Mrs. VTR woke me up at 6:16am for my 6:30am run this morning. For some reason, my 15 year old alarm clock didn't go off. I thought about bagging it until 6:20, then got out of bed, got dressed, grabbed a banana and some water and was out the door by 6:24. Luckily, the run starting point was only 5 minutes drive from my house.
We did a killer loop that started with flats, moved into a solid mile downhill, and finished with a tough mile uphill. Took us about an hour 20 minutes. The distance was somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 miles. There were 4 of us on the run.
It was a great way to start the day and finish the long holiday weekend. (Better finish than the Pats had.)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday morning run
Posted by
VT Runner
8:33 PM
Labels: Sunday morning runs, VTRunner
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Turkey Trotting, Part Deux
As Agricola mentioned, we ran a 5K turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning. It was my second time running this race, and it was a good time. Great to be able to share a new tradition with a friend and fellow LDTer.
I don't have a ton to add to what Agricola described. The course was an out and backer, and it was relatively flat. Since it was in my hometown, I was on familiar turf. I actually ran that route in high school as part of wrestling practice -- I think I summoned that memory as I closed in on the final stretch. An interesting element of that final stretch that you can see the finish from about 3/4 of a mile away. On the one hand, it's motivating to know that the end is near -- it allows you to really kick it into gear. On the other, it's not that close, so you still have to be careful about going too early and finishing flat.
I didn't have a hard goal for this race, although I was thinking about sub-20. I ended up at 20:15, which is the fastest I've run a 5K. It was good for 7th out of 96 in my age-group -- very pleased (and surprised) with that. Sub-20 is within striking distance, so now I have a short-term goal.
Great seeing BR, AG, and spouses over the weekend. How cool to have an instant connection despite such limited facetime? I really enjoyed it -- another LDT bonus.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:52 PM
Labels: ldt connections, Turkey Trot, VTRunner
Post Turkey Day Run
New route in the burbs. Added a 1/2 mile to the beginning and end of the local 10k race course. 1:10/7.5 miles/9:20. Very hilly with two brutal hills. Calf muscles are still sore today. Miserable weather as well.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:47 PM
Labels: Winter Program
Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkey Trotting
I ran my first Turkey Trot yesterday. I ran it with VTR (well, we were on the same course at the same time, just separated by about two minutes) in his hometown. Up early I headed south and met up with VTR and his father and we headed to the race. I wasn't sure what I was shooting for, though in the back of my mind I was hoping to go sub-23.
I'd had a crazy day at work on Wednesday (stressed and awake at 2:30 AM I went to the basement at 3:15 and started working and didn't finish until 9:15 PM -- good times) and was tired on Thanksgiving Day. VTR and I were near the front of the starting pack and that was sort of crazy. All these folks started blazing out along he first quarter and then pulling up exhausted . . . 3.1 miles is further than you think. I'd never run the course before and wasn't sure where I was until I saw the timekeeper at mile one. I ran the first mile in 7:11 and knew why I didn't feel that great. I calmed down a bit and fell into a good rhythm through the the second mile and while I felt that I was slowing I had a pretty good finish. We finished on the HS track and it was cool how nice that rubber surface felt and how much it helped propulsion. I finished in 22:49, by my watch, which is a 7:21 pace, so pretty consistent really. It was a hoot.
I got in 31:55 this evening and felt really good. I'd painted for about 3 hours today and wasn't totally feeling it, but once I got out there I enjoyed myself and it was a nice evening. Has anybody noticed Jupiter and Venus in the sky? Look to the western sky around sunset and you'll see them, the two bright lights nearly on top of one another, about 30 degrees or so above the horizon. Venus is larger and brighter since it's closer, but Jupiter is pretty darn bright too.
Posted by
5:23 PM
Labels: Agricola, November 08, race report, Running, Turkey Trot
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Run 53
Got out for just 2 miles yesterday (Wednesday), one mile uphill, and one mile down. I wanted to make up for lost runs last week and stay active through the holiday, with its opportunities for overeating. I'm fairly uncomfortable this morning. Don't know if it was too soon after Tuesday's late afternoon 5k, or the big hill, but I feel sore and worn out. Resting now. Enjoy your turkey boys. Peace,
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:53 AM
Labels: Adirondacks, holiday 4-miler, Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Strong Run
Almost bailed today as I was tired. Late night airport pickup through my schedule off. Headed out for the same 3 mile loop as yesterday and was very sluggish for the first mile. Probably more the result of running through the weather yesterday rather than the late night. But, as has often been the case, I woke up around the .75 mile mark and picked it up. 25:55/8:37 (all negative splits) is a solid, if not hard run for me. I've only run faster once on a two mile route. One run left for the month on Friday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! This blog has definitely been one of the things I'm thankful for this year. Probably saved my fat ass from an early heart attack.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:06 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Run 52
In the ADKs today. Mrs. FA dropped me 5k from home, and I ran it in 29.10. Rained lightly the whole way, temps in the low 40s, and a bit of snow and sleet still on the road from last night's freezing rain. I did not stretch before the run, and stretched only my shins and calves afterwards. We'll see how that goes.
I am aiming for a short 2.5 miler tomorrow afternoon, as the feasting will start in earnest when my folks arrive later in the day.
If I don't blog again, I hope all the big and little Agricolae, VTRs, Bennus and Phatrunners have a very happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
2:46 PM
Labels: Adirondacks, holiday 4-miler, pre-thanksgiving run
Rain & Wind
That was the story this morning. Ran 3 at 8:55. Was hoping for faster but the wind was prohibitive. I was blown off my path twice and did a poor job dodging puddles (too dark). However, the legs felt much better than yesterday despite the less than ideal conditions. Didn't feel the need to ice anything afterwards either. It was kind of cool being out there in such terrible weather. I didn't see anyone else running, only a few people heading to work trying to hold on to their umbrellas.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
11:58 AM
Labels: Winter Program; Rain
Monday, November 24, 2008
Managed to get a 2 mile stroller run late yesterday at dusk. It seems my short and slow Sunday runs are some of the more laborious. Not sure why. Spent most of the day getting the rink ready, but nothing too strenuous. 19 miles for the week is a new high. My average pace for the week was also a good 20 seconds faster than my previous best.
Today's early morning run was hard. Legs felt dead and the HR felt higher. In the end, I knocked 20 seconds of my best time for the route and my avg HR was down 3. Total was 4.5 in 40:06. I'm thinking the late run yesterday didn't allow for enough recovery time. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow. This week is my long week (every 3rd week) and. Need to get it in as international travel next week is going to limit the number and length of my runs...but it will be warmer!
It seems like I have to ice something everyday, just not the same muscle/joint two days in a row. It's like whack-a-mole on my legs. One day its the ankle, next day the shin, then back to the ankle.... Mainly just soreness that I'm being proactive on.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
11:21 AM
Labels: Winter Program; Injuries;
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Suburban Duathlon
I did a duathlon today, or maybe even a modified tri. I raked for a good two hours with a couple of dump runs to get rid of my leaves. Picked up C1 down the street at a play date and took her on a quick errand. When we got home I geared up and went out for 31 minutes.
Raking is a great workout. It works the upper body, the legs, the abs. You do dead lifts and hustle barrels to the pickup, then drag it out of the truck bed and do it all again. I did a shortened stroller router this evening (solo) and it felt really really good. I'm having a good time right now just getting out and running. I'm shooting for minutes rather than miles and while I'm firmly in the 4-5.5 range right now the mileage is not the thing -- time on the road is. I'm trying to figure out some new routes, but I've been out 4 times since last Sunday and run three routes and that has helped immensely.
I dedicate today's run to my Dad's sister-in-law's father. He died today at the age of 95! He lead a long and good life. I liked him very much. He'd been sick a couple of weeks ago and in the hospital. He got sick again and said, no more hospital, no more medications. It's time. I think that's pretty amazing, brave and wise. It was time for him, he knew it. He accepted his mortality, and took control. It's not sad. It's empowering.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: Agricola, Death, Family, November 08, Running
Riverside Run, #51
So I haven't run since last Sunday. It was a long work week, with multiple family commitments in the evenings, etc. (The bigger of the little FAs turned 8 on Thursday. Unbelievable.) So I wanted to shake off the week with something new, and not obsess over distance or time.
I ran to Riverside Park, downtown to the Intrepid, and up 43rd Street to 8th Avenue where I hopped on the C train to head home.
Google says it's 4.48 miles. I ran it in 49.10, nearly an 11 minute mile pace, which I'm glad to say is slow for me. I did stop to walk 2x for a minute each time, and stopped once to heed nature. Not sure how long that took. Whatever. It is great and clear and cold in NYC today, and windy on the riverfront. I like that route, and think I'll extend it for long weekend runs.
I'm also starting to think about trying a run with the iPod. Will certainly blog about that. Chaka Khan's Ain't Nobody was the earworm on this run; it shifted over to Zep's Travelin By The Riverside Blues when I hailed the big carrier.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
1:19 PM
Labels: holiday 4-miler, iPod, riverside park, training
Short strider
I joined my new Sunday morning running crew at 6:30 this morning for an hour-long loop. I'm not an early morning runner, but I definitely see the appeal. To have 7 miles under my belt before 7:30AM is huge, and the stillness of the morning could grow on me.
The story on this run, though, was tightness. No injuries or anything like that, just the realization that if I stretched I could probably be running faster and more comfortably, especially on hills. My stride shortened considerabley on the last, predominantly uphill section as the hammys tightened and IT band on the outside right knee shouted at me.
Anyone out there having good luck incorporating stretching into this running thing? How about stretching while running through longer strides or higher steps, etc? Looking for something to mix into my activities over the winter.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:28 AM
Labels: stretching, Sunday runs, VTRunner
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dusk Run
I bailed early from work and headed out of town on the 3:05 train. I was on the road by 4:15 as the sun began to plummet below the horizon. The sky was beautiful, blazing orange and pink. The air was cold and moderately breezy, a beautiful evening for a run. I did stroller route without the stroller and added on some distance to so it most likely took me over five miles. I came back ten seconds quicker than I went out and everything felt really good over the course of my 43 minutes.
I passed a guy on the way out, near my turn-around, waved to him and kept going. I caught him again about 1.5 miles later. I slowed a bit, said how are you, thinking I'd engage him in a chat about the beautiful wintry night, and the great running weather . . . and he didn't even respond. He probably thought I was showing him up but I wasn't. I didn't realize it was the same guy I'd seen earlier until I was a couple hundred yards behind him. So, when he was rude, I revved it back up and did blow him away. This was a great run, from beginning to end. I'm hoping I can get one in today, but we're having a party for C2 this evening so that might keep me busy.
Posted by
8:45 AM
Labels: Agricola, Friendliness Factor, November 08, Running, sunset
Friday, November 21, 2008
Mid run brain cramp
Still keeping to the plan. Ran my Esplanade 7.5 mile route today at 9:20 pace. This is the best pace I've had on an run greater than 4.5 miles...and it wasn't a hard run at all. I still freak out a bit during the 3-4.5 mile stretch. I start noticing aches and pains, questioning if I'm being too aggressive on the pace or distance, yadda yadda yadda. Once I hit 5, no pain, good pace, bounce in my step. I had negative splits from mile 4 all the way in. I'm going to have to get past this if I'm ever going to run a marathon. All in all, it was a good run.
Tomorrow's supposed to be a cross training day. I've yet to get off my ass on a Saturday. Might try a short trail run behind my house depending on how I feel.
Question: Anyone use a Garmin 405? Know someone who has? Had a casualty today, my HRM belt. Snapped the clasp before the run. I'm now suffering from data deprivation.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:27 AM
Labels: HRM, Winter Program
Tough Week
No posts for two days! That's a record for this crowd, lately. This is a tough time for me. I always find the weeks immediately before Thanksgiving are super busy, as if clients are startng to clear the decks for holidays and year-end. I haven't run since Sunday, shanghai-d by preparations for a trip to Tampa, and the trip itself. The trip was very positive and may lead to a super exciting opportunity, but I've had few cracks to fill, ala Agricola. When I was a kid we had a family friend, a carpenter, who used to say you gotta give something to get something, sometimes.
I'm slammed today and my local industry's big annual affair is tonight. I aim to go light on the booze and hit the road tomorrow morning. We'll be upstate most of next week so I hope to be firmly back on plan by Thanksgiving. Looking forward to posting, and to seeing yours, too.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
7:47 AM
Labels: holiday 4-miler, training, work
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Filling The Cracks
Yesterday I posted a comment about running filling in the cracks of my life right now. I squeezed one in between the cracks of my day. I was on a call late last night and again early this AM (though I was not actually on the call, as they didn't call me, long story but it's cool). I snuck out after nine and did about 5 miles, a little less, in 38:54. It was a beaut of day -- crystal clear skies, cold and breezy. Glad I got out. Off to the showers and then the train for another call.
Posted by
10:21 AM
Labels: Agricola, November 08, Running
Four Days
Ran my Greenway 3 mile route this morning at the normal time. Cold and windy! Temps in mid 20s with 15 mph wind, which somehow always seemed to be in my face. Moderate tempo run for me at 8:45 pace. Really starting to feel the legs get stronger this week. Tomorrow is an off day before a slow 6-8 on Friday. This is the first time I've run 4 days in a row. Later.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:02 AM
Labels: Winter Program
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Too early
Due to scheduling issues with Mrs. BR, I had to finish my run by 5:30 AM today. Not having the commute to work to wake up during definitely had an impact on the legs. I had planned on an easy 3. Ended up with an easy 2 at 9:30 pace (HR avg 151). Without the usual warm up, I was concerned about injury. However, hamstrings and ankle were fine. Considering yesterdays run, I'm hoping I'm well on the road to recovery from these two nagging issues. Shins were a bit of a problem today. Not going to worry about it since it could have been the result of the change in schedule, the new shoes or yesterday's run.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
7:01 AM
Labels: Winter Program
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday 8
I met up with the early morning running crew again this Sunday at 6:30AM for 8 or so miles of impressive hills. It's the first weekend of full-on hunting season, so we had to stay on the roads, which were empty so no biggy. We saw some deer in a clearing, and said our good-byes. They're probably hanging in someone's garage by now. (Just kidding...kind of. I'm entertaining myself here.)
Anyway, the run was uneventful, except for the fact that it covered a loop I've known about for some time but never done. The hills always kept me away. Running with a group got me out there at least once. Checked it off. No need to do it alone.
Hockey tonight. I'm digging the cross-training season.
Later boys. Loving the dialogue here.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:00 PM
Labels: VTRunner; running with friends
There are signs...
Oversleeping today resulted in a late 7:00 start. Its much harder to run during this hour as I have to dodge cars, delivery trucks, pedestrians, etc. PITA. My goal was to run my 4.5 mile Boston Common route at 9:00 pace. I've been running easy for the last couple of weeks and had an itch to run faster/harder. My recovery from last Friday's long run was much shorter and contributed to my desire to get out there. Ended up running 40:22/8:58 pace...PR for the route by almost 2 minutes. I was quite pleased with myself for a few reasons.
- Hit my target time on the nose despite having to run around obstacles.
- Maintained the same split times during the hill segments (splits were 8:59, 8:59, 8:57, 8:58, 4:29)
- No issues with the hamstrings. Ankle only a little sore
- Hucked a lungy a good 15 feet mid stride!
All good signs that I'm starting to get my legs back. Hopefully tomorrow morning doesn't bring any new aches and pains.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:49 AM
Labels: Winter Program
Good Start
I had a good start to my running week yesterday and did 5.2 in 42:24. I went post church, like FA, and it was a breezy, chilly, windy day. Clouds scudded in and clouds blew away. As I finished my run it looked very November. There were many stretches with a stiff headwind and quite a few with a good cross wind that would buffet me in between houses or at intersections. It's pretty amazing how much a headwind can add to the work level -- there was one big gust that almost stopped me in my tracks and slowed me way down, and the road was flat. It was cool in a torturous way. I felt really good near the end. I caught one of those moments where running feels like gliding, the sound of your breath and your feet on the road disappear and you're just in the zone. I'm hopeful that I'm coming out of my down-cycle. Let's see what I do the rest of the week.
Sunday was a good start.
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: Agricola, fall weather, November 08, Running, weather challenges
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You can never have enough gear.
Ran an easy 2.1 miles today at 9:00 pace. This is the longest loop I can run in my neighborhood without risking life and limb on the road into my neighborhood. Still fighting the same nagging aches and pains but nothing serious. 17.1 for the week, new PR. Next week is an important week for keeping the mileage up. The week after is Thanksgiving and some vacation days. The week after that is a trip to the far east. Not good for someone who needs structure.
I took Phat Runner's advice and added some shoes to the collection. One extra road pair and a trail pair. Plan is to run the golf course (~5 miles) on weekends once it closes. You can never have enough gear! I'm keeping Marathon Sports in business.
Question: for those of you who run longer distances, at what distance do you carry water and/or other nourishment?
Posted by
Bennu Runner
5:50 PM
Labels: Winter Program
Run 50, 5-miler
Our church in Port Henry is five miles from home. So I ran home after church. I had never run five miles and wanted to push past that barrier. The route loses elevation overall; it is mainly long gradual downhill stretches with flats here and there and a few, very short climbs, and my right ankle hurt real good in the last mile. I ran it in 45.10.
It was a good morning for a run. Temps in the 40s, breezy, slightly overcast. There are a few points along the route where you can look down on Champlain. I stuck around after mass to stretch behind the pews. I like very much being alone in a Church, and it set my head before the run.
I feel that I should remark on run 50. There it is.
Peace, fellas.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
12:24 PM
Labels: Adirondacks, holiday 4-miler, Milestone
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Family day at the races
There was a 5k and 1 mile fun run race at our local middle school this morning, and the whole family participated. Mrs. VTR and Little VTR1 ran the mile together and finished in 11:44! Little VTR2 and I ran the course in 16:48. It was awesome running as a family unit, and especially cool to see the race through my 3.5 year old's eyes. To her, the race was all about looking for goblins and running to keep them from getting us. The course took us through fields, along a river and by some woods, so there were lots of places for the goblins to hide. It was very cute, and effective. She stopped only once for about 10 paces. I was blown away.
The 5K was before the 1 miler, and it was a great race for me. There were about 55 - 60 runners, an intimate group. For a community race, the start was really fast. I jumped out on adrenaline with the crew, but quickly settled in with a guy I had run with the previous Sunday morning. I got myself under control and then pulled away, into my own pace. I ended up finishing in 20:48, which I think is a PR 5K for me. I placed 7th overall and get this -- I won my age group! I thought there might have been a chance that I placed, but I was shocked when they read my name as the winner. First time I've ever won anything in any race. Felt really good. A bit surreal, but good.
Another thing I have to mention is that I thought about the blog around mile 2. I actually kicked it up a gear because I felt accountable to this group for doing my best. I think that's awesome.
Posted by
VT Runner
7:47 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
Real Runners
Today was a day I would have bagged if I wasn't following a plan. Watched the Pat's game until the unfortunate end, slight stomach issues and lots to do at work. My program recommended 6, I planned on 4, ended up running 7.5. Longest since running Boyden Street run back in college. (That was a 10 mile route that required you to finish running up Boyden Street...the steepest hill in the area.) Headed out from the office around 5:45. Ran at a very comfortable 10 minute pace. There are 2 things holding me back from picking up the pace: hamstrings and Hal Higdon's Marathon Training book. I'm hoping the increased stretching alleviates the hamstrings soon. The increased mileage was due to underestimating the distance on the course I laid out. Much of the route was along the Charles and it wasn't easy to map the winding paths. It was along the Charles that I passed many a serious runner. BAA logos on their gear were like badges of honor...and a signal to get out of their way. I have to admit, I was somewhat intimidated. I haven't had much experience running by or with others given the time I run and my initial routes. It's been a reality check running in the more popular areas. On a more positive note, today I realized that, halfway through the month, I have over 32 miles logged. I was averaging 24, per month, during Aug.-Oct. Hopefully the holidays and upcoming travel don't derail me.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:53 AM
Labels: BAA, Charles River, Higdon, Winter Program
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Run 49
I got out tonight with a plan, for a change. I aimed to run the first mile in 10, then speed up to 9 minutes for the second mile, and try for 8 on the third.
Well, the first two miles went as planned. My HR was in the mid 170s for nearly all of mile 2, and when I hit mile 3 I was certain I could not speed up and sustain a faster pace. So I dropped the HR to 165-ish for the next half mile, then took it up over 170 again for the last half mile. Finished 5k in 30 minutes, 29 seconds, not as fast as I'd hoped.
Average HR was 168 and Max HR was 181, both higher than usual. I'm starting to appreciate the HR monitor's value for pacing again.
I've laid out a schedule to get in 13 more runs before the Dec 13 holiday race. I've got a bit of travel in there, Tampa next week, Chicago after Thanksgiving, so we'll see.
Peace, boys
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:18 PM
Labels: central park resevoir, heart rate monitors, holiday 4-miler
Good Step
I took a good step this AM and got in a nice relaxed, and relaxing 4 mile run. I kept the pace around 8:23, ran within myself and came home a happy and contented guy. I was up at 5:15 but bailed. I woke up an hour later and hopped out of bed and headed out. Everybody was still sleeping, I got dressed in the kitchen and went. I really am a 6:00 - 6:30 AM runner, there's no getting around it. I've been running long enough that I know this about myself. I started running at 6:27 AM. It was chilly and gray but very comfortabe for running. I was happy to be on the road. I'm taking C1 & C2 tomorrow AM.
I was at a networking thing yesterday AM and walked into a bannister that gave me a charlie-horse. I wore dress shoes to this event, for the first time in months, and they made my right knee hurt. Besides those oddities, everything felt good. I have a question for the crew: Is it crazy that I'm balking at $35 to run a 5K in Decmeber? It seems really expensive to me and though it's for Special Olympics it seems like a gouge -- Falmouth costs $35, and the VTCM costs $85. JUst wondering what you all think.
Posted by
1:12 PM
Labels: Agricola, November 08, Running
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Running on the treadmill
Hitting the treadmill again as I travel for work. Ran 4.2 miles on a very old trainer yesterday and I am not even sure of the pace, but it felt decent. Have that runner's twinge on my knee and I am still working through it. Also, hit the stationary bike tonight to change it up. 50 minutes and the legs received a different type of work out. Always good to let some sweat out and just work the muscles.
Nice job everyone on the posts, particularly Bennu, who seems to have caught the running bug. Keep it up.
Posted by
11:12 PM
Labels: Stationary bike, Treadmill Running
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A New Race
In a recent post I mentioned a mid-December Reindeer Run in nearby Schroon Lake. I was wrong about that; it's in far-off Queensbury. But Mrs. FA and I registered for the NYRR's Holiday 4-Miler on Sat., Dec. 13, in Central Park. (We joined NYRR while at it.)
That's about a month away. I am thinking I'll aim for 37 minutes. I haven't run since last Thurs. But I'll be back on the road tomorrow.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:57 PM
Labels: central park, holiday 4-miler, Mrs. FA, training
Played a really fun game of hockey last night. Great passing, fast pace, a goal and a couple of assists. Playing more than once a week has transformed the sport for me. For the last two years, I've endured each session because of fitness levels. Now, I'm starting to get into a flow and improve. Progression like that is a kick.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:41 PM
Labels: cross training, hockey, VTRunner
100 Miles
Today's 3 miles pushed me over the 100 mile (36 run) mark since I started. Easy run today as I hope to run harder tomorrow, 4th day in a row. Ankle was much better, but the hammy was still tight. Hopefully it is related to compensating for the ankle and will improve as the ankle does. Only ran at 9:30 pace. However, HR avg and max where the lowest they've ever been for any distance or pace. Gonna keep it slow for a while until completely healthy again. As Agricola has advised...just building the base. Shooting for 18 miles this week and 20 next. Plan is to range between 15 and 20 through the end of the year.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
7:47 AM
Labels: Ankle Injury, hamstring injury, Milestone, Winter Program
Monday, November 10, 2008
Pushing through the pain...
Followed the plan yesterday with an easy 2. Pushed C1 for the first mile and C2 on the second. C1 also rode her bike for mile 2 which dropped the pace down. It was great to get out with them on the road and a good test for longer runs in the future. My program has Saturdays as an off day and Sunday as a short easy run before a "sort of long run" on Mondays. I'm going to try to alternate the kids every other week but may have to get a dual stroller to avoid juvenile conflict.
Today's run was the 4.5 Common route. Late start today at 6:45 meant heavy pedestrian traffic to dodge. Kept it easy, but not too easy for me, at 9:30 pace. I'm more concerned with the mileage than the least thorough the end of the year. Left hammy was still tight. However, the left ankle is more troublesome. Still can't figure out if its the ankle or shin splints. Hopefully an easy pace / ice regimen will be enough to cure it. Otherwise I feel great. Last week's total of 16 is a PR.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
12:30 PM
Labels: Ankle Injury, hamstring injury, Jogging Stroller, Winter Program
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fantastic Run
Over the past 8 months or so, I've been invited a number of times to mountain bike, road ride and now run with a crew that goes out at 6:30AM on Sunday mornings. I came close to mountain biking with them once in June, but then whimped out because of intimidation and fear of re-injuring my then fragile calf during the 3 hour, hilly ramble. Other than that, I've never really come close to joining this group until today.
I joined three of the regular guys for a run in and around Trapps Family Lodge. We ran up hills, down hills, through tons and tons of mud (took a wrong turn), along dear paths (to avoid the muddy trail), across old farm land -- all at a very respectable pace. At the end, we kicked it into high gear, which felt great.
There were two things, though, that I really enjoyed about the run. First, I was running with a new crew of guys. My connection to the group is through a hockey friend who lives nearby (and coincidentally who went to junior high school with Mrs. VTR), but I had never met the other two. Something about meeting them at dawn on a Sunday for a random trail run was very cool. It helped that we talked a lot on the run, and they were all good guys. The other thing that made my day was that I was able to hang with them from a fitness standpoint. They're fit, to say the least. I guess I should be able to hang since I just did the CCM, but I was still pleasantly surprised that my fitness didn't go away, that I have that level of fitness at all, and that this crazy hour and forty minute long run was not a problem for me.
I'm still getting used to the idea of being a runner, still surprised by it.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
8:45 PM
Labels: running community, trail running, VTRunner
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Took a hike
Mrs. VTR and I divided and conquered the little VTRs today. Sometimes, we've found, the little ones need one-on-one attention. My charge was the littlest VTR, and we went for a scenic hike around Lake Mansfield up here in Stowe. We saw a couple of bufflehead ducks, deer tracks and a big set of moose tracks that were probably 6" across. It was a fun adventure.
Meanwhile, Mrs. VTR took big little VTR on a run. She ran, he rode in the jogger a la Agricola.
Family activity day. Love it.
Enjoy the weekend.
Posted by
VT Runner
2:32 PM
Labels: family activity, VTRunner
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tough Run
Weather wasn't great, was suffering from some weird vertigo thing, left hammy (not the previously injured one) was tight and left ankle was sore. I also went out last night and threw back a couple for the first time in months. Still managed to get an early 6.3 miles in. My plan was to run slow anyway, trying to keep the HR in the 155-160 zone rather than the 160 - 170 zone. My average ended up being 159, down from 165. To do it, I had to practically crawl the route. Not that I could have done much better considering the issues above. Pace was about 9:55. While I could have held a conversation during the run and never felt the urge to stop, I felt as if the slower pace resulted in more of a pounding on the legs. I'm thinking this will be the bottom end of my pace range going forward. Need to balance the HR zones and the stress to the joints.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
1:49 PM
Labels: HR Zones, Winter Program
Run 48
Nothing remarkable to report. It was a typical 5k run around the resevoir. I did slow to a walk for a few minutes. I had reached my wit's end, trying to leap over or skirt around the innumerable puddles on the track. It rained off and on again all day.
After a bit of that I threw caution (and dry feet) to the side and just ran through the damn puddles. Harumph. Finished in 32.20.
There's a reindeer run the first weekend of December, in Schroon Lake, 20 mins from PH. I'll post the details once I find them.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
8:44 AM
Labels: central park resevoir, rain, Running
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Strollering In The Rain
The kids and I laid out their stuff last night -- blanket, jacket, animal buddy, slippers. My stuff was organized and hanging in the cellar stairwell. C2 and I were up around 5:30, helping Mrs. A with C3. I awoke C1 and she climbed right out of bed. I put the stroller together once the kids were up, grabbed them each a mini bagel and hit the road at 6:35. We ran for 40:26 over 4.78 miles and came back quicker than we went out, though I walked a bit near the end because I was gassed. It was a dreary day and I might not have gone had I not promised both kids that I'd take them. It rained on us quite hard in the last mile and I passed a woman runner and we smiled at each other and commented on the lousy weather. The kids were good, by and large, but I did have to stop twice in the last mile to separate them. They are good for about 34 minutes in the stroller and after that it becomes a bit nutty. It was a great run and I'm ecstatic that they both want to go with me. This is a good thing.
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: Agricola, fall weather, November 08, rain, Running With Children
Still out here running
So after the CCM, I felt a little sore, but hit the treadmill for a Monday and Wednesday 3.5 to 4 mile run. By the end of the week I was wiped and my left leg was bothering me on the quad muscle where it attaches to the knee on the inside of the leg. Its like a twinge and it is just plain uncomfortable.
Last Saturday, I hit the road for a 4.4 miler and was running well, when that twinge hit with less than a mile left. I walked it off and I was pretty upset. Once you gear up for a run, you want to complete it. Anyways, a bit dissatisfied with that performance, I took the next two days off and then hit the road on Monday for the same 4.4. Another twinge, but I was able to run through it and I felt decent afterwards as I ran faster coming home then I did going out.
Last night was the kicker though. Went out around 8:40 for a little over 3.7 miles and I just jammed with another buddy of mine. We discussed the election the entire way and then near the end, with a little over two minutes to go, I just took the pace up and felt awesome. I really feel like the lungs and legs are working together and I am probably hitting my runner's stride. Very exciting and I look forward to seeing the splits drop.
BTW - I am starting up P90X at the end of the month if any of you really want to crank up your workouts. 2nd time through and I am just letting my shoulder heal up.
Posted by
10:20 AM
Labels: Breakthrough, P90 X, post CCM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Changing Gears
I still haven't run since the CCM, but I'm getting a glimmer of desire to hit the roads again. I'm thinking it will happen next week.
In the meantime, I've fallen into a heavy hockey schedule. I played Monday night at 9:00, Tuesday at noon, and I just got invited to play tomorrow at lunch. I'm hoping to settle in to a Mon night/Thurs lunch rotation, so I was psyched to get the invitation for tomorrow's skate. It's pretty cool interspersing a team sport with the running. You'd think there'd be more intense comraderie in a team-based setting, but the connections I'm forming on ice are similar to those I've formed with fellow runners. It's all about creating space to share similar experiences and passions.
Anyway, on the training front, I'll be interested to see how the extra sessions impact my fitness on the ice and on the road.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
10:00 PM
Labels: hockey, vt runner cross training
Mark The Date
May 24, 2009.
Vermont City Marathon.
I just signed up.
Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: Agricola, info share, marathon prep, Vermont City Marathon
Quick Run
I didn't get out yesterday, but did make it out today. It was a nice morning, the sun was sort of up, there was a bit of overcast but it was mild and windless. I need to get better organized to smooth my AM departures and lay out my stuff better. If I can get out the door by 6:30 rather than 6:45 I'll be better able to log more miles. I did my short route, 3.3 miles, in 26 and change. Not my quickest nor my slowest, and it's not a surprise I've not run very much in the past ten days. Organization is key tomorrow, both C1 & C2 want to come so I'll have to set up the stroller tonight and get their gear ready etc. I'm looking forward to it.
Posted by
9:54 AM
Labels: Agricola, November 08, Running
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Run 47
I ran my Res 5k in 30 mins, 34 seconds. Still adjusting to the fall of the year, I got out at 6:00pm, but it felt mush later. At that hour, it was good to see other runners along my route. I "reeled in" a few, as you guys often say here. I must have been working harder than ususal...average HR was 165, which I think is on the high side for me, and I hit 172 a few times on the flats. Thanks to Bennu for steering me back towards these metrics.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
7:50 PM
Labels: 5k, central park resevoir, Running
Hard Run
I was only supposed to run an easy 3 today (and a hard 3 tomorrow). Ended up running with one of my staff (all the treadmills were used). While I ran harder than anticipated, 8:45 pace and almost as fast(or slow) as my 5k race, it didn't seem as hard. Always easier to run with someone. Another new route today along the Greenway. I may skip tomorrow depending on how I feel. Three consecutive days running is the most I've done since starting this whole running thing again...4 may be pushing it too early. 10 miles is almost the most I've done in any week. However, I feel much better than I thought I would and the ankle is much better. I'm thinking reality will set in next week.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:55 AM
Labels: Winter Program
Monday, November 3, 2008
Back At It
I took the week off after the CCM Relay. It was good to take a little break and it permitted me to wait out the time change. Unlike Bennu, I just can't motivate to run in the pre-dawn dark, though it's all in my head because the one that I got in with C2 I did enjoy (and so did he).
Well, that's fixed now because it's fairly bright by 6:30 so no more excuses. I did 5 yesterday with C1. She rode in the stroller and we ran on the Cape. It was a gorgeous, blustery day and she fell asleep somewhere along the route. It was very cool. I covered the 5 in 47 flat -- not at all my fastest for that route/distance but it's OK. I battled a stiff headwind for a bunch of it and we stopped to look at the Bass River as well. It was a nice run with my daughter on a beautiful day and that's all that really matters.
I'm looking to get back to a Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday cycle in anticipation of marathon training. Not sure about the mileage, 20 would be nice, but it's more about getting on the cycle.
Posted by
9:50 AM
Labels: Agricola, Child One, Marathon training, November 08, Running, running buddy, Running With Children
Run 46, Shorty
Went for a shorty with my shorty Saturday night. Mrs. FA and I ran the resevoir from our apartment. I was only our sixth, or thereabouts, run together during this whole endeavor, and it set us up for a great post-run dinner at a favorite restaurant near Columbus Circle.
I had not run since the CCM, to see if a week of rest would calm the piriformis (there's that word again...). Not sure yet if it the week off did the job. I had some mild post-run soreness, but no pain. I did 90 minutes in the car yesterday, where it ususally is most uncomfortable. Time will tell, and I will report.
Mrs. FA and I also got to mile 23 of the NYC Marathon yesterday in time for the elite women, and stuck around for the bulk of the field. It was a beautiful day, cold and clear. 39,000 runners! Fantastic.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:11 AM
Labels: Mrs. FA, piriformis muscle pain, Running
Nocturnal Runner
New 4.5 mile route (42:00) from the office to, and around, the common. I'm liking the downtown routes more than the southie routes. Feels a little safer. I can also work in more hills which has been sorely lacking in my other routes. The common is definitely an upgrade in "scenery."
Ankle is still a little sore, but didn't really bother my until the last 1.5 miles. Unfortunately, icing is a challenge in the office and will have to wait until tonight.
I've determined I'm a nocturnal runner. Yesterdays midday 1.5 mile run seemed much more strained than today's run. I just feel more relaxed and comfortable running pre-dawn. However, it was cool to see the sunrise again at the end of the run with the time change.
Question for those with HRMs. What is your average HR during a 4 mile/moderate run? What is your resting and max HR? Based on my calc's, my max HR should be 185. If I'm to believe the workout HR bands and what I should be targeting, I need to slow down. My average seems to always be around 165 with a max of 170 - 178. Just trying not to drop dead.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
8:15 AM
Labels: HRM, Winter Program
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It starts
Started the winter program today. Easy 1.5 miles. May have tweaked the ankle. Need to stretch out more. Plan calls for 18.5 for the week starting tomorrow. I may reduce the distance depending on how I feel for the first couple of weeks.
Posted by
Bennu Runner
9:54 PM
Labels: Winter Program