5.1 miles
41 minutes
Had a good lunch run with a couple of colleagues. This one was just about getting the miles in. Felt good overall with a little tightness in the outer band on my left knee. It was a perfect day for running. Probably 58 degrees, no wind, sun poking through the clouds.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Lunch Run
Posted by
VT Runner
1:39 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Turning Corners
Saturday, April 28
14.2 miles
With a day under 4 weeks until the race, my marathon training is hitting another gear, and I'm feeling good about it. I did my third long run on Saturday, and felt significantly better than I did during the 13 miler last week. It felt like my body took note of the increased mileage and responded. For the first time, I could see myself actually getting into longer distance runs. They are much more of a journey and opportunity for observation (internal and external) than the shorter jaunts.
I'm sure the location of this run also helped my overall performance. We made a 36 hour stop in Hingham for a wedding, and the change of scenery invigorated me. I cruised through old friends' neighborhoods, ran the path I used to walk to elementary school, even ran miles 9-14 with an old friend, who's house I incorporated into the loop.
Now that I'm back in VT, it's all about the schedule again. I have 5, 10 and 5 milers to do this week, and a big 20 miler on Saturday. I've (finally) bought into the program, which takes my lack of motivation or laziness out of the running equation. If it's on the chart, I have to run. I'm actually going out today to get ahead a bit in case the week gets hectic.
Now if I only had this focus for my work....
Posted by
VT Runner
9:00 AM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Contagion or Exhaustion
Time: 31:06
Avg HR: 155
Peak HR: 176
Distance: TBD (~4) miles
Start Time: 7:55 AM
Training Effect: 4.5
Temp: ~40
I'm not sure what's up with me and the spring. Last spring was a health disaster with one sickness after another and this spring is only mildly better. Saturday was my day to hit it but it wasn't happening. I felt like I'd been run over by truck. I'm not sure if it's a cold -- I've been spewing gouts of nasty yellow stuff from my nostrils all week -- or if I was just wiped from my weekend in Chicago and a very full week at work.
I don't know . . .
Anyway, I went out today. Not much to report. I went a little extra distance today, added maybe half a mile or so. It was more painful that I thought, but given yesterday's weirdness I should have expected it. Spring is really a weird time for me. I'm psyched that it's warming up and greening up, but the weather is super variable and it's often not pleasant (today was only in the 50s and drizzly all day). I'm just in a poor mood right now.
Posted by
10:48 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Park
When I bought the bike last fall I was suffused with the romantic notion of rides in Central Park. Truth is, the Park is not a fun ride. Unless it is empty, which happens only before 6:00am, the roller bladers, families of six with double-wide strollers, kids on scooters, and pedestrians who forget that they are crossing a city street, all contribute to make it one of the riskiest rides in the NYC area.
I rounded the corner today on my fifth lap, 32 mile, just less than 1 lap from my goal and feeling strong when WHAM....about 10,000 Walk for Parkinson's suburbanites were like a wall to wall carpet, as far up the road as I could see. I pulled over and watched the other cyclists round the same corner, and use the same profanity, as I had. Some of them tried to wade into the throng, but surface roads took me home.
Dist: 35.57 miles
Time: 2.35.31 hrs (including the 15 miutes or so I stood gaping at the walkers.)
Mx Speed: 26.3 mph
Av Speed: 13.7 mph
Have the heart monitor now, but still figger'n it out. Mx heart rate was around 176, on the great hill.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:02 PM
Labels: central park, cycling, distance training
Thursday, April 26, 2007
It's amazing what a schedule and a goal will do for you. I'm staring at 26.2 in 4.5 weeks with a week of vacation ending the day before the race. Between now and the start of vacation, I have to run about 110 miles according to my schedule. Now that I'm on countdown, I am fully bought in to the program. I am determined to 1. relax at the beach and drink my fair share of beer on vacation, and 2. still be prepared for the marathon.
What does that mean when you work and have two kids? Today it meant doing 3.1 at lunch and 3.1 after work to get in my scheduled 6 for the day. Overall it means that I have a supportive wife who takes both kids on for extra duty while I'm out running. The spousal support merits its own post, so you'll see more on that from me later.
Later boys.
Posted by
VT Runner
5:39 PM
3.1 in the sun
I just got in from a 3.1 mile lunchtime run with a colleague. After running solo for the past couple of weeks, it was good to have a partner. We ran a solid pace, and I never really thought about running. Because of the conversation, my legs just pulled me along like they were on auto-pilot. It was a welcome change from some of the grinding runs I've had lately. The fact that it was a perfect running day (about 65 degrees, no wind, no clouds) also helped.
Posted by
VT Runner
1:33 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Gorgeous Morning
Time: 27:02
Avg HR: 156
Peak HR: 178
Distance: 3.3 miles
Start Time: 7:06 AM
Training Effect: 4.3
Temp: 40ish
And the water shone like diamonds in the dew.
-- Neil Young, "Thrasher"
I was not feeling it this morning when I headed out -- congested, hacking and suffering a little headache . . . I then went out and ran my fastest time yet on my 3.3 mile course. Running is like that -- sometimes you eat the miles, sometimes they eat you.
Everything was dew covered this morning, and it was really lovely. Lots of lawns were silver-green and water droplets on branches blazed in the sun. The words I quoted above kept echoing in my brain as I ran. I spent a lot of time on the run trying to remember the words to "Thrasher" -- I did pretty good -- which is one of the finest tunes ever written, in my opinion. Good run.
The data on my Chicago run:
Time: 40:59
Avg HR: 160
Peak HR: 173
Distance: 4.8 miles
Start Time: 7:46 AM
Training Effect: 5.0
Temp: 50s
Posted by
9:35 AM
Labels: Agricola, April, Neil young, Running
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
This appears to be one of the last spots for Nike Running Shoes to come out of the Wieden & Kennedy (that shop is based in Portland, OR but this ad comes out of their Amsterdam office). Crispin was just awarded the contract and I'm curious to see what they do with it. I wonder if their willfully weird and ironic style will resonate with the runner. The Nike/Wieden partnership was one of the longest running and I think most influential marketing relationships ever. They really caught the essence of sports -- esp. running.
Posted by
1:10 PM
Labels: Agricola, info share, media
Nice weather as I began my leisurely jog yesterday morning at 6:15. I am not a big fan of morning runs as my body is not quite awake and the body's blood is still reaching parts of my body, particularly the legs, that have lain still for close to 6 hours. 25 minute run and my HR was 160. Not bad and I felt decent. Followed the run up with a little rock climbing at 9:30 at night at the local indoor gym. Supposedly it is the third largest climbing facility in the US and my final climb was a 5.7 degree of difficulty. I covered 70 feet in about 20 minutes. Nothing like hanging off a rope suspended in mid-air.
I will see how long this will last for me, but it is a good start. I have rowed on the ergometer with my team, but only in short distances and I can't really count them as workouts over the past two weeks. They have made me realize just how out of shape I am and I am no longer the athlete I once was.
Posted by
8:24 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Perfect run day
Got in a quick 40 minutes after work. It was about 57 degrees, blue sky, no wind. Perfect for running.
Today I realized that I'm finally at the point where I don't want to miss a workout. Sure, I'll take a rest day, but only if it's on the schedule. It feels good to be slightly obsessed.
Posted by
VT Runner
9:59 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Chicago Run
So, you guys have been busy while I've been in the great state if Illinois. Lots of good posts. Firstly, traveling with small children on short jaunts is somewhat exhausting. Yesterday was my day but after rising at 5:45 AM to make it to our flight at O'Hare I had no juice in the tank for yesterday's scheduled trot after getting back to Boston. This morning we all slept until about 8 AM and I missed my window -- which is a bummer because it was perfect weather, but what are you going to do?
That said, I took a great run on Saturday.
It was a beautiful morning and there were loads of runners, bikers, walkers etc., and you really can't beat Lake Michigan as a back drop. It was a lot of fun to run in an urban environment with other people. It took me back to my Brooklyn running days and got me reflecting that much of my running career has been an urban running career. I still recall one of my early forays into running, just after moving to NYC in 1998, and how amazing it was to cover so much ground and see so many things in a brief span. I remember one run where I went from the West Village to E 12 St and 2 Ave and then wound my way back across Manhattan at rush hour -- dodging people and jumping over garbage, it was a blast.
I love to run in the country, don't get me wrong, but I covered nearly 5 miles in 40 minutes and I attribute it to the people who were around. It was great and I think Chicago is great. My brother and his family are moving to Houston in June and I look forward to adding that city to my running locales.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Ran for just over 2 hours today and covered 13.2 miles of mostly dirt roads along what was either the Winooski or Little River (have to look that one up). Anyway, it was a perfect day for a run, and this was a new route for me, which kept it interesting.
The highlight was spotting about 6 common Merganzers (4 male and 2 female) along the way. I only know about this duck because we saw some yesterday up on the lake. About 35 of the birds were frolicking 200 yards off camp. Even at that distance, you could see that it's a pretty bird. It was an unexpected bonus to see them up close today. This picture doesn't do them justice, but it gives you an image for the post.
As for the run, it was a grind. The weather and scenery pulled me through, but 13 miles is tough. And I signed up for 26?
Posted by
VT Runner
6:39 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Red Winged Blackbirds
Start at Crown Point, cross the bridge into Vermont, head towards Middlebury but turn along the bikeway and watch the cows and the lake for about 45 minutes, repeat in reverse.
I fell 2x (more later on that) but stopped counting red winged backbirds at 13. A gorgeous day.
Time: 1.33.02 hrs
Mx: 32.2 mph
Av: 14.1 mph
Dist: 21.95 mi
Cardio data should come online in about two weeks.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
2:02 PM
Labels: cycling, distance training
Friday, April 20, 2007
Blue skies
50 minutes
6.3 miles
Felt tight, fast, slow, effortless, grinding at various points throughout the run. Couldn't get into any real rhythm during the run.
Still, it was a gorgeous day. Man, does it feel good to see the sun.
This was my first run of the year in shorts.
Posted by
VT Runner
2:48 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Bands on the Run
Having avoided regular, organized exercise for most of my adult life, my cycling venture is bringing me close to many issues I've been able to avoid. Like dealing with regularly with pain. It appears that I suffer a bio-mechanical problem....I pedal bow-legged, which strains my IT Bands, particularly on the right side. Inflamed bands make staircases and lateral motion difficult and painful. So I've researched stretches specific to bands and am careful to warm up and wind down. But the trainer has become particularly important for this reason. The lack of landscape and shifting topography allows me to use trainer time for improving pedaling form: knees in, flex the foot on the down pedal. It's made a great difference.
I spent a few thousand reward points on a heart rate monitor and am anticipating its arrival shortly, so I'm looking forward to gaining greater insight into my physiology and performance.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:47 AM
Labels: cycling, distance training, IT bands
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Make it mean something
It was a gorgeous day, and I would have felt really bad if I blew off the run. Luckily, I squeezed one in right after work, thanks to my wife's simple question, "what about your run?" when I called to say I was on my way home. I definitely would've ditched if not for that support. Anyway, it was 5K in 24 minutes -- a good, fast pace for me.
About half way through the run, I found myself saying/thinking, "make it mean something" to keep me going at my stepped up pace. Since I have a marathon coming up in 6 weeks, I know that piling on more 3 milers isn't going to get the job done. That I couldn't run further today was purely a function of time, or more accurately a lack of time because I had to get home to see the kids before bed time. So rather than just cruise through the run, I turned it into a "speed" workout. It felt good, and mixed up what is getting to be a fairly boring route.
I have to acknowledge that simply getting out there on a regular basis "means something." It was a nice feeling, though, to have something from within pushing me just a little bit harder today.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:02 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Patriots Day
Time: 28:18
Avg HR: 153
Peak HR: 173
3.3 miles
7:03 AM start
Training Effect: 4.2
Temp: 34
“What a glorious morning this is!” —Samuel Adams to John Hancock at the Battle of Lexington, Massachusetts, 19 April 1775
Historically, this is a glorious day in American History. Contemporaneously it was cold and drizzling. I worked today to limit my pace and go out a bit slower. I added 25 seconds onto the run and it was a more comfortable process -- I also ate better yesterday and I think that helped. We're heading to Chicago tomorrow for my niece's Christening so look for a Windy City post.
Posted by
12:16 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I started late so only rode for thirty minutes tonight, all on the trainer, standing still in my living room. I comfortably spin between 16 and 18 mph most nights, so that's roughly 8.5 miles, I didn't bother to check the computer. I don't have a heart rate monitor yet, so that's all I can say about it.
There isn't a lot to look at when you train at home. During my first few outdoor rides of the year last week it was remarkable how much more quickly time passes with the changing landscape. Finding the proper living room diversion has become a small obsession of mine.
Reading is out of the question. I am on my road bike, on a trainer, there is no gym-style-stationary-bike-shelf-for-your-magazine thing. I've tried the iPod, and while it spares my sanity on long flights it just doesn't do the job on long rides. I don't have the proper patience to build a kick ass playlist, and when Zep's The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair downshifts to Annie's Song (that's John Denver, fellas) it's tough to keep your dick up.
So I've come to define what works on television. Nothing too cerebral or hard to follow (I'm short Syriana), nothing too talk-oriented (tried Barefoot in the Park once. Short that.). The right show needs a little action, a jaunty tone, and a good story, enough narrative force to pull you along without drowning you. Right now that's CSI. Back to back reruns from 7 to midnight on Spike TV. Beauty.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
10:04 PM
Quick one
I have to say that two recent posts -- one from Agricola who braved the raw, wet weather to get in a run, and the other from FreeArtist, who's getting ready to spin for hours on end in his living room -- inspired me to quit with the excuses and get back out on the road for a run. So, after work I went for a quicky, and it felt great. It was about 3.1 miles, 25 minutes or so. My legs felt fresh from a combination (I think) of time off the roads and cross-training via the snowboard.
I have one funny story from the run. At one point on this particular route, I transition from the road to a bike path via a set of stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs today, a runner buzzed by me. There was enough space that I could have cut out in front of him, but he was going at such a clip that I paused for a second, let him pass and fell into my pace behind him. He pulled ahead but stayed in site, which was fine. We went our separate ways about a mile later as I cut back to the road to make my final push back to the office and he continued on the path. Now here's the funny part. As I approached my final turn that would take me the last quarter mile of my run, I saw the runner who cruised by me earlier approaching from the opposite direction. While I honestly didn't care that he left me in his dust once, I absolutely was not going to get beaten twice in the same three miles. I literally thought (and might have actually said), "No way this joker's beating me twice!" I never met the guys' eye and never looked over my shoulder to see if he made the turn behind me. I just kicked up my speed a notch or two. A few strides in, I heard him approaching and stepped it up even higher. Ten yards later, I convinced myself that he was probably catching me, and I kicked it up yet again. By the time I reached my stopping point, I was at a full on near-sprint-but-trying-not-to-look-like-I'm-really-trying-that-hard pace, and I was very pleased to have won my own personal race. Only then did I casually turn and glance over my shoulder, only to see an empty road. He never even made the turn.
Anyone who claims that running is primarily a physical event has it all wrong. This sport/activity all happens above the shoulders. Play the right mind games and you'll push yourself harder, run longer, and feel better for it.
The joker on my run today has no idea that he was schooled today on the "course", but I know it and I feel that much better for duping myself into believing he wanted the win as much as I did.
What games do you guys play to keep it interesting?
Posted by
VT Runner
8:54 PM
Labels: vt runner; marathon training
Damp, All Around
Before I get into the trivialities of my running post I'd like to take a moment to express my condolences to the families of the people murdered at Virginia Tech and to remember the victims -- you were in my thoughts this morning as I pounded the pavement.
Time: 27:53
Avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 176
3.3 miles
7:01 AM start
Training Effect: 4.4
Temp: 30
So, I'm sure when it's steaming hot up here in Mass. this summer I'll long for cooler temperatures, but I must say I'm looking forward to warm weather running because today was pretty nasty -- damp, gray and cold with a steady mist and a stiff breeze. All in all though, the problems were trivial and the run went off without a hitch, though it was harder than I wanted it to be.
Yesterday was sort of a dietary disaster for me -- my comments about changing my diet not-withstanding, yesterday was an anomaly -- and I think that impacted this morning because i was not running on the right fuel. Another thing that impacted getting out of the house was that I packed my gear when it was still damp from my Cape runs and when I put it on everything was cool and damp . . . I needed to go find some other gear. Stinky I can deal with, damp and cool, no thanks.
Congrats to the runners of the Boston Marathon -- who ran in sub-optimal conditions.
Welcome to FreeArtist who joins this blog as he trains for a cycling century.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Monday, April 16, 2007
Hello, all. I join this blog as a cyclist preparing for the Montauk Century on May 20, a big ride to the tip of Long Island and the first organized athletic event I got off the couch for since being named "player with the most heart" on my grammar school JV basketball team. My family spent this past week in the Champlain Valley and amid piles of melting snow and bewteen Nor'Easters I logged several 25+ mile rides before returning to the city and the trainer in my living room, which is an enthusiasm killer. Regrettably I am pressed for time here so more stories and statistics to come from my new world of amateur cycling.
Posted by
Steve DiMattia
9:54 PM
No running for me last week, but I did get a wicked quad workout from riding on Friday and Saturday. Friday brought a foot of fresh powder, which means an 11am start of the work day in these parts. We hit the woods, which was incredibly fun, even with snow that was a bit heavier than earlier in the season. After four runs, my quads were shaking from fatique. It felt good.
I hit the slopes again on Saturday for some faster runs. They should have been easier on the legs, but I was still a little worked from the day before. Now, two days later I'm ready to get back on the running thing. If only the weather will cooperate.
Posted by
VT Runner
4:25 PM
Labels: Marathon training, vt runner
Time: ~34:00
avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 178
4 miles
7:29 AM start
April 15, 2007
Training Effect: 4.7
Temp: high 30s
I got another nice run in on Cape Cod on Sunday just in advance of the Nor' Easter that's currently whipping us. Nothing remarkable to report except that the wind was really picking up throughout the whole run and I finished as the rain started to fall in earnest. Perfect timing!
Posted by
10:30 AM
Friday Trot
Time: 27:34
avg HR: 151
Peak HR: 167
3.2 miles
6:59 PM start
April 13, 2007
Training Effect: 4.0
Temp: low 40s
Took a really nice, easy run on Cape Cod on Friday evening. The light was beautiful and golden and the sky was super blue towards the end of the day. I ran by Bass River and it was cerulean. There were loads of Grackles and Red Winged Blackbirds in the marshes along my route and they were calling out the whole time. It was a great run.
Posted by
9:57 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Outrun The Taxman
I know this is a little bit short notice, but this weekend VT Runner and I, and our families, are going to be on Cape Cod. It might be fun to get a Long Distance Training Blog run going mid-Cape on Saturday or Sunday. The one thing I need to caveat is that Sunday may be rough if Saturday night goes the way I hope it does, and it often does, when the fams get together -- so Saturday may be a better day for fitness. We're thinking about doing an hour run, sometime in the afternoon. Let me know if you're interested via email or a comment and I'll work to arrange things.
Posted by
1:47 PM
Labels: info share, training
Back, Finally
Time: 28:11
avg HR: 156
Peak HR: 178
3.3 miles
6:59 AM start
Training Effect: 4.2
Temp: 28 F
Phew, finally got back on track and got my butt on the road. Not much to report except to say that 3 runs in 2 weeks is unacceptable and it hurt more today that I would have liked it to -- though, 3 runs in 2 weeks and a feast on Easter Sunday will definitely take their toll. Running, and eating right are absolutely things that must be worked at all the time -- at least for me. I was getting pretty close to licking the lollipop of mediocrity, if you know what I mean, and I really don't want to go back down that road.
Speaking of mediocrity, our blogging output and I would imagine our mileage (I'm included in this as well)is decidedly sub-par. It's a dialogue, where are the other voices?
Posted by
1:38 PM
Friday, April 6, 2007
My running has slipped this week, and I'm blaming the snow. We got a foot of the fresh stuff at our place on Wednesday night - Thursday morning, which makes it tough to motivate for running. Luckily, I was able to get in some other winter sports that I'm claiming count towards overall fitness -- and that's really the end goal, right?
Monday was hockey night. No goals, but 90 minutes of chasing the puck around is a hell of a good workout. Thursday I made an impromptu trip down the road to Stowe for a morning of riding with a few colleagues. Again, no running, but 6 runs is good for the legs.
The plan is to get a run in on Sunday. The weather's not looking good, but I posted the plan for "all" (that's you Agricola) to see, so I'll get it in.
Posted by
VT Runner
11:02 AM
Labels: Marathon training, vt runner
Thursday, April 5, 2007
So, today was my day, but I signed up for a networking thing run by my high school -- in last year's Boston Magazine, education edition, they named my HS the home of THE new-Old-Boys network in Boston -- yes, I'm striving to become an Old Boy.
The meeting was at 7 AM, typically the middle of my run. I got all gussied up, headed into Boston on the Pike, spaced at the I-90/I-93 intersection and ended up at Logan. I was so mad that I just turned around, and went home because it wouldn't have been worth it to go at that point -- I was already running a bit late, and the event was only an hour.
The worst of both worlds -- missed my run and my event. New running rule: The run takes precedence over extra-curriculars.
Posted by
9:41 AM
Labels: Agricola, Running Rules
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Time: 28:55
avg HR: 158
Peak HR: 176
3.3 miles
6:55 AM start
Training Effect: 4.3
Temp: 35 F
It was a wet and gray sort of day today, but not bad for running. I tried to stretch out my usual route by running slower. Weirdly, my AVG HR was slightly higher than usual and the overall time of the run was about one minute longer than usual -- it felt comfortable though.
I need new sneakers, the toe in the right shoe is basically worn away and you can see the undersole. I guess I push off harder on my right foot than my left and more towards the front -- that's odd, I think, because my right is not my dominant side.
There was a big bird in a tree along my route that I think was a Northern Flicker, but it was far enough away, and up high enough that I can't say for sure -- though there are a bunch of Northern Flickers in the area. It's call was loud and that's how I noticed him. Thrilling post!
Monday, April 2, 2007
New Ballgame
(title in honor of the Sox opening day)
Got a 53 minute run in yesterday, and it felt great. Probably the best I've felt since I started running again, and I think it has a lot to do with the long runs I put in last week. Before then, I had only run 25 - 30 minutes a pop, and my body stayed at a level to support that. After shocking my system a bit by breaking out of the 5K mold, my body reacted to support the longer routes. My warm up was shorter, and the run was fairly effortless.
Of course, the gorgeous spring weather also could have had a lot to do with my mindset. Whatever the reason, it felt great to be outside, and I encourage our quiet majority of non-bloggers to hit the trail... and write about it.
Go Sox!
Posted by
VT Runner
2:23 PM
Weekend Work
Sunday April 1, 2007
So, on Sunday I took my first run in a week, and the first run of my 36th year. It was six years ago yesterday that I actually started running and I've more or less kept up with it despite some rough times the past couple of years. I didn't operate my watch/HR-monitor correctly so I have no useful data to share except to say that I did my usual shorter run of 3.3 miles somewhere in the 30-sub-30 range. It felt good and I was glad to have finally shaken my cold enough to go for a run. I'm still all congested, and scratchy in the throat, but I sucked it up.
Saturday March 31, 2007
I didn't run on Saturday but I did spend the day thatching my lawn and my Dad's lawn over the course of a very physical 4 hours of power-thatching, raking, lugging barrels and emptying the bed of a pick-up truck. It was a beautiful day to be outside and great weather for manual labor. If you don't think 4 hours of yard work is hard work I invite you over next year to help . . . the lawn needs to be thatched before the forsythia bloom, and, oh yeah, I also spread my first batch of fertilizer this season. Spring is here.