two pair, so I have two to train in (in case one gets wet, muddy, etc.) and one to break in with about 50 miles right before the race, so their perfect on race day. I got two pairs of Ascics Gel Nimbus to go with my other pair of Brooks. The Ascics were simply cushier. Gear is fun.
- I'm going to invest in a Garmin GPS watch thingy. I'll let you know how that goes. Again, gear is fun.
- GMAA -- I joined the Green Mountain Athletic Association this week to get a discount on my shoes. Not sure what the GMAA is all about, but it feels kind of cool to officially be part of a larger VT contingent of runners.
- Repetition brings strength. I'm no longer paranoid about injury. I have some tightness here and there, but nothing like my first couple of weeks on the program when I thought each step would bring a tear or strain. I'm getting stronger which is neat to feel.
- Do bears poop in the woods? Not sure, but Berry's do.
We're heading to Alta this week, which means my posts will consist of stories about skiing and short runs. I get back next Monday and have my first training race, the New Bedford Half Marathon on March 15. I'm curious about this race. Don't know at all what to expect, although the coach says she and I will come up with a plan/goal for it. Imagine that, a structured goal beyond finish time.
Later boys. Thanks for indulging me as I catch up.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:53 AM
Labels: VCM Training, VTRunner