Would we have to enroll to run in this race?
Friday, June 29, 2007
Time: 41:44
Avg HR: 151
Peak HR: 176
Calories: 660
Distance: TBD
Start Time: 5:52 AM
Training Effect: 4.6
Temp: 60s and much drier
Date: 6/29/07
I went out longer today than I have in a while. I ran into the middle of town and out again in a large circle. I stopped once near the end to tie my pants which were totally falling off of me near the end -- I didn't need to get busted for indecent exposure .5 miles from home. Other than that it was all systems go, though I must admit that I'm a little fatigued this week, and my legs were feeling a bit leaden. I've been super busy at work, client dinners etc., getting up much earlier than usual, and knocking off three runs in four days can do that to you. I'm looking forward to the off-day tomorrow, but looking forward to getting back out on Sunday too. I'm getting into a groove.
Posted by
11:57 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Time: 27:11
Avg HR: 151
Peak HR: 175
Calories: 415
Distance: 3.3
Start Time: 5:46 AM
Training Effect: 3.8
Temp: N/A, very humid
Date: 6/27/07
I'm back on track with this weeks schedule (M(T)-W-F) with my back to back runs yesterday and today. It was a steamer today -- even more so than yesterday -- and the sweat was flowing. I started one minute earlier today than yesterday. Running pre-6 AM is great especially in the hot weather.
I did my short route as a sort of recovery run. I'm stretching out the majority of my weekly runs right now, but leaving one day each week to go a little shorter and easier. No deep thoughts or anything like that today but it was a good run. I feel more into it now than I have in a while, and feel like my fitness is at a good level right now that will permit me to take it further. So, we'll see. I'm working towards a sub-60minute Falmouth RR and putting in the work now.
Posted by
10:02 AM
So there I was, geared up, on the bike, flying down the west side at 22 mph when I hit a seam with low air in my rear tire, which promptly went flat. As in dead flat. And me without my extra tube, cell phone or metro card. So I had a 9 minute, 27 second ride, and a long, 47 block walk home. Now I must learn how to change a tube, which I should have learned a long time ago. Look for my post on that subject in a few days. Everyday is new.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:16 AM
Labels: central park, cycling, flat tires
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Catching The Worm
Time: 35:16
Avg HR: 153
Peak HR: 175
Calories: 546
Distance: TBD
Start Time: 5:47 AM
Training Effect: 4.2
Temp: N/A,but humid
Date: 6/26/07
June 25 was supposed to be my day but I bailed. I snuck in a good one early this AM, and I'll go again tomorrow to get in my reps. Today was the earliest run I've ever taken. I rolled out of bed at 5:30, dug up a pair of shorts, emptied the dehumidifier, moved some laundry . . . you know the quotidian things that you do almost from the moment you wake up.
Anyway, totally different crowd before six AM, and many runners of all stripes. I'd like to see if I can get out that early more often. Last night, on my homeward commute, I was pondering my weekend run because it gave me a lot of joy. I was out with my little guy, goofing around on beautiful day, and enjoying the movement. My running has been kind of grim lately. I feel like I'm finding the joy in it again. Today came nicely to me, it unfolded well over the course of the miles and I just ran. Running is good.
Posted by
6:44 AM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday Stroller Run: BUMP!
Time: 38:07
Avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 171
Distance: TBD
Start Time: 5:00 PM
Training Effect: 4.5
Temp: low-70s
Date: 6/23/07
I pushed Child Two around the town on Saturday for a nice run. I was laboring for the first 25 minutes -- there are more hills in my town than when I took both kids out on Cape Cod, so it was a good tough run. I really started to enjoy it though in the last third when I started goofing around with my boy and going over a bumpy part of the course -- he was giggling and laughing as we shouted "BUMP! at every bump. It was very cool, and the run bore out my observations that over 30 minutes it gets easier, and if I just relax it's easier to run.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
3.2 miles
Treadmill in DongGuang, China.
Had an afternoon free, so I hit the gym for a quick 5K. I'm hoping that this will give me more energy for dinner and help me sleep the night. Jetlag is definitely more of a killer now than it was about 10 years ago. It's taken me about 6 days to get on track -- just in time to head home. Perfect.
I spent the past couple of days at a hotel that's right next to the US Embassy here in Southern China. The hotel also happens to be adoption central -- I think because it's right next to the embassy. Seeing all the white proud parents with Chinese baby girls was an interesting combination of touching (such proud new parents), sad (high adoption rates are the direct result of the one-child policy here, so it's hard not to think of the birth parent's tough decision), and surreal (strange combination of new parents, foreign business people, Chinese businessmen, punks like me, and the hotel staff all collide in the fancy hotel lobby).
Three more days until I'm back in VT. Can't wait.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
4:33 AM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Time: 25:58 (PR)
Avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 179
Distance: 3.3
Start Time: 7:00 AM
Training Effect: 4.0
Temp: low-60s
Date: 6/20/07
Took a shorter run today, in order to ratchet down my intensity a bit, but I'll head back up towards four miles on Saturday. It was a gorgeous, crystal clear day -- perfect running weather. I did the reverse of my short route and left the big hill at then end. I'm going to start adding more hills into my regimen so to be ready for the Falmouth Road Race on 12 August. I confirmed my entrance yesterday on their site, I'm in, so that's cool.
Happy Birthday to my brother, and congratulations to him on his Graduation from his plastics surgery residency. On to Houston this weekend for him and his. Good luck!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Decent Fourish
Time: 32:40
Avg HR: 161
Peak HR: 181
Distance: TBD
Start Time: 6:40 AM
Training Effect: 4.7
Temp: low-60s
Date: 6/19/07
Jumped on a nice run this AM and changed the route a bit again just to add some variety and some distance. I'm not sure how long it is, but it feels like 4 or so. The calorie burn was pretty good, something like 585. I also got going earlier than usual and saw some of the same folks that I used to see when I was out running earlier in the winter.
Posted by
10:06 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Sloth Moves
Time: 32:55
Avg HR: 161
Peak HR: 181
Distance: TBD
Start Time: 8:00 AM
Training Effect: 4.6
Temp: NA
Date: 6/18/07
I Got off my duff and ran hard this AM. It felt good. I went out on a little different route looking for a spark and it seemed to work pretty well. I've got to get serious and start running for Falmouth -- no more over 60 minute times for 7 miles and no more crashing at 5 miles. Those are my goals for this year's race.
Happy Fathers' Day to the dads on the blog, and any readers.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
3 miler
Did a quick 3-miler at lunch today. Felt good to get out and get the legs moving after a little break.
The funniest part of the run was when my running partner and I came across a big (and I mean BIG) snake in the middle of the trail. This thing had to have been 3 feet long, an inch and a half around. So what did we do? Screemed like girls, of course. Right after we saw it, a woman came running by us, looked at the snake, didn't break stride and said, "Garter snake." I've never had an issue admitting I'm a wuss when it comes to snakes, but that encounter was a little much. Wuss might just be too nice a term.
I head out to China on Saturday for a 10-day jaunt. Hope to get a few workouts in, even though they'll be 100% treadmill-based. I hear it's very hot and humid there this time of year, so I'm going to pass on any outdoor exercise.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
5:28 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Played kickball with work folks after an all-day off-site. No, it didn't qualify as exercise, but I'm starting to feel lame about my lack of workouts/posts since the Burlington marathon. The kickball was a blast, and I highly recommend it. I worked up a sweat, but that was only because I played in jeans on a day that was 90 degrees with 90% humidity. Luckily, we had some beers on ice to cool down. Forget the Gatorade, this is kickball.
We all got word that we were rejected from the NYC Marathon today, which was a total bummer. It turns out I was really looking forward to doing the race. I'm even considering doing it for a charity because I'm...um... so committed to...causes and stuff. I'll keep you posted on that.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:29 PM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Monday Quickie
Time: 26:20
Avg HR: NA
Peak HR: NA
Distance: 3.3
Start Time: 7:00 AM
Training Effect: NA
Temp: 62
Date: 6/11/07
Familial commitments kept me busy all weekend so no running got done. I got back on the trail this AM -- a Monday run is an accomplishment for me. I couldn't find my HR belt so have no data beyond time and temp today. I almost bailed when Mrs. Agricola snuggled in after I got Child Two back down for a bit at 6:09. I rolled out of bed at 6:40, futzed around looking for the HR belt and finally just went out and ran.
This may be totally psychological on my part, but I actually felt better without the HR monitor working and I went relatively hard and felt pretty good. Another thing I've been thinking is that I need new shoes. My shoes are literally 34 months old. With my hiatuses from running I've not been on top of my footwear situation. I think that's a big reason my legs feel shot.
Running Rule: When the under-sole is beginning to show through the outer sole, it's time for new running kicks.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Labels: Agricola, June, Running, Running Rules, Running Shoes
Gravity is Just
I love starting the week after a ride. I turned three Central Park laps last night, a bit touch and go as the NYPD and Parks Department were cleaning up after the Puerto Rican Day Parade, and the Park was an obstacle course for all the garbage trucks and patrol cars.
Distance: 18.88 miles
Time: 1.13.06
Mx Speed: 25.2 mph
Av Speed: 15.5 mph
Mx HR: 180 bpm
Av HR: 152 bpm
calories burned: 1,112
So there I was, plodding down the hill behind Lasker Rink/pool, moving slow, I don't like to go very fast down hill, when two big dudes, bigger than me and not in great shape, blew past me and one shot me a smug look. Right, I thought, I am going to smoke these tubs on the Great Hill. And I did, totally blowing past them without undue effort. Feeling great, I changed gears, dropped my chain, and had to hop off just past the point where they could see why I had to stop and huff and puff by the side of the road as they passed me up again. Just when I was thinking that gravity is just.
Heading to Scout camp, fellas, this Thursday night for a bit more than a week. I may squeeze a ride in Tuesday but otherwsie I won't be on my bike again until the week of June 25. Don't interpret my absence from the blog as entropy or sloth. I'll be traversing the North Woods by pack and paddle, and expect a workout.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:08 AM
Labels: central park, cycling, gravity, north woods
Sunday, June 10, 2007
2 runs in 2 days and a challenge
Hi all,
Saturday, gorgeous day and my daughter wanted to go with me on her bike. Initially I said no, but what the heck, I tried it and it was great. There was not a ton of conversation - at least from the tired old man running next to her, but family time is family time and she was happy as a clam. Time: 26:07 distance no idea.
Sunday. After a wonderful day at the Paw Sox Game (highly recommended by the way, so cheap and so much fun) with perfect weather and tons of hits for the kids to get excited about, I took a run with the family riding bikes and the little one in a cart attached to the wife's bike. A little bit longer this time and total time was 28:30. Felt decent, but legs are sore and I just feel out of shape. When we had our first child, I said no more to weight gain and slothing around and really hit the running circuit. I lost close to 20 pounds and I felt great. Once the other ones hit, it was like no time. The hell with that. I just have to stay motivated.
Anyone want to have a contest? Percentage of weight lost in a certain time wins. The prize: Nike plus running kit and an Ipod Nano (if you already have one then how about 2 pairs of new running shoes). If a bunch are in, then the ones who do not win have to pay for the prize.
What do you think?
Posted by
10:25 PM
Friday, June 8, 2007
First run since the marathon, and man did I feel sluggish. Probably didn't help that there's probably 90% humidity up here right now. The legs were dead, but I'm glad I got back out there.
Now, if I could just get this one issue under control in the next 7 minutes I'll be all set. You see, it's 12:53 pm now, and I have my annual review at 1:00. I went for a 30 minute run at noon, showered, and now I'm sitting at my desk sweating. Think Nixon at the Kennedy debate sweating. Not good. I'm slugging cold water and just bought an ice cream chocolate chip cookie sandwich from the vending machine to cool down. I think it's working, but will the sweat dry in time? 6 minutes and counting....
I'm entertaining myself right now. Must be latent stress. Oops, there goes my Outlook reminder. 5 minutes now!
Later boys. Have a great weekend.
Posted by
VT Runner
12:51 PM
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Old School
Two laps around Central Park.
Time: 46.50
Distance: 12.35
Mx Speed: 24.8 mph
Av Speed: 15.8 mph
Mx HR: 174 bpm
Av HR: 144 bpm
Caolories burned: 746
I cut this one short tonight because I was low on air, and the front of the bike got all mushy whenever I stood up to put on a little speed. But a better evening for a spin in the park I've never seen.
Sorry, but I don't have any more to say. I'm listening to Public Enemy, and I can't do anything else right now.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
7:56 PM
Relax. Run.
Time: 26:37
Avg HR: 153
Peak HR: 176
Distance: 3.3
Start Time: 6:54 AM
Training Effect: 3.8
Temp: high-50s
Date: 6/6/07
Today was a gorgeous morning, and based on how it's clouded up since my run I'd say that I sucked the marrow out of the best part of the day. strange run. I was really grinding up to the halfway point. Then I worked on just trying to relax. Relax my breathing by taking some deep breaths that started in the diaphragm and trying to really exhale fully as well, I let my arms down a bit, let my arms and flow -- for some reason it felt like i was fighting each step -- and relaxed the muscles in my face, relax my thoughts and think about nothing really . . . things started to flow and parts of the run that often bother me didn't. It was a nice exercise in disassociation.
A little historical note: today is the 63rd anniversary of the Normandy Landings. Take a moment to remember the soldiers who answered the call of duty on that day. It truly was an epic undertaking.
Posted by
1:30 PM
Monday, June 4, 2007
Good Weekend
Time: 27:07
Avg HR: 150
Peak HR: 170
Distance: 3.3
Start Time: 7:23 AM
Training Effect: 3.7
Temp: high-50s
Date: 6/3/07
I went out easy on Sunday. I was feeling pretty stiff from my labors the previous day -- 5 hours weeding the hill on my property, cutting down what dead wood I could safely reach from the ground, lugging brush and barrels of waste around, mulching beds, mowing the lawn (before Mother Nature told me I was done). I was so stiff that I really felt like Sunday should have been an off-day, but I went anyway. I needed to run off some of the party calories that I consumed over the weekend: cousin's HS graduation party, breakfast with my parents, shrimp boil in our backyardon Sunday.
It was an awesome weekend all around.
Posted by
11:03 AM
Friday, June 1, 2007
Back on the Saddle
Gents, I'll make no excuses for my two week disappearance, but pledge to return with regular posts. I haven't been on the bike since the non-Century Ride day, nearly two weeks ago, when I turned two slow laps in Central Park. I am looking for another century to ride this year, but right now am focusing on a 45 mile ride from Lake George to Ticonderoga on Aug 12.
The ride starts in Lake George Village and runs North along the lake on Route 9, over Toungue Mountain, which is 2 miles straight up, then 2 miles straight down. Yikes! The objective is to reach the pier in Ticonderoga by 11:00am, when a ferry with an open bar takes cyclists on a two hour ride back down the lake to your car.
Any of you runners want to haul your bikes over the NY state line, you're welcome to join.
And a quick Amen! for agricola re: the value of yard work. Mrs. FreeArtist and I have been in the yard big on the weekends we've been upstate, since the weather warmed, and it does make one sore.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:41 AM