I got in my last run of 2008 this morning, in the snow, again. Today was a tougher run than my solstice snow run. It was about 10 degrees colder, much windier and the snow was fine and abrasive. However the course works the wind was in my face very often and I could hardly see along certain sections of the road. The snow was caked in my eyelashes and brows and my face was wet and cold. I toughed it out though and finished the year strong.
On the gear front I wore my entire new Sugoi rain suit and it was nice. It's not as warm as my trusty Patagonia, but the jacket's neck fits more snugly and that's a great bonus. It was very comfortable and kept me dry and warm while breathing well.
So, here we are, again, another year in the books. I think it's been a good year on the blog. We've certainly posted a lot and run/worked out a lot. It's good to see. Thanks for doing this, it's very gratifying as the instigator of this experiment to see that it works -- both as a workout motivator and as a way to keep in touch. It's succeeded beyond my goals and that's because it's so active. Thanks guys.
A happy, healthy, safe, prosperous, blessed and mileage filled New Year to all.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Final 2008 Run
Posted by
12:35 PM
Labels: Agricola, December 08, New Year, Running, Weather, weather challenges
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas Bills Due
I wrote in a comment this morning that I've been living on a diet of cookie and cocktails and it's true. I've been eating Pfeffeneuse, Joe Froggers, Sugar Cookies and Chocolate Shortbread cookies for about 2 meals per day and washing them down with everything from beer and wine to Sazeracs and Negronis . . . not exactly a diet for fitness nor running success. I got off my duff though and did a labored a run around town. It was in he 30 minute range and it was sort of painful. The Christmas bills have come due.
My short off-season feels deleterious but I'll be OK. It was a cold, bright, beautiful and super windy day. Because of the wind I debuted of a new piece of gear. Mrs. A bought me a Sugoi rain suit for Christmas and I wore the pants today to block the wind and they worked very nicely. The new suit will make VT City training a bit more comfortable since it will rain and snow during the cycle. I hope to get out tomorrow to end '08 strong and then I'll be doing a New Year's Day 5K here in town to kick off my race/month goal in '09.
Posted by
2:23 PM
Labels: Agricola, December 08, diet, gear, Running
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Run 61
Got out for 30 minutes at about 5:00p. It was a beautful evening for a run. It must have been 65 degrees today, with a steady breeze from the west. Anyway, for a change I crossed the 102 Street transverse, then ran against Park Loop traffic to the Resevoir Entrance at 90th Street before doubling back along the resevoir track to rejoin my usual route home. I am still clearly clawing my way back to some semblence of running form after a fairly intense Christmas season, and now leaning heavily toward running the February 1 NYRR Gridiron 4-miler. The motivation will be, well, motivating? Huh? I'll be allright...
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:58 PM
Labels: central park, Gridiron 4-Miler, Holiday weight
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Run 60. Oof-Duh.
I ran last night for the first time since the Holiday 4-Miler on Dec 13. The last two weeks have been tough...a very difficult work week ended with a 48-hour stomach virus. The virus ended just in time for Christmas week and its heavy feasting and flagons of wine. So I was happy to be back to the road, but given the circusmtances I did not measure time or distance. I did suck wind for appx 25 minutes, then limped home. On the upside, my doctor today says that my blood pressure is a super duper 117/72, which is due I am sure to the regular exercise.
I am thinking of running a NYRR 4-mile race on February 1. Will advise.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
2:11 PM
Labels: central park, Holiday weight
Monday, December 22, 2008
Not sure if this mornings jaunt was a run or a hike. Managed to survive without killing myself. It was VERY slippery. Ran the usual Monday morning 4.5. Managed to find a clear path for most of the run. However, there were a couple of stretches that hadn't been plowed with no alternative route. Zero with the windchill. Brrrrr.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:05 AM
Labels: Winter Program
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Solstice Snow Story
I've been thinking a lot about this blog and how really it's a collection of good stories, some better than others. This thought has lead me to start trying to go for runs that are good stories. I got one today. I headed out around 12:30 this afternoon for a run in some crazy, snowy conditions and it's the Winter Solstice: sunrise was 7:10 AM and sunset is 4:14 PM . . . I covered somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 - 3.5 miles. Not my longest, but given the conditions, good enough for today. I was slippery but not too bad, and I adjusted my stride a bit and all was good.
I saw one other runner today just before we got to church at 9:45 AM and then no others the rest of the day. I was basically alone on my trot. There was no gradual increase in snow on this run, it was snowing the hard whole way. I wore a couple pair of socks and that was good -- something I'll do more of this winter -- as well as a GoreTex raincoat with my hood up. I was very comfortable. I once heard that the Inuit have seven words for snow to describe different types of snow. Well today I ran on/in powder, packed powder, plow churned, foot trodden, tire packed, slushed and just-snow-blown snow. I'm not sure that's what the Inuit had in ind, but they live where they live and I live where I live.
Posted by
3:36 PM
Labels: Agricola, December 08, snowrunning, weather challenges
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snuck One In
I spent my morning doing some networking and other things and then decided to hit the road at around 1:30 PM. I set out on stroller route, which is 4 and change, just as the snow was starting come down but continued to fill in and get heavier during the course of the run. The snow is very small flakes and fairly dry and blowing all over. It was blowing in my face for the last half mile or so and I have to admit that I was glad to be done because I could barely see. All in all it was fun, though and a bit out of the ordinary. It was cool to be out in the weather as it intensified. The weekend is supposed to be unsettled at best so I'll see what happens on the run front. I'm hoping to sled out back with the kids, and if there's enough snow, maybe we can get in a snowshoe on a local golf course. I'll let you know.
Posted by
2:40 PM
Labels: Agricola, December 08, Running, snowrunning, weather challenges
Shutting down
Was slightly hung over this morning and tired. Would have bailed if it where not for the impending storm arriving. Might not be able to get another run in for a few days. Ankle/shin was painful today. Had to slow down significantly just to finish. Ended up running 6.2 at 9:40 pace. Given the forecast for next week, holidays, and work schedule, I may shut down the training for a week and ice the injuries.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
10:13 AM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Forced myself to run an easy 3 yesterday morning. Nothing like seeing sleet bounce off your face. I was planning on a very easy run, not that I had much of a choice with the weather and footing conditions. I skipped Tuesday's run due to the shin splint. Plan is to drop the weekly mileage down to 16-18 for a couple of weeks until I heal. The ankle is much better and the shins are getting better as well. I've been religiously icing both every night regardless of how they feel and I think its paying off. Still hope to get the longer run in tomorrow morning.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
7:31 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Crunch! Crunch!
Taking advantage of my under-employed situation as well as the facts that Mrs. A was working from home and that Child 1 & 2 were at school I headed out at 12:35 for a lunch time run. It was a classic, nasty fall/winter day: temps in the mid-30s, spitting rain and a nice crusty coating of ice and sloppy slush all over the place. I did 5.2+ (I missed a turn and added an additional block which actually equals two blocks because it was out and then a return). Still no watch, so no data.
I was just running, enjoying the late fall/early winter bleakness. It was cool to get on non-cruddy pavement because then the run got really quiet and peaceful, I was gliding. When I was on the crud I felt like I was making more noise than a stampede of bison. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! I felt good throughout except after I returned. After each of my last three runs I've had some nasty . . . expulsions while sitting upon the pot, shall we say . . . I think that I am fighting some sort of stomach bug. Generally I feel fine all day, everything is normal except post-run. I guess, as long as it's post run and not intra-run . . .
Posted by
2:15 PM
Labels: Agricola, December 08, GI Distress, Running, weather challenges
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Winter cross training
A good variety of activities over the weekend. This post is about documentation tonight.
Saturday -- skiing at Bolton Ski Resort. A great little mountain. Little VTR1 had his first lesson of the year. Since the lesson is from 9 - 3, I got to ski with a couple of buddies. Couldn't have been better.
Sunday -- skate skiing at the in-laws. If you ever have the opportunity to try skate skiing (like cross country but with a skating motion), do it. Rythmic like running, but more fluid. Very cool.
Monday - Tuesday -- did the Monday night, Tuesday lunch hockey circuit. Got my butt kicked Sunday night, but was redeemed with a fun goal on Tuesday.
Feel good and tired this evening.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:38 PM
Labels: VTRunner, winter cross training
Monday, December 15, 2008
Holiday 4-Miler Update
The results are up on www.nyrr.org. My official time was 37.56, slightly better than I thought, though I was in the bottom fifth of men in my age group, placing 263rd out of 330. There's a metric I can work on for the next race.
There were 4,878 finishers, and official temp was 27 degrees with 13 mph winds.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
11:13 AM
Labels: holiday 4-miler, official time
Runs 51 & 52
Managed to get 2 quick (8:00 pace) miles in yesterday at noon. I was trying to run a little quicker as I felt good and wanted to mentally get past the 8:00 pace hurdle. Might have been a mistake as my left shin is hurting today. Still managed to get out for my usual 4.5 today. Left leg below the knee had all sorts of issues, weakness, ankle sore, shin splints on both sides of leg, blah, blah, blah. The worst part is everything else feels great but I can't unleash the dogs! Still managed a decent 9:00 pace today. It would have been 9:30 a month ago.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:02 AM
Labels: Winter Program; Ankle Injury
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Nice to see the blog rolling on without me. I've been away from this and running since last week. Last week was a drag of a week for two reasons. First, I only got one run in and second, I lost my job on 12/4. It is what it is and these are the things that happen in life . . . PR we should talk about your marketing plan, I'll call you.
So, I've been laying low this week licking my wounds and drinking a fair amount, networking and hanging with my kids. I've not run so much until today when I got out for an out and back on my stroller route. I don't know how long it took my watch is dead so I went data-less, and I didn't do the hwole thing and then stopped at the end to talk to some neighbors. It was cold tonight and I felt pretty good. It felt good to get back out there and I feel like it won't be a big deal to get back on my cycle. I don't think that I'll race this month, but that's OK. I'm lined up or January and maybe February, right Bennu? Please send details about the February race you were mentioning
Posted by
5:14 PM
Labels: Agricola, December 08, life, Running
Run 59 - Holiday 4 Miler
Mrs. FA and I ran the New York Road Runners' Holiday 4 Miler this morning. We reigstered for this race shortly after the CCM. Over time, I grew tired with the idea of it, grew tired of running, wary of the cold, and anxious to get it behind me and take a break. At registration in October, my goal was 37 minutes. Standing in the starting pen at 7:50a today, with temps in the high teens, I was certain of 41, 42 minutes or more. At the end of the race, my watch said 38.15. I tried to memorize my splits along the way. I can't get the time to add up, but I know the last mile was my best, under 9 minutes.
I totally exceeded my expectations. The crowd (more than 7,000 runners!), the weather (cold, crisp, and clear) and the course were invigorating. I'll run again on Monday, and am looking for another event.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
3:50 PM
Labels: central park, holiday 4-miler, pride
Friday, December 12, 2008
Run 50
Should have worn goggles this morning. Torrential rain, wind and much flooding made for a sadistically enjoyable run. Ran my Castle Island 10K route for the first time in over a month. Other than the ankle issues, felt pretty good. Ended up just under 58 minutes for 6.3 miles. Shockingly, this was a PR for the route by over a minute as I was only trying to run at an easy to moderate pace. I didn't see any other idiots running this morning, only dog walkers. Which makes me wonder who was crazier.
Random comments:
Any one ever experience a bone spur? I'm trying to identify my ankle injury and the symptoms seem similar.
I signed up for the Marathon Sports Super Sunday 5K on February 1st. Its right on the waterfront in South Boston and literally on my older short running routes. That will be the end of my winter program.
This was run number 50, and a memorable one at that. 160 miles and counting.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:09 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Run 58
I had only 25 minutes and didn't want to out-and-back, so headed off on my usual resevoir route but left the resevoir track early and looped back on the Park Road, running the Great Hill in reverse and exiting the park at Adam Clayton Powell Blvd to run surface streets back home. I ran a little harder than ususal due to the hills. I am not going to run again before the race Saturday. Having a hard time getting excited for it, frankly. More thoughts on this later.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:20 PM
Labels: central park, holiday 4-miler, training
Hockey times
I played hockey on Monday night and Tuesday at lunch. Monday night was a tough one. We got our butts kicked, and I felt like I was never really that close to the puck. Good workout, but not all that satisfying.
I signed up for the Tuesday session because hockey is my only consistent activity right now and one day a week isn't enough. I'm glad I went. I scored a hat trick, and felt great out there. It just reinforced how different (and unexpectedly good) each workout can be.
That's all from up north. Snow in the forecast for tomorrow night, and skiing on Saturday.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:02 PM
Ankle very stiff/sore getting out of bed this morning. It loosened up quickly enough but is still worrisome. I'm thinking a doctor's visit is quickly approaching. Ran my 3 mile greenway loop at 26:56. Negative splits as I started very slow. I was sore all over from yesterdays run and needed to ease into the run. Amazing what only one week off will do.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
3:37 PM
Labels: Winter Program; Ankle Injury
Holiday pounds - too eat or not to eat, that is the question.
So as Agricola mentioned a few posts ago about keeping those holiday pounds off, I just read this great article about the choices we make, particularly when we travel. I thought it might be interesting reading for everyone. http://www.burnthefatblog.com/archives/2008/12/my_holiday_fitness_challenge_t.php
Cheers and keep on sweating.
Posted by
11:54 AM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Got the sneakers out last night and hit the road...
NOT. A little too cold out there. Decided to just hit the treadmill for a little over 4 miles. Also, got out for a run for 40 minutes on Saturday. Its not pretty, but I am churning some runs out and trying to keep those holiday pounds from keeping in over the next few weeks. I think it is pretty interesting how I can feel my body trying to eat more to fight off the cold and stay content. Fighting the urges and working out is the key because you don't want to spoil a good workout with a bunch of calories. Board has been silent, but it keeps me going even if I don't post every day.
Posted by
10:57 PM
Labels: cold, Winter treadmill
I'm back, sort of...
Last week was supposed to be a light week, it ended up being a zero mileage week for two reasons. 1. I totally neglected to plan my sleeping periods and ended up fairly jet lagged (not the norm for me.) and 2. the ankle was still sore. I was hoping a week off with over 40 hours of flight time would sufficiently rest the ankle. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel any better although everything else does. The good news is that I still managed to lose a couple of pounds, airline food in bus. class isn't all that bad for you.
While I started to run in late July, November was my first real running month. November total was 18 runs / 71.5 miles / 9:22 avg pace. August - October total was 27 runs / 71.2 miles / 9.27. Probably explains the ankle injury.
Despite the soreness, I still went out on my 4.5 mile loop today. Went out a little to hard as the muscles all felt fresh. Ended up running a PR by about 20 seconds although I kind of crashed on the last 1.5 miles (HR avg was 169, highest in a while). Still happy with the sub 40 minute run.
I'm going to keep running and icing for a few more weeks and see what happens. Hopefully the weight loss coupled with stronger and refreshed legs will help alleviate the ankle issues. If not, I'm going to head to the doctor early January to have it checked out.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:20 AM
Labels: Winter Program; Ankle Injury
Run 57
Took a typical turn around the resevoir tonight. I was a complete stress-ball after work, and needed the run. Nothing remarkable about it, except the cold. That, too, faded in importance, around mile 2.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
12:23 AM
Labels: 5k, central park resevoir, holiday 4-miler
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Run 56, Michigan Avenue
Checked another box this week with a run down Michigan Avenue in Chicago, yesterday afternoon. I didn't calculate distance. I ran from my hotel for roughly 15 minutes and then back again, with a short walk along the lakeshore at the turnaround point to think and enjoy the scenery. I got out at 7:00am, it was 25 degrees, and I had a low grade hangover, so not my most auspicious run. Still, I continue to enjoy taking advantage of my travel schedule to get out and run in different cities.
Holiday 4 miler is a week from Saturday, or at least four more runs from now.
Short story from run 55: so I was chugging past the mid-point on my usual 5k loop, by the pump station on the downtown side of the resevoir, when I caught sight of a fetching youngster, strecthing, turned away from me, in tights and a snug yellow windbreaker. I thought, wow! Here's motivation. I wonder if she'll head in my direction. Then the runner turned towards me. It was a dude.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
3:48 PM
Labels: chicago, holiday 4-miler, travel
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hitting the pavement
Nothing huge to report, but I did get out on Monday for approximately 3 miles in a little under 25 minutes. I also got out today when the sun was still shining with one of my running friends down here. The first mile felt good, but I got a little winded the last two. Finished a 4.4 miler in 35:30. Again, just good to run, plus the runner's twinge stayed away from my left leg and the groin is okay. So I am hoping to be back on the road permanently, but I am thinking 3 to 4 times a week with a day in between. Until I lose more weight and lose another 10 to 15 pounds, i want to give the joints little rest by filling in the other days with stationary biking and some other workouts.
Hope you are all well.
Posted by
9:44 PM
Labels: runner's twinge, Schedule
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Some interesting food for thought on stretching, or not stretching. I got this from a guy I follow on twitter.
Posted by
4:20 PM
Labels: info share, stretching
December Begins
I got out today for 29:08. I had no real route in mind, just the intention to get out and run. My regular routes are getting a bit stale so I headed out on stroller route and then cut off of it on a street (or a portion thereof) that I've never run before. I need to find something to punch up the interest factor a bit, so I'm considering different routes. All in all I felt good, if a little sluggish.
This was my first run since Friday, though I was not slothful in the interim. I worked hard in my yard to shut it down for the season on Saturday. Four hours of raking and barrel lugging is a good workout. Weather, and my body telling me it needed a rest kept me in on Sunday. Though I spent the day Sunday finishing up my bathroom painting project (sort of, still some trim to do). Three of the four days of the Thanksgiving weekend were good workouts, and the fourth was productive and busy. Not much of a point to this post, really. Again, it was a good run on a nice day and it got me in a good mood.
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: Agricola, December 08, Running
Monday, December 1, 2008
Run 55
Checked the box tonight. Run 55 was my usual 5k loop around the resevoir, which I haven't run in a few weeks. Ran it in 30.30, not great for me, not bad for me, either. If I stick to my plan the race of 12/13 will be run 60, a round number. I like that.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:25 PM
Labels: 5k, central park resevoir, holiday 4-miler
A Couple Week Hiatus
So, with the holidays in full swing, i thought I would be running and exercising more, but a couple of setbacks have happened. One - had a slight groin pull playing dodge ball. I know, Dodgeball should not be that physical, but surprisingly it is. The faculty at my school took on the seniors and we got whipped three games to none. Good times, but my leg felt very stiff. I have run once on the treadmill and hit the stationary bike 4 times to keep the blood moving. I hope to go for 30 minutes today and see how the leg feels. I am sure my lungs will be asking for rest, but I will let everyone know. Second, just spending time with family visiting over Thanksgiving, I never felt like running in the morning and could never find time in the afternoon. Not a good excuse, but just busy with family.
My energy level has been good from all the working out and I am feeling better than I have in a couple of years so thank you all for some great motivation to get and stay fit.
Everyone is cruising right now and the times are dropping. Great work everyone. Hope to post some decent results as well.
Posted by
2:57 PM
Labels: groin pull, Hiatus
Run 54
Ran ~ 3 miles in ~ 27 minutes on Saturday afternoon, sneaking away with Mrs. FA from her parent's place for an out-and-back to the edge of their subdivision. It's ugly what a long weekend of heavy eating can do. I was happy with my time, but felt sluggish and breathless. Sticking to bran and veggies this week.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:37 AM
Labels: holiday 4-miler, Thanksgiving, training