Child One learned how to ride a bike today! We're psyched for her.
After taking some spins around the local playground we headed home and I headed out for a run with a neighbor. He was getting ready to go, and I invited myself along. It was good for motivation. He hadn't run two months due to a calf strain, and was looking forward to getting out. He thought he'd run 7:30s. I didn't say much except, you set the pace.
Now, to be honest 7:30 is way faster than I wanted to run before tomorrow's run (any workout to be honest), but I knew I could drop off if need be, and I also wasn't sure he'd be able to drop the hammer like that. He set the pace and was pretty winded not long into the run, as we ascended a long hill, and I just cruised along, beating him up each climb and ratcheting it back a bit on the flats to reign in the pace. That said, we still ran a sub-40 5 miler and he was there the whole time. He has also run me into the ground in the past and does workout in the 7:15-7:30 range when in shape. It was great to run with another human being . . . fifteen on tap for tomorrow, in what's shaping up to be a nasty weather day. Good times.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Fast Five
Posted by
9:28 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, Child One, running with friends, Vermont City Marathon
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Run 11
So I got out tonight around 6:25 and pointed myself east on 110th Street. I ran the length of Central Park North, a slight downhill the whole way so I was feeling like an animal when I rounded the corner to head downtown on Fifth and hit the slight but relentlessly steady uphill climb all the way to 90th Street. Murder. I joined the ReseRvoir loop there and turned against traffic, rounded the bottom and was heading back uptown on the West side when I looked at my watch. Only 21 minutes had elapsed since leaving the apartment. Only 21 minutes. I thought I was gonna die.
I arrived back at the apartment about 12 minutes later after a short breather and light jog the remaining distance. Its time for me to get my HR monitor fixed and start wearing the strap again. I need the biofeedback to help me set a sustainable pace.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:26 PM
Labels: 8k race, central park reservoir
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ran An Errand
I headed out today around 5:15 PM. A bit late but I wanted to get the run in, and I had a craving for crusty bread with our pasta so I ran to Trader Joe's about 2 miles away with a little bag over my shoulder to buy a loaf of bread. I dashed into the store, grabbed a baguette, tossed it in the bag and headed home. I literally ran an errand.
Since today is Ash Wednesday and we're now in Lent I was observing the stricture, and will continue to do so for the next 39 days, of fasting between meals. I actually bonked on my run a bit. I was shaky and hungry over the last half. I'm not a huge snacker but I do graze throughout the day to keep some calories coming in and it's amazing what a difference they make and how different I felt without them. I was ravenous at dinner.
Final thing, I got this link over Twitter to this article "Why runners usually make great employees." Great article, and very true, I think.
Posted by
8:52 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, diet, info share, Vermont City Marathon
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Run 10
Gents, great run tonight. On a whim I left the reservoir track on the East side, and headed uptown on the Park Road to the 102 transverse and came across, cutting along a foot path to return to CPW. So it was slightly longer than my usual 5k Reservoir loop, and I ended the run at the top of a new hill, breathing heavy and wobbly. Light jog home. Feeling pretty good right now. Eating quiche. Aiming to get nine runs in before the 8k on Mar 14, with a little cycling if I can help it. I've finally had it with winter in NYC!
An observation on luggies. I've always wondered why runners spit. Aside from having a distaste for swallowing luggies, which has never bothered me, overly, I observed this evening that spitting on an exhale is easier than holding one's breath for the moment required to swallow. Who knew?
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:03 PM
Labels: 8k race; central park reservoir
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Mind games
I ran 15 miles today. Solo. 2:20. In a snowstorm. I'm proud of that.
I almost turned back about three times in the first three minutes because running on unplowed roads in a snowstorm seemed ridiculous. I felt like I should be skiing or doing something fun. Then I convinced myself that running in the snow really isn't that different from snowshoeing or cross country skiing. All are great workouts that take place outdoors in the snow. Once I made the mental shift, the run got way easier. I didn't give the tough footing a second thought, took the wind in stride, and went with it. It was actually fun on those stretches when the endorphins kicked in. Plus, I knew this run would be tucked away as "what are you made of" material for the marathon. I am glad I stuck with the plan and got it in.
One other note on this run. I ate a huge biwl of oatmeal with bananas and strawberries and drank a big mug of coffee about an hour before starting. I felt the energy from that meal through most of the run, and I supplemented along the way with almost a full package of Shotblocks. It's all about the fuel, and I'm sticking with oatmeal for long runs from here on out.
Still snowing up here, by the way. We got about 8 inches already today, and it's supposed to snow throughout the night. And that's on top of about 10 inches a day at the ski resorts from Thursday - Saturday. Bring on the spring about a month!
Posted by
VT Runner
8:16 PM
Labels: running in snow, VCM Training, VTRunner
I got out today with a half in mind and I came up short. I underestimated my out because I didn't map the run prior to leaving and instead of 13.1 did 12.2847 (1:47). Oh well, for the next half, I now know where to go -- it's a decent route and if I'd pushed it .5 miles more, I would have been in the money. That said, I felt pretty good until about the last 2.25 miles when my head didn't seem entirely attached to my legs but the legs just kept going, and my head felt somewhat swimmy. I'm not feeling as chipper today as I did last week after the ten, but all in all, no complaints. It drizzled for the last five miles and I finished just as it started coming down with more intensity. Good workout, onto the new week -- I need to get more in-between runs, that will help a lot.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, long run, Vermont City Marathon
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Let It Flow
I got out today though I was totally unmotivated to do so. Once I got going I had trouble not fighting the run, it took a couple of miles, maybe 2.5, to just relax and let it flow, which it did eventually. It ended up being a good run, 5.2 miles, and I am psyched that I went. I have to confess that I bailed yesterday. The day got away from me a bit, and when it was time to go I just bailed. Yesterday was gray and cold and windy, and though probably in the high 20s it was that really penetrating, heavy chill, and I just couldn't get over the mental hump, and the cold in my bones.
Thirteen or so tomorrow, probably in less than ideal conditions, but I'm ready to attack it.
Posted by
6:49 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, Bail Out, Vermont City Marathon
Run 9
Gents! Got out for about 38 minutes today on my old standby, the resevoir loop. It took 38 minutes because I walked for about 1/4 of the route. I feel like I need to get my lungs back, and it was cold, which didn't help. But it's a beautful mid-winter morning in NYC, and it was a pleasure to be up and about.
The FreeArtists' late Winter and early Spring weekends are filling up. For running events, I am looking at a another 4-miler in March (this one's for colon cancer. Sheesh.) and a 10k in May. Need to think about that some more. Will advise.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
11:25 AM
Labels: central park resevoir, Colon 4-miler
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hill run
I ran 7 with a hill workout today. The hill workout was the same drill as last week -- 2 mile warm up, 6 x 90 second hill sprints, cool down with the rest of the mileage. It felt good.
This week, I've seen a lot of the tightness from the last few weeks go by the wayside. I think it's a combination of my body getting used to the workouts and my focus on eating and drinking more on run days. I'm more and more convinced that fuel is key to preventing injury and feeling good out there.
Have a good weekend!
Posted by
VT Runner
8:42 PM
Labels: hills, VCM Training, VTRunner
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Alive, P90X, A Couple of Florida Runs, Life Run
Hello, all,
I am not dead, but I have taken a hiatus from running to work on P90X for a second time. I am beginning the fifth week of the training program and I feel great. Just a variety of workouts that I have stated before and I did not want to bore you. I am working out with a buddy here which has helped the motivation immensely and we are watching what we eat most of the time. Great to have a training partner and someone to keep you honest. I will post photos in the coming weeks, but I am not quite ready yet.
I did get out on a couple of runs on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning for 30 minutes each. Both were along Ft. Lauderdale beach and they were beautiful and windy. It also got me thinking about writing something profound so I thought I would try my hand at Haiku. After doing some research, the more accepted way to write English Haiku these days is 3 - 2 -3, but 7-5-7 is also acceptable. Anyways here goes.
Toes on sand
waves rush
feet wet - great.
I lean left
wind blows
Lean left more.
Finally, I wanted to mention something I did on my 38th birthday a couple of months ago. I decided that day, and every birthday after it, i would complete a life run. One minute of running for every year I am able to celebrate. In deciding this I felt that I have the ability to get out and run whenever I really want. There are so many others that do not have the luxury in time or physical ability to actually go out and do this. I think it is a simple way of appreciating the fact that I am alive and possess an amazing tool - our bodies that allow us to do everything we do in our lives.
Posted by
4:18 PM
Labels: LIFE RUN, P90X, Running haikus
Run's #7, 8 & 9
So 2009 is not starting off so well on the running front. Since my last post I've run 3x. Last Wednesday was a 3 mile run without much fanfare. Left shin hurt a little, but didn't slow me down. Took a couple of aleve in advance which may have helped. On Friday, I tried to run the same route. For the first time since I've started running again (7/28/08), I had to stop mid run. Both shins were killing me. The right shin, which had never hurt before, is the one that stopped me. Had to walk the last mile back to the office, and it was a painful walk. Of note is that I didn't take aleve prior to the run. Thoroughly frustrated, I finally made an appointment with the doc for next Wednesday. Technically the appointment is for my wrists and ankle. At this point, I can't run or play golf the way I want to. Best if everyone keeps their distance from me these days. I did manage to run 3 this morning. 2 aleve an hour before helped. Only mild discomfort in the shins during the run. What puzzles me the most is why the shins didn't bother me at all for the first 6 months. I was heavier then and running longer distances. After the ankle induced 4 week layoff, the shins have been giving me problems. WTF. I may be a less frequent poster on the blog for a while. While I enjoy the progress and experiences of everyone, it adds to the frustration that I can't get out and do the same.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
12:51 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Rest and sprints
Today was a good run. I was supposed to go yesterday, but took the day off because I got in the way of a slapshot on Monday night and took a puck to the calf. I was still a bit tender there (and overall really), so I got in an extra day of rest, and it really did me some good.
My task today was a 6 miler with a 2 mile warm up, followed by 5 x 2 minutes of sprints with one minute rest in between, and ending with a cool down for the remaining miles. For the first time in a while, I didn't feel like I was on the verge of a muscle strain. I felt stronger and that was a first. Like Agricola, I think the benefits of the mileage are starting to kick in to the point that I'm feeling them during the shorter runs. That's satisfying.
Here's to equal parts mileage and rest -- both are important if we're going to get there on Memorial Day Weekend, right A?
Posted by
VT Runner
9:34 PM
Labels: rest, sprints, VCM Training, VTRunner
Forty minute run today.
Ran for a couple hundred yards with another guy, just a random runner. He's doing the Hyannis Half this weekend. I almost ran with him on his route, but I didn't have time to ascertain where he was in his run. I continued with my out and back. As I finished I saw him running by the end of my street. I got my run in before the next round of snow, which is falling now. I felt good and noticed the benefits of having gone longer on Sunday -- I love that!
Posted by
8:59 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, Running, Vermont City Marathon
Monday, February 16, 2009
Under My Belt
I got my first long run of marathon training under my belt yesterday I got for 10 at 7:40 AM. I walked back in the door after a quarter mile walking cool down at 9:25. No watch, no data.
I felt good throughout, and surprised myself a bit. I'm feeling no soreness today and ran the whole thing with the exception of the turnaround when I chowed some orange shot blocks and swigged some water/electrolyte drink for the return journey. I'm in better shape than I thought so I was happy, and am happy to have the double digit distance under my belt.
Two things about yesterday: First, I used my new REI Double shot water pack (2 water bottles, and a little pack between for things). It was very comfortable, and I liked it a lot, it fit well across my back. I think I can recommend it. Second, I carried one bottle with Nuun Tri-Berry Electrolyte drink. It's a low calorie, sugar free sport drink and I liked it very much, though it's got some fizz nd was a bit sudsy on the run. Gatorade etc. makes me feel nasty after a while so I'm happy to be trying the Nuun. I usually drink it post-run as a recovery beverage, but it seemed to work pretty well on the run.
Happy belated birthday to BR. Have a great year.
Posted by
10:39 AM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, gear, Nuun, REI, Vermont City Marathon
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Run Milano
Ms. FA and I are in Milan, and we got out for a run this morning at 7:30a. Our hotel is two blocks from the Duomo, so we ran around the giant cathedral and down Via Dante, a pedestrian thoroughfare of restaurants and shops. We turned right at Castello Sforzesco and took back streets past the opera house La Scala, turned onto an out-and-back to the Public Gardens, then back to the Duomo through the Galleria Vittorio Emanual.
It was an early Sunday morning, so aside from some old men walking dogs and a few restaurants setting up for breakfast, it was a quiet run, about 35 minutes. I haven't measured the distance yet. It was about 40 degrees, clear and bright. It put us in a great mood, made us hungry for breakfast and was a great way to see a little bit of the city. We spent the rest of the day on a day trip to Verona, and fly back to NYC tomorrow.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
1:05 PM
Labels: Milan
Long Morning Run
I got in a 12.75 miler at 7:00AM this morning. I ran with a friend, which made time go by relatively quickly. We ran it in about 2 hours for somewhere north of a 9 minute/mile pace. No speed records, but this was about getting the distance in. I had some tightness, so I think that slowed me a bit -- that and the fact that it was 12 miles! I'm starting to feel like a hypochondriac with the tightness, but I'd rather be slightly paranoid than regretful after a muscle pull.
Not much else to report. Have a good one.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:09 AM
Labels: VCM Training, VTRunner
Friday, February 13, 2009
Another run
I got a 5.5 miler in today at lunch. This was my easy day, and it felt good to just cruise.
I met with my coach today and learned that I'll probably have to up my food intake as the miles progress. I'd bet we all underestimate the amount of energy we burn as we run, and I know very little about what I should be eating and when. I've always subscribed to the everything in moderation philosophy of eating, which has served me fine. It will be cool to look a little more closely at food as fuel as I get into the training.
The one great tip for today was that I (we) should eat something immediately after finishing a run, like before cool down. The coach suggested a banana, energy bar or a big glass of chocolate or regular milk. I chomped a bunch of almond (the only thing I could find at the moment), and they were the best tasting almonds I had ever had, so my body must've appreciated the protein. Anyway, passing along a good tip for the group in case you hadn't heard that one before.
Otherwise, the run was uneventful.
Have a good weekend, boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
7:08 PM
Labels: VCM Training, VTRunner
And, Another One
I got in a 40 minute run that didn't feel so great and I'm not sure if it's because I lost a bunch of conditioning in my most recent hiatus or if I came back harder than I went out even though I was trying to do the opposite. It was quite cold and the wind was swirling and the sun was fighting to come out and stay out so there was some weather challenge today. This was a check it off, run, today, totally.
Posted by
11:05 AM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, cold weather running, Vermont City Marathon, weather challenges, wind
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Oh, Yeah, Running
Finally, I got back out. I'm going to stop talking about momentum etc. Every time I mention something like that I go on these weird hiatuses and miss a week . . . so, whatever, I ran 4 and change today. It didn't feel great but the footing was great compared to what it has been and the temp was in the mid-40s. Last year I had trouble in the middle weeks of the plan. This year, I'm working out my laziness and malaise now. I was up at 6:15 today but couldn't find my gear. It's all laid out now and ready for tomorrow morning, so I'm going to head out in the AM and get these runs in early. I need to go earlier because my day piles up on me.
Got it in, felt OK. It's all good.
Posted by
11:26 AM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, february 09, Vermont City Marathon
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
That word again
Today was another day of the sprints. I did a 2 mile warmup followed by 8X60 "sprints" (nothing fast about them) and warmed down for a total of 6 miles. It took about 47:15 minutes. I did the run at lunch, which ended up being a great thing. I felt fairly lethargic this morning because of hockey, beers and a 1:00AM bedtime last night. I had a presentation to make at 2:00 today, and the run put me in the right mindset. Nerves were in check and it went well. There's another fringe benefit of running -- it clears the head, shakes out the cobwebs and calms the least on this day.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:40 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Run #6
Shin has been the problem of late over the ankle. Felt good enough for a 3 mile easy run this morning. Wore an ankle and shin support for the first time. Not sure if it helped or not, but I'll try anthing at this point.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:06 AM
Labels: Shin Splints
Saturday, February 7, 2009
10 with friends
I braved the -2 degree temps to get in a 10.7 miler this morning with a couple of buddies. The weather actually wasn't bad. I layered up, and there was no wind. I'm finding that the wind is the real killer, not the temp. Not much to report. We did the run in 1:31. It was good to get out and keep on track.
Looking forward to two days off to recuperate.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:09 AM
Labels: long run, running with friends, VCM Training, VTRunner
Friday, February 6, 2009
Super Sunday 5K UPDATED
Looks like they found me. I was pretty close on my estimates. Looks like there were quite a few left off the intial results.
Overall: 184/513
Div: 27/52
Age: M30-39
Gender: 103/175
Pace: 8:53
Finish: 00:27:34
All Unofficial:
Overall: 168/483
Div: 28/54
Age: M30-39
Gender: 94/164
Pace: 8:53
Finish: 00:27:33
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:52 PM
Labels: Super Sunday 5k
Easy 3
I ran a comfortable 3 today at lunch...then pounded a Reuben and a plate of fries. So, much for enjoying the endorphin high. It doesn't last as long when you choke it down with a bucketful of grease.
The sammy was good, though, and I checked off the run.
Happy Friday, fellas.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:24 PM
Labels: VCM Training, VTRunner
I'll show you lumpy!
This is also proves I finished as it was taken just before the finish line. Still not sure what happend to the official results.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:04 AM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Short Run
Got in a short one today. Three and three-tenths miles. Nothing really to report. Footing was lousy again, it was pretty chilly and the sun was setting. I felt good though and was starving at dinner. My body is already reacting and that's good. I'll try to get one in tomorrow and something in this weekend, but we're heading to NH to hang with PR and his family and skiing is on the docket so we'll see what happens. This week's schedule is a bit compressed, but I'm feeling some momentum. The unit is still hurting today, I think it actually got abraded by my tights and the soreness is not in fact frost bite (THANKFULLY!). I will be monitoring the situation carefully, however so check back in for updates. Fascinating, no doubt though you'd all feel a bit bad if I did lose the thing to frost bite, admit it. I still didn't find my wind undies, but wore a pair of shorts beneath my tights and that insulated sufficiently.
For your entertainment, I've posted a pair of images taken of me in last weekend's race. I never look as good as I feel -- I'm surprised by how lumpy I look. I've got to work on that.
Posted by
11:07 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, cold weather running, photos, Vermont City Marathon
I got out at lunch today for 5 miles, the first 2.5 of which was into a brisk wind. Chilly. Luckily, with the turnaround I had the wind at my back for the whole return. It's amazing how much wind can effect the perception of temp. It felt downright balmy on the run home.
Anyway, I was pumped with the run. It felt great to conquer the impulse to skip it because of the cold, and it felt even better to be on the VCM training program. It might have helped that I talked to the coach to get a better feel for the program. I get the sense that I'm going to learn a lot, be challenged a ton (she mentioned at various times during a 10 minute conversation, running until I puke, running until drool is pouring out of my mouth, running at a pace that I can't speak, and various other wonderful images of my future). But today rather than be annoyed/intimidated/freaked, I was psyched to have the opportunity to be pushed by a pro.
I know the downers will come, but today was a solid, solid run.
Posted by
VT Runner
6:15 PM
Labels: coaching, cold weather running, VCM Training, VTRunner
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Dropping Temps
I got out towards sunset today and had a nice run. The scheduled called for 5, so I did it I think -- I had no watch on and have no idea how long I was out nor how far it really is though it felt close to five. I felt pretty good through the first half and little tired on the second half. The footing was crummy again -- we had more snow yesterday -- so much energy was wasted in slips and slides. Today was a cold day and it was amazing how quickly and how much colder it got as the sun set. It seems silly to say it out loud, ("Yes, Agricola, when the sun sets it gets colder . . .") but the temp drop was dramatic and rapid. The cold felt like a face-slap today and sort of stung. I also didn't have my wind-undies on today, and though not windy I've still got some residual twinge in the unit which got a little chillier than I like it to. I'm racking up some toughness points though, so that's good, I guess.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Agricola Marathon Training, cold weather running, snowrunning, Vermont City Marathon, weather challenges, ya-yas
So, I have this coach, and I'm trying to figure out whether or not I'm into the program. On the one hand, it was a gift, and I should just embrace it and go for whatever she throws me. On the other, running is an extremely personal pursuit for me. I do it for me and make my own decisions about it. Answering to someone else (or feeling like I have to answer to someone else) is not my bag with running -- I put enough pressure on myself for work deliverables, I don't need pressure layered onto my recreation. The trick is keeping my mind in the place that this is coaching thing is an experiment, one that will push me and expose me to running ideas and practices that I haven't encountered. At the end of the day, I'm the one doing the running (and chosing to do it), coach or not. The coach is a least that was the intent.
Anyway, after missing yesterday's workout, I got up early today and hit the road for a 6 mile fartlek run that went like this: 2 mile warm up, followed by 8x30 second sprints with 60 seconds recovery in between, followed by the remaining distance as a cool down. The sprint thing is called a fartlek (I think). I've never done one, and I have to admit it was very cool. My legs felt a bit like cinder blocks, but I think that was mainly because my body was freaking out trying to keep my working parts warm in the -1 degree temps. (I wish the bod had sent some blood to my nether zone -- I literally almost threw up as the frank and beans thawed out. Seriously, it hurt that much.) Anyway, I went for it on the sprints and definitely didn't set any speed records, but I did get out of my comfort zone. I felt curious doing it, like I was exploring or something. Hard to describe, but it was cool. I ended up pushing it hard for the last mile of the "cool down" to get close to a negative split for the back portion of the out and back. I ended up about even on that front. It was a solid, energizing run.
I'm still on the fence about the coach. Yesterday's run peaked my interest, so I'm in for another day, which means I have to do my first hill workout tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes.
On another note, I had my most productive, positive day in a few weeks today, and I attribute it fully to the run this morning. It's amazing what a decent burn and some endorphins will do for you.
Later boys. Glad to see this blog heating up again after the January chill.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:27 PM
Labels: fartlek, VCM Training, VTRunner
Run #5
Ran 3 yesterday morning. Still a little sore from Sunday's race. Intended to run 4.5 route, but decided to cut off and run 3 due to shins. Ran the same pace as the race on Sunday. I'm starting to think I may be turning into a mental midget on race days. I use to be a "racer" and relay anchor in H.S. Someone who wasn't always the fastest, but "raced" better than most. So I'm a little perplexed as to what my problem is. I'm also getting more frustrated with the injuries. I can deal with shin splints, and hopefully that's all it is. However, it seems like its always the left shin/ankle/foot that gives me problems. Getting closer to making that doctors appointment.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:31 AM
Labels: Shin Splints
Super Sunday 5K Race
Other than catching up with Agricola, there isn't much I'll take away from this race. Having only trained 2.5 times since Jan. 1st, I should have been more prepared for the results. The only thing that hurt during the run was my lungs. Shins were sore afterwards, and for the next 2 days. To add insult to injury, I'm not listed in the official times. Not a great first chip experience.
All Unofficial:
Overall: 168/483
Div: 28/54
Age: M30-39
Gender: 94/164
Pace: 8:53
Finish: 00:27:33
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:19 AM
Labels: Super Sunday 5k; Shin Splints
Monday, February 2, 2009
Super Bowl Sunday 10K Race
Bennu and I ran together yesterday in a race along Boston's waterfront. I did the 10K and it was pretty fun. The course was flat and moderately fast though speed is a relative term right now for me. I'm not feeling too fast these days and between snow, ice and illness it's not that surprising. I'm trying to take a Zen approach and just run. Time, speed, fitness levels etc., will all come with repetition.
That said, I did look up the results for yesterday's run and here they are:
Overall: 172/723 Div: 46/125
Age: M30-39
Split: 25:05 Split Pace: 8:05
Finish: 00:48:48 Finish Split 7:52
That's pretty good for this time of year and given that I was sick for the better part of last week. I negative split the second half by a bunch and that's cool. I kicked nicely for the final .2 K and as I was approaching the finish line I heard a dude pounding the pavement behind me. Never wanting to be passed in the last mile, never mind in the final few steps I picked up my tempo and beat him by a step or so. I turned and looked at him and he was mad that I'd picked it up so much. I smiled and kept going. I know, not very Zen, but I haven't totally killed my competitive streak.
Posted by
2:03 PM
Labels: Agricola, Boston, race report, super bowl sunday
Official Gridiron Classic Stats
My official time was 38:24, a 9:36 pace.
Among men aged 35 to 39, I finished 404/495, and 3430/5256 overall.
Mrs. FA and I are not competitive with one another but we do compare our individual results. I am proud to note that she is far more competitive in her age and gender classes, finishing, for instance, 223/376 women aged 35 to 39.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
11:17 AM
Labels: Gridiron 4-Miler, Mrs. FA, Results
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Run 6, The NYRR Gridiron 4-Miler
Mrs. FA and I ran the Gridiron 4-Miler this morning in Central Park.
Though the weather warmed to the mid-30s, there were not nearly as many runners as at the frigid holiday classic in December and that made for a much easier start. There was also less fanfare and celebration, and NO music, so the start was less exciting. I think this race is a box-to-check for folks working towards a marathon qualification. And it is mid-winter, after all. The whole race had a let's-get-this-one-done vibe.
My unofficial time was 38.25, and given my lack of training I'm happy with that. It's a fine benchmark for the rest of the year.
I started out super strong and felt great for the first 2 mostly up hill miles. The third mile threw some hills at me that I wasn't expecting, and shortly after the 3rd mile marker something happened and from then on I was just happy to finish. I regretted passing on the water breaks and not eating more breakfast. If that's what bonking feels like, then I did it.
I'll post my official time tomorrow when I check in on your adventures. Peace,
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
11:09 AM
Labels: benchmark, central park, Gridiron 4-Miler, Mrs. FA